Tips to Avoid Strike or Takedown on YouTube

Tips to Avoid Strike or Takedown on YouTube

Youtube is like a new business field for internet activists. No wonder you will find 1 video uploaded by a different YouTube account. This phenomenon is very crowded until now. The reason is especially if it's not "money". Yes, money, Youtube is like money that falls from the sky, you just have to upload it and then you just have to sit back and wait for the results. However, if a little money can be blown by the wind in another direction, it can even disappear in an instant because of one small mistake. 

Homeland media also took part in reporting "how to get money from YouTube". This is why now YouTube has grown so rapidly in this country. 
The more videos, the more views, the more money. Not a few of the Youtubers out there often have problems with copyright. Not even a few of them often lose revenue from their channel, even the bad version is losing a YouTube account. 

Here are some suggestions from me that might be useful to you. 

1. Don't re-upload other people's content. 
The most important thing about a video is not to re-upload other people's videos. 

2. Don't Dispute if it's not your Content
In my experience at Content ID, many upload content that is not theirs and when it is claimed, a dispute is filed. The reason for filing a dispute is a little ridiculous. For example by editing a video or adding some effects thinking that it is completely his. 

3. Use the Remove claimed song feature
If by chance you upload a video for monetization purposes, use the Remove claimed song feature if suddenly there is a song copyright claim. 

NB: this only applies if the content has copyrighted audio. 

4. Use YouTube Audio Library
Do you often produce your own content? it's a good idea to use the Audio library provided by YouTube. 

5. Content ID
It's true that Content ID isn't available to everyone, but that doesn't mean you'll never enjoy its features. If you don't have one, join the Content ID service which provides Full Claims & assets (Not MCN). By joining Content ID, there is no such thing as a strike or takedown that you will experience, what you will experience is only Conflict Assets, and that can be resolved properly without having to district. 

6. Don't be too proud because you can monetize copyrighted content
Usually someone is proud to trick Content ID. For example uploading copyrighted audio but can pass the claim. Maybe you can be happy because it's not being claimed, but once this trick is discovered, there's no longer a third-party claim, only Strike or takedown that you will feel. 

7. Don't Capital Credit Title
Some time ago I was tagged in one of the screenshots by a Facebook friend. In the picture you can see someone who is angry at the video claim. The reason he doesn't accept being claimed is because the video was made by him completely not monetized even a little silly word "this video was made with love". Would you like to write this video made with love by Joko Widodo, it has no effect at all. 

8. Be a Positive-minded Youtubers. 
Many of my Youtubers friends on Facebook really amazed me. Seeing their efforts, not only uploading capital but really maximizing video performance. When they get hit by a strike, they always learn from that mistake. Honestly I really like this type. It's different from "alay" Youtube, which often gets angry and even swears harshly. 

9. Lots of Learning
Don't just because you already have $4,000 income continue to feel the upper hand. No matter how much you get on YouTube, the fact is you have to keep learning. Media such as YouTube are like gadgets, every time there is always the latest release, the newest type. Likewise with YouTube. 

Those are some suggestions from me. If there is anything we need to discuss, use the comment box below

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