Here's Jokowi's Response to Anies Baswedan's Criticism about Electric Cars

Here's Jokowi's Response to Anies Baswedan's Criticism about Electric Cars

Here's Jokowi's Response to Anies Baswedan's Criticism about Electric Cars

President Joko Widodo only smiled and raised his hands in response to journalists' questions asking him to respond to Anies Baswedan's criticism of the electric car program. 

This moment was seen when a journalist asked for a response from the Head of State when Anies Baswedan was later elected president and did not continue the program. 

"Yesterday, Pak Anies attacked the electric car subsidy program that you launched. Are you worried that Pak Anies will not continue your program going forward?" journalists asked President Jokowi during an interview at Istora Senayan, Gelora Bung Karno Complex (GBK) Jakarta, Sunday (14/5/2023). 

Hearing this, Jokowi seemed to just smile as he raised both hands and turned around. 

"Thank you," he said goodbye to the media crew. 

Former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan assessed that the electric car subsidy policy was not appropriate for dealing with environmental problems. 

This was conveyed by Anies while delivering a political speech at the Indonesian Mandate volunteer activity at the Senayan Indoor Tennis Stadium, Jakarta, Sunday (7/5/2023). 

"We are facing environmental challenges. That is a reality for us. The solution to facing environmental problems, especially the issue of air pollution, does not lie in subsidies for electric cars where electric car owners are those who do not need subsidies," he said. 

This is because according to Anies, the per capita carbon emission per kilometer of electric cars is higher than that of oil-fueled (BBM) buses. 

"Why can this happen? Because buses carry many people, while cars carry few people," said Anies. 

Begini Respons Jokowi Tanggapi Kritik Anies Baswedan soal Mobil Listrik

Presiden Joko Widodo hanya tersenyum dan mengangkat kedua tangannya saat merespons pertanyaan wartawan yang memintanya menanggapi kritik dari Anies Baswedan soal program mobil listrik.

Momen itu terlihat ketika seorang wartawan meminta respons Kepala Negara manakala Anies Baswedan nantinya terpilih menjadi presiden dan tidak melanjutkan program tersebut.

"Kemarin Pak Anies menyerang program subsidi mobil listrik yang bapak luncurkan. Apakah bapak khawatir Pak Anies tidak melanjutkan program bapak ke depan?" tanya wartawan kepada Presiden Jokowi saat wawancara di Istora Senayan, Kompleks Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Jakarta, Minggu (14/5/2023). 

Mendengar hal itu, Jokowi terlihat hanya tersenyum sambil mengangkat kedua tangan dan berbalik arah.

"Terima kasih ya," seraya pamit kepada awak media.

Mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan menilai, kebijakan subsidi mobil listrik kurang tepat untuk menghadapi persoalan lingkungan hidup.

Hal itu disampaikan Anies saat menyampaikan pidato politik dalam kegiatan relawan Amanat Indonesia di Stadion Tenis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Minggu (7/5/2023).

"Kita menghadapi tantangan lingkungan hidup. Itu kenyataan bagi kita. Solusi menghadapi masalah lingkungan hidup, apalagi soal polusi udara, bukanlah terletak di dalam subsidi untuk mobil listrik yang pemilik-pemilik mobil listriknya adalah mereka yang tidak membutuhkan subsidi," kata dia.

Sebab menurut Anies, emisi karbon mobil listrik per kapita per kilometer lebih tinggi dari emisi karbon bus berbahan bakar minyak (BBM).

"Kenapa itu bisa terjadi? Karena bus memuat orang banyak, sedangkan mobil memuat orang sedikit," ucap Anies.

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