The Governor of Lampung was happy when Jokowi said he would take over road repairs

The Governor of Lampung was happy when Jokowi said he would take over road repairs

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that some roads that had been damaged in Lampung for years would be repaired by the central government. Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi laughed and clapped his hands. 

Initially, Jokowi conveyed that his working visit to Lampung was his enthusiasm for repairing damaged roads. Because the road he visited had long been damaged, Jokowi said repairs would be taken over by the central government. 

"Look, the spirit is that we want to repair the roads that we saw just now, both regency and provincial roads, both city roads which were badly damaged. And the public must know, there is responsibility for national roads with the central government, provincial roads with the governor, district roads with the regents/mayors," Jokowi said after inspecting the damaged roads in Lampung, as seen on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube channel, Saturday (6/ 5/2023). 

"But this is because it has been a long time, so it will be taken over by the central government," he continued. 

The people who were there were heard cheering. Arinal, who was also at the location, was seen laughing while clapping his hands. 

Jokowi then said that the funds disbursed by the central government for road repairs amounted to Rp 800 billion. There are 15 roads in Lampung that will be repaired by the central government. 

"This year the central government, specifically for Lampung, will disburse a budget of approximately Rp. 800 billion for 15 road sections, including this one," he said. 

People then give thanks. Arinal was also seen laughing and giving thanks. 

"Thank God," said Arinal. 

Furthermore, Jokowi said that repairs to the damaged road would begin next June. Jokowi asked Arinal and his staff to take responsibility for a number of damaged roads to be repaired immediately. 

"Construction will start repairs in June because it has to be auctioned first. As soon as I saw earlier, I ordered the Minister of Public Works to auction, but later there will also be several sections that will be the responsibility of the governor, ladies and gentlemen regents here, not all of the central government," he added

On Friday (5/5), Jokowi inspected road conditions in Lampung. The first road segment that Jokowi reviewed in Lampung was Ryacudu Canal Road, South Lampung Regency. 

The Ryacudu Canal Road looks unpaved and has many holes on various sides. Some of the holes even look flooded with brown water. 

The sedan in which Jokowi was traveling zigzagged across the bumpy streets. The car was seen turning right and left to avoid the potholes in the road. 

Senangnya Gubernur Lampung Saat Jokowi Bilang Ambil Alih Perbaikan Jalan

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menyampaikan sebagian jalan yang sudah bertahun-tahun rusak di Lampung akan diperbaiki oleh pemerintah pusat. Gubernur Lampung Arinal Djunaidi tertawa dan bertepuk tangan.

Awalnya, Jokowi menyampaikan kunjungan kerjanya ke Lampung merupakan semangat untuk perbaikan jalan rusak. Karena jalan yang dikunjungi sudah lama rusak, Jokowi mengatakan perbaikan akan diambil alih pemerintah pusat.

"Begini, semangatnya adalah kita ingin memperbaiki, jalan-jalan yang kita lihat baru saja tadi, baik jalan kabupaten, provinsi, baik jalan kota yang rusak parah. Dan masyarakat harus tahu, ada tanggung jawab jalan nasional di pemerintah pusat, jalan provinsi di gubernur, jalan kabupaten itu di bupati/wali kota," kata Jokowi setelah meninjau jalan rusak di Lampung, seperti dilihat di kanal YouTube Sekretariat Presiden, Sabtu (6/5/2023).

"Tapi ini karena memang sudah lama, ya akan diambil alih oleh pemerintah pusat," lanjutnya.

Masyarakat yang berada di lokasi terdengar bersorak sorai. Arinal, yang juga ada di lokasi, terlihat tertawa sembari menepukkan kedua tangannya.

Jokowi kemudian menyampaikan dana yang digelontorkan pemerintah pusat untuk perbaikan jalan itu sebesar Rp 800 miliar. Ada 15 ruas jalan di Lampung yang akan diperbaiki pemerintah pusat.

"Tahun ini pemerintah pusat, khusus untuk Lampung, akan mengucurkan anggaran kurang lebih Rp 800 miliar untuk 15 ruas jalan, termasuk ini," ujarnya.

Masyarakat kemudian mengucap syukur. Arinal juga terlihat tertawa dan ikut mengucap syukur.

"Alhamdulillah," kata Arinal.

Lebih lanjut, Jokowi menyebut perbaikan jalan rusak itu akan dimulai Juni mendatang. Jokowi meminta Arinal dan jajarannya untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap sejumlah jalan lain yang rusak agar segera diperbaiki.

"Akan dimulai pembangunannya perbaikannya bulan Juni karena harus lelang dulu. begitu saya lihat tadi, saya perintahkan Pak Menteri PU untuk lelang, tapi juga nanti ada beberapa ruas yang jadi tanggung jawab pak gubernur, bapak ibu bupati di sini jangan semua pemerintah pusat," imbuhnya

Pada Jumat (5/5), Jokowi meninjau kondisi jalan di Lampung. Ruas jalan pertama yang ditinjau Jokowi di Lampung ialah Jalan Terusan Ryacudu, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan.

Jalan Terusan Ryacudu tampak tidak beraspal dan banyak lubang di berbagai sisinya. Beberapa lubang bahkan terlihat digenangi air berwarna cokelat.

Mobil sedan yang ditumpangi Jokowi itu melaju secara zigzag melintasi jalanan yang bergelombang. Mobil terlihat belok ke kanan dan ke kiri untuk menghindari lubang-lubang di jalanan.

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