Don't get married just because you fall in love, but get married because you believe that Allah's heaven is closer to him

Don't get married just because you fall in love, but get married because you believe that Allah's heaven is closer to him

Marriage is not about who fast he gets. It's not about prestige, fear of being said it doesn't sell well, Not because of a desire to quickly channel lust. Get married if you can afford it. 
Able to accept your partner as he is. 
Not only in physical form that will change old, But about the feelings that you guarantee later, will be the same as the promise when the contract arrives. Marriage is, you have to be ready when you find an advantage in your partner, and a thousand shortcomings, be grateful for what he has, and hug all his flaws tightly, while improving without demanding more. 

Marriage is not just a promise for a day, but a promise to be loyal to death. Marriage means you have to be ready not to glance at anything anymore. 
Because out there, at that time or later, slowly but surely, there will be many people who don't know themselves, who want you to leave them, with all forms of temptation for the advantages that you don't find in your partner. 

Marriage is, when you have to be ready with all the boredom of dealing with him every day, smelling his body even though you don't take a shower, seeing sleepy eyes when you wake up in the morning, you have to be ready when handsome or beautiful is not eternal. 
You have to be able to overcome your own boredom, without even intending to leave, you can share everything without having to look for it again, if you want to grow old together, you also have to learn together, understand the meaning of life, in the purpose of meeting and being together
Until the end of life...💖

Jangan Menikah hanya karena jatuh cinta , namun menikahlah karena kamu yakin surga Allah lebih dekat bersamanya

Menikah itu bukan tentang siapa Cepat dia dapat. Bukan tentang gengsi takut di bilang tidak laku, Bukan karna kebelet ingin cepat menyalurkan nafsu. Menikah itu jika kau sudah mampu. Mampu menerima pasanganmu apa adanya. Tak hanya dalam bentuk fisik yg nantinya berubah renta, Tapi tentang perasaan yg nantinya kau jamin, akan sama seperti janji saat akad tiba.

Menikah itu, harus siap ketika kau menemukan suatu kelebihan pasanganmu, dan seribu kekurangannya, bersyukur dg yang ada padanya, dan memeluk erat semua kekurangannya, seraya memperbaiki tanpa menuntut lebih. Menikah itu bukan hanya janji sehari, tetapi janji hati setia sampai mati, Menikah itu,berarti kau sudah harus siap tak melirik apapun lagi. Karena di luar sana, saat itu atau nanti, pelan tapi pasti, akan banyak orang orang tak tahu diri, yang menginginkan kau meninggalkannya, dengan segala bentuk godaan atas kelebihan yang tak kau temukan di pasanganmu.

Menikah itu, ketika kau harus siap dengan segala rasa bosan berhadapan dengannya setiap hari, mencium aroma tubuhnya walau tidak mandi, melihat mata ngantuk ya ketika bangun pagi, kau harus siap ketika tampan atau cantiknya tak abadi.
Kau harus bisa mengatasi rasa bosanmu sendiri, tanpa sekalipun berniat pergi, semua bisa kau bagi tanpa harus mencari lagi, jika kau mau menua bersama, kau juga harus belajar bersama, memahami arti sebuah hidup, dalam tujuan pertemuan dan kebersamaan
Sampai akhir hayat nanti...💖

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