Kim Jong Un Crazy! 2-year-old boy from North Korea sentenced to life ILUSRTRASI anak dihukum seumur hidup di Korea Utara --- FOTO: Seorang wanita berkata, "Tidak ada foto," Hamhung, 2011. - Slanted news about North Korea keep being heard. Recently, a 2-year-old toddler had to spend his life in prison due to the mistakes of his parents. The two-year-old boy in North Korea was sentenced to life in prison after officers found a bible that belonged to his parents. This case adds to the lengthy record of the Kim Jong Un regime's persecution of religious adherents. This case is contained in the report International Religious Freedom Report by the US Department of State. According to the report, it was also written that 70,000 Christians were imprisoned in North Korea, reported by the New York Post. Unmitigated people who are found to have a bible will face the death penalty. Portrait of Kim Jong Un and a child in North Korea It didn
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