Anies Sentil regarding Sea Sand Exports, Touches on Policy Consistency

Anies Sentil regarding Sea Sand Exports, Touches on Policy Consistency

Anies Sentil regarding Sea Sand Exports, Touches on Policy Consistency

Presidential candidate Anies Baswedan commented on the government's policy regarding the export of sea sand. Anies questioned the government's consistency in taking policies to respond to the climate crisis. 

Anies explained that a number of islands were threatened by abrasion or soil erosion by sea water. Decisions should be taken consistently in order to respond to this climate crisis. 

"Front islands are prone to sinking, coastal areas are prone to abrasion. The policies taken are also consistent in how to save it," Anies said virtually at the Net-Zero Summit 2023 event which was held by the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), at the Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Saturday (24/6/2023). 

"But if what emerges is that we allow the export of sand, then the question is how do we make policy consistency to respond to this climate crisis," he continued. 

On that occasion, Anies also questioned the issue of social justice for the people regarding the management of the current climate crisis solution. What is needed now is a solution that favors the people, not just commercial interests. 

"We need the solution to the climate crisis to take sides, not to make it a kind of entry point for various kinds of commercial interests, partial interests. But to present a solution that is felt by the whole community," he explained. 

According to him, the problem and climate crisis is a challenge for all parties. The resulting impact is no joke, including causing abrasion to the sinking of a number of houses due to rising sea levels. 

Anies likened this situation to the story of the sinking of the legendary city of Atlantis. Fortunately, dealing with this, apart from setting a high target of overcoming the climate crisis, it must also be accompanied by proper regulation and execution. 

He said it was the poor who felt the negative impacts of climate change the most. 

"Just the description of hot temperatures, for those who are affluent, enough savings, the heat outside is compensated for by comfortable air conditioning at home. For those whose economy is difficult, who are still pre-prosperous, the heat cannot be compensated for using AC. There is no luxury to eliminate the hot atmosphere inside home," he concluded. 

Anies Sentil soal Ekspor Pasir Laut, Singgung Konsistensi Kebijakan

Calon presiden Anies Baswedan mengomentari kebijakan pemerintah soal ekspor pasir laut. Anies mempertanyakan konsistensi pemerintah dalam mengambil kebijakan merespons krisis iklim.

Anies menjelaskan, sejumlah pulau terancam oleh abrasi atau pengikisan tanah oleh air laut. Harusnya keputusan diambil secara konsisten demi merespon krisis iklim ini.

"Pulau-pulau terdepan rawan tenggelam, daerah pesisir rawan abrasi. Kebijakan yang diambil juga konsisten bagaimana selamatkan itu," kata Anies secara virtual dalam acara Net-Zero Summit 2023 yang diselenggarakan Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), di Djakarta Theater, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (24/6/2023).

"Tapi kalau yang muncul adalah kita mengizinkan ekspor pasir, maka menjadi pertanyaan bagaimana kita buat konsistensi kebijakan untuk merespons krisis iklim ini," lanjutnya.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Anies juga mempertanyakan soal keadilan sosial bagi rakyat terkait pengelolaan solusi krisis iklim saat ini. Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah solusi yang memihak ke rakyat, bukan sekadar kepentingan komersial.

"Kita membutuhkan agar solusi krisis iklim ini adalah juga keberpihakan, bukan malah menjadikan ini semacam pintu masuk berbagai macam kepentingan komersial, kepentingan parsial. Tapi justri menghadirkan solusi yang terasa ke seluruh masyarakat," bebernya.

Menurutnya permasalahan dan krisis iklim menjadi tantangan bagi semua pihak. Dampak yang dihasilkan tidak main-main, termasuk menimbulkan abrasi hingga tenggelamnya sejumlah rumah karena naiknya permukaan air laut.

Anies menganalogikan situasi ini seperti kisah tenggelamnya kota legendaris Atlantis. Untung menghadapi ini, selain memasang target yang tinggi mengatasi krisis iklim, harus juga dibarengi regulasi dan eksekusi tepat.

Ia menyebut masyarakat miskinlah yang paling merasakan dampak negatif dari perubahan iklim.

"Tadi gambaran soal suhu panas saja, bagi mereka yang makmur, tabungan cukup, panasnya di luar dikompensasi dengan AC nyaman di rumah. Bagi yang ekonominya sulit, masih pra sejahtera, panas itu tidak bisa dikompensasi pakai AC. Tak ada kemewahan menghilangkan suasana panas dalam rumah," pungkasnya.

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