Gerindra: Cak Imin is very worthy to be Prabowo's vice presidential candidate
Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani assessed that PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin was very suitable to become Prabowo Subianto's vice presidential candidate. Muzani said this was in accordance with the collaboration points of Gerindra and PKB.
"From the agreement (coalition), I think it's true, in the sense that Pak Muhaimin is very suitable to be Pak Prabowo's Vice Presidential Candidate, because PKB is the only party that is now willing to work with Gerindra in terms of presidential nomination," Muzani said at the office KPU, Menteng, JakartaCenter, Saturday (13/5/2023).
Muzani said that in the coalition agreement between Gerindra and PKB, it was stated that if PKB supported Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate, then Cak Imin would be suitable as his cawapres.
"If PKB supports Pak Prabowo as a presidential candidate, I think if then PKB expects Pak Muhaimin to become its vice president, I think it is appropriate," he said.
Even so, Muzani said the discussion for the cawapres was still being discussed by Gerindra and PKB. He emphasized that currently the Great Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR) is still continuing to enlarge the coalition.
"The coalition is still being discussed with PKB, because in our discussions with PKB, the Gerindra PKB coalition could be enlarged and added to the party. If the coalition has been formed and is final, then it will be discussed jointly about the cawapres," he said.
"However, Gerindra-PKB agreed that the presidential and vice presidential candidates would be discussed with Pak Prabowo and Muhaimin," he continued.
PKB chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin previously said he would not contest the 2024 legislative election (Pileg). Cak Imin said this was because the ulema prepared him to become Prabowo Subianto's vice presidential candidate.
"Muhaimin Iskandar did not run. I was ordered by the clerics, the Shura Council, the Ijtima Ulama not to run for election because they were prepared to run for president," said Cak Imin at the Indonesian KPU office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Saturday (13/5/2023).
When asked whether he is running for presidential or vice presidential candidates, Cak Imin said if not presidential candidates, then vice presidential candidates. Most importantly, Cak Imin said not as a Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres).
"President or vice president. If not the presidential candidate, then the cawapres, what's important is not the Wantimpres," he said.
However, Cak Imin himself admitted that he did not want to speculate too much about Prabowo's cawapres. He emphasized sticking to the orders of the PKB and the clergy.
"Yes, the point is we remain firm in PKB's decision. I was ordered by PKB and the clerics to continue running as a presidential or cawapres candidate. There will be no revisions unless there is a congress later," he said.
Gerindra: Cak Imin Sangat Layak Jadi Cawapres Prabowo
Sekjen Partai Gerindra Ahmad Muzani menilai Ketua Umum PKB Muhaimin Iskandar atau Cak Imin sangat layak menjadi Cawapres Prabowo Subianto. Muzani mengatakan hal itu sesuai dengan poin kerjasama Gerindra dan PKB.
"Dari perjanjian (koalisi), itu saya kira benar, dalam arti Pak Muhaimin sangat layak untuk menjadi Calon Wakil Presidennya Pak Prabowo, karena PKB adalah satu-satunya partai yang sekarang mau bekerja sama dengan Gerindra dalam hal pencalonan presiden," ujar Muzani di kantor KPU, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (13/5/2023).
Muzani mengatakan dalam perjanjian koalisi antara Gerindra dan PKB, disebutkan jika PKB mendukung Prabowo Subianto maju sebagai capres, maka Cak Imin menjadi pantas untuk cawapresnya.
"Jika PKB mendukung Pak Prabowo sebagai calon presiden, saya kira jika kemudian PKB mengharapkan Pak Muhaimin menjadi wakil presidennya saya kira sesuatu yang pantas," ucap dia.
Meski begitu, Muzani mengatakan pembahasan cawapres masih terus didiskusikan oleh Gerindra dan PKB. Dia menekankan saat ini Koalisi Kebangkitan Indonesia Raya (KKIR) masih terus memperbesar koalisi.
"Koalisi masih terus dibicarakan bersama dengan PKB, karena dalam diskusi kami dengan PKB, koalisi Gerindra PKB kalau bisa diperbesar dan ditambah partainya. Jika koalisi sudah terbentuk dan final, maka nanti akan dibicarakan bersama-sama tentang cawapres," katanya.
"Namun demikian Gerindra-PKB sepakat capres dan cawapres akan dibicarakan bersama Pak Prabowo dan Muhaimin," sambungnya.
Ketua Umum PKB Muhaimin Iskandar atau Cak Imin sebelumnya mengatakan tidak akan maju dalam kontestasi pemilihan legislatif (Pileg) 2024. Cak Imin mengatakan hal itu lantaran dirinya dipersiapkan oleh para ulama untuk menjadi Cawapres Prabowo Subianto.
"Muhaimin Iskandar nggak nyalon. Saya diperintah oleh para kiai, Dewan Syura, Ijtima Ulama untuk tidak boleh nyaleg karena dipersiapkan untuk nyalon presiden," ujar Cak Imin di kantor KPU RI, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (13/5/2023).
Ketika ditanya apakah maju capres atau cawapres, Cak Imin mengatakan jika tidak capres, maka cawapres. Yang terpenting, Cak Imin berkata bukan sebagai Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden (Wantimpres).
"Presiden atau wapres. Kalau tidak capres, ya cawapres, yang penting bukan wantimpres," katanya.
Namun, Cak Imin sendiri mengaku tidak ingin berandai-andai terlalu jauh mengenai cawapres Prabowo. Dia menekankan tetap berpegang teguh pada perintah PKB dan para ulama.
"Ya intinya kita tetap teguh ke keputusan PKB. Saya diperintah oleh PKB dan para kiai untuk terus maju sebagai calon presiden atau cawapres, tidak akan ada revisi kecuali nanti ada muktamar," ungkapnya.