Why is making money from Google Adsense getting harder and harder?
Several years ago, around the 2000s my income was indeed good enough to add a puff of kitchen smoke from Adsense, sometimes it could be 1 million (understandably at that time I was a jv (joint venture alias using a friend's account), but in the last three years it has been increasingly difficult indeed, if asked why?
Many factors in my opinion, although this is just my personal opinion ok:
1. Google is being bombed by money seekers by fraudulent means, in various ways that are widespread, both those that are freely advertised and those that are only known by some of the blogger community, this is what makes advertisers/advertisers back off regularly to advertise on Adwords so that the Adsense program is getting quieteradvertiser.
2. New rules from Google that prevent me from being free to put adsense ads on any blog or site that I want after there is a review/review system before a site can display ads, it's not uncommon to be rejected back and forth in this review process.
3. There is a fraudulent way of blogging, in the past it was still traditional, for example, until the fingers curled to only write 1000 words every day, now let's not make one 1000 word article, in 10 minutes we can duplicate one person's site or blog so it's ours by methodscrape the article and then make it unique, clone it so that our site looks exactly like the site of the person we want.
4. Everything is done by sophisticated tools that spoil (all you have to do is drink coffee so the machine will work). This is what makes content readers feel confused and dizzy when reading content that they don't understand on a blog because writing is really the work of machines.
5. Many internet users turn to videos when they want to find certain information or tutorials, because videos are more practical and related to the previous point (points for content) as a result, Adsense is backwards and YouTube is advancing.
The last factor is my boredom writing a blog. this is if you want to see my adsense earnings now, really worrying.
Mengapa menghasilkan uang dari Google Adsense semakin sulit dan suram?
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, sekitar tahun 2000-an pendapatan saya memang lumayan buat tambah kepulan asap dapur dari adsense ini, kadang bisa 1 jt (maklum saat itu saya jv (join venture alias pakai nebeng akun teman), namun tiga tahun terakhir rasanya makin susah memang, kalau ditanya apa sebabnya?
Banyak faktor menurut saya, walaupun ini hanya pendapat pribadi saya ok:
1. Google dibom oleh para pencari uang dengan cara curang, berbagai cara yang tersebar luas, baik yg diumbar bebas hingga yg diketahui oleh sebagian komunitas blogger saja, hal ini yang membuat para advertiser/pengiklan mundur teratur utk ngiklan di adwords sehingga program adsense makin sepi pengiklan.
2. Aturan baru dari Google yang bikin saya tak bebas menaruh iklan adsense di blog atau situs apa saja yang saya mau setelah adanya sistem review/peninjauan sebelum sebuah situs bisa menayangkan iklan, tak jarang bolak-balik ditolak dlm proses review ini.
3. Adanya cara ngeblog yang curang, kalau dulu msih pada tradisional, buat artikel misalnya sampai jari tangan keriting untuk hanya nulis 1000 kata setiap hari, kalau sekarang jangankan buat satu artikel 1000 kata, dalam 10 menit bisa menduplikasi satu situs atau blog orang jadi milik kita dengan cara di-scrape artikelnya lalu dibuat agar unik, dikloning sehingga situs kita jadi persis kayak situs orang yang kita mau.
4. Semuanya dilakukan tool canggih yg memanjakan (tinggal ngopi biar mesin yg kerja), ini yg membuat content reader pada mumet dan pusing saat baca konten yang nggak dipahami di sebuah blog karna memang tulisan hasil kerja mesin.
5. Banyak pengguna internet yang beralih ke video saat ingin cari informasi atau tutorial tertenu, soalnya video lebih praktis dan berkaitan dengan poin sebelum ini (poin buat konten) akibatnya adsense mundur dan youtube yang maju.
Terakhir faktor kejenuhan gue menulis blog. ini kalau kamu pengen lihat earning adsense saya sekarang, memperihatinkan banget.