JK Calls Toll Roads Not Built Government, Investors and Private Companies
The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Muhammad Jusuf Kalla (JK) said that the construction of toll roads that the government has been proud of so far, was not built by the government.
The paid road, according to him, was built by investors and the private sector. Therefore, the senior Golkar Party politician asked the government to focus on building free roads.
"So don't forget that the toll road budget is not made by the government, don't forget, it's by private investors," said JK when met at Paramadina University, Cipayung Campus, Tuesday (23/5/2023).
"So the government should continue to focus on non-paid roads, why (can) be so damaged according to (data) BPS (Central Statistics Agency)," he continued.
JK added, there needs to be a balance in the development of road infrastructure in Indonesia, both free-of-charge roads and freeways.
In addition, he requested that the construction of paid toll roads must pay attention to road access that can be enjoyed by all citizens without having to pay more.
"Those who can pay, both those for the community can all walk. For the community," he added.
However, said JK, his statement did not mean he disagreed with the construction of paid toll roads.
"I said I don't agree with toll roads, that's not true. I said we have more toll roads but balance them with normal roads, don't forget toll roads that are built on ordinary roads," concluded JK.
Previously, JK alluded to the viral roads in Lampung because they were damaged, but on the other hand the government is proud of the construction of paid toll roads.
He conveyed this in a speech on the 21st Anniversary of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday (20/5/2023).
"Recently it went viral, why the roads in Lampung and also in Makassar were damaged. On the other hand, we are also proud that the government, when I was the government, was able to build thousands (kilometers) of toll roads," said JK.
"Toll roads are important so that there are no traffic jams, toll roads are very important. But 170,000 roads are damaged in Indonesia, that's BPS data," he said.
The lack of free road construction and repairs in the government during the Jokowi era gave rise to the notion that only wealthy people could pass on smooth roads.
"But the people's roads, for farmers, small traders by anyone damaged and not repaired. That's injustice for the people," said JK.
JK Sebut Jalan Tol Bukan Dibangun Pemerintah, tapi Investor dan Swasta
Wakil Presiden Ke-10 dan 12 Republik Indonesia Muhammad Jusuf Kalla (JK) menyebut, jalan tol yang selama ini dibanggakan pemerintah pembangunannya, bukan dibangun oleh pemerintah.
Jalan berbayar itu, menurutnya, dibangun oleh investor dan swasta. Oleh karena itu, politikus senior Partai Golkar tersebut meminta pemerintah fokus untuk membangun jalan tak berbayar.
"Jadi anggaran itu jangan lupa jalan tol bukan pemerintah yang buat, jangan lupa ya, itu oleh investor oleh swasta," ujar JK saat ditemui di Universitas Paramadina Kampus Cipayung, Selasa (23/5/2023).
"Jadi mestinya pemerintah tetap fokus ke jalan-jalan non berbayar, kenapa (bisa) rusak begitu besar menurut (data) BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik)," sambung dia.
JK menambahkan, perlu ada keseimbangan di dalam pembangunan infrastruktur jalan di Indonesia, baik itu jalan tidak berbayar maupun jalan bebas hambatan.
Selain itu, ia meminta agar pembangunan jalan tol berbayar harus memperhatikan akses jalan yang bisa dinikmati seluruh warga tanpa harus membayar lebih.
"Baik yang bisa bayar, baik yang untuk masyarakat semua bisa jalan. Untuk masyarakat," imbuh dia.
Namun, kata JK, pernyataannya itu bukan berarti tidak setuju terhadap pembangunan jalan tol berbayar.
"Saya dibilang enggak setuju jalan tol, enggak benar. Saya bilang kan kita punya tol lebih banyak tetapi seimbangkan dengan jalan biasa, jangan tol dibangun jalan biasa terlupakan," pungkas JK.
Sebelumnya, JK menyinggung jalan di Lampung yang viral karena rusak, tapi di sisi lain pemerintah membanggakan pembangunan jalan tol berbayar.
Hal itu dia sampaikan dalam pidato Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Ke-21 Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) di Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Sabtu (20/5/2023).
"Baru-baru ini viral kenapa jalan di Lampung dan juga di Makassar rusak. Di lain pihak kita juga bangga bahwa pemerintah juga waktu saya pemerintah, mampu membangun ribuan (kilometer) jalan tol," ucap JK.
"Tol itu penting agar tidak macet, penting sekali jalan tol. Tetapi 170.000 jalan rusak di Indonesia, itu data BPS," kata dia.
Minimnya pembangunan dan perbaikan jalan gratis di pemerintah di era Jokowi memunculkan anggapan hanya orang mampu yang bisa lewat jalanan mulus.
"Tapi jalan rakyat, untuk petani, pedagang kecil oleh siapapun rusak tidak diperbaiki. Itu ketidakadilan untuk rakyat," ucap JK.