By Grimlocker
A world where you have to be up every day, worrying about where to find your next food. You also have that worry now knowing if you even will come home safe or even alive. That's when you realize you are living in a dystopia, so isolated from the outside world that seems to be doing so well.
No water, no resources, no food, no electricity. The only thing in that place is anger, famine, and selfishness to survive every ticking second of the day.
Nothing is certain and anything can change at any moment, even your destiny. The fear of waking up to the total collapse of society, a society that still tries to function even if everything is against it.
The pensive sadness in everyone's eyes because they know there won't be any changes for many years from now. Seeing the beauty even with all the despair and destruction.
The crows, corpses, and leftovers of huge corporation buildings from what used to be a thriving community. The loneliness, and solitude of empty constructions full of veins and graffitis after being abandoned for so long.
That's when you realize the beauty of birds flying away free, children playing barefoot and dirty around the abandoned city, or people just smiling and greeting you in a 12-hour-long line for some medication or food.
Please be kind, be kind to everybody. Because you don't know who is the real survivor, where they come from, and what they have seen.
Just remember, we are all survivors of our own collapses.
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