Democrats: If it's true that the presidential election is not neutral, Jokowi is again calling for war

Democrats: If it's true that the presidential election is not neutral, Jokowi is again calling for war

The Democratic Party criticized the attitude of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who a few days ago gathered general chairmen of political parties at the State Palace. Democratic Party Deputy Secretary Benny K Harman warned Jokowi if he is not neutral in the 2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections. 

This was conveyed by Benny Harman via his Twitter account @BennyHarmanID. He said Jokowi would declare war if he is not neutral in 2024. 

"If it is true that the President is not neutral in the Presidential and Legislative Elections, let alone making the Presidential Palace the headquarters of certain presidential campaign teams, then President Jokowi is actually declaring war, a universal war against his own people," said Benny in his tweet as seen by, Monday(8/5/2023). Benny has allowed his tweets to be quoted. 

Benny also warned Jokowi to be careful. He emphasized that Jokowi is a symbol of the country, not a symbol of a particular party or class. 

"Be careful Mr. Jokowi, on your chest is attached the national symbol, the symbol of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, not the symbol of the President of a group or the President of a certain group. #RakyatMonitor#," said Benny. 

Benny then explained his intentions further regarding the war as he tweeted. He said Jokowi is against his own people if he supports certain interests. 

"This means that President Jokowi will fight against his own people, he is the president of all Indonesian people, of all groups and groups, of all ethnic groups, of all political parties, not the president of a particular political party, of certain groups and of certain groups," he explained. 

Demokrat: Jika Benar Tak Netral Pilpres, Jokowi Lagi Mengumandangkan Perang

Partai Demokrat mengkritik sikap Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yang beberapa hari lalu mengumpulkan para ketua umum partai politik di Istana Negara. Waketum Partai Demokrat Benny K Harman mewanti-wanti Jokowi jika benar bersikap tidak netral dalam Pilpres dan Pileg 2024.

Hal itu disampaikan Benny Harman lewat akun Twitternya @BennyHarmanID. Dia menyebut Jokowi mengumandangkan perang jika benar bersikap tidak netral di 2024.

"Jika benar Presiden tidak netral dalam Pilpres dan Pileg, apalagi menjadikan Istana Presiden markas tim sukses Capres tertentu, maka Presiden Jokowi sebenarnya lagi mengumandangkan perang, perang semesta melawan rakyatnya sendiri," kata Benny dalam cuitannya seperti dilihat detikcom, Senin (8/5/2023). Benny sudah mengizinkan cuitannya dikutip.

Benny juga mewanti-wanti Jokowi agar berhati-hati bersikap. Dia menegaskan Jokowi merupakan lambang negara, bukan lambag partai atau golongan tertentu.

"Hati-hati Pak Jokowi, di dada bapak melekat lambang negara, lambang Presiden RI, bukan lambang Presiden dari kelompok atau Presiden dari golongan tertentu. #RakyatMonitor#," ujar Benny.

Benny lantas menjelaskan maksudnya lebih jauh terkait perang seperti yang dikicaukannya. Dia mengatakan Jokowi melawan rakyatnya sendiri jika bersikap mendukung kepentingan tertentu.

"Maksudnya Presiden Jokowi akan melawan rakyatnya sendiri, dia itu presiden dari seluruh rakyat Indonesia, dari semua golongan dan kelompok, dari semua suku bangsa, dari semua partai politik, bukan presiden dari parpol tertentu, dari kelompok tertentu dan dari golongan tertentu," jelasnya.

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