Viral, Video Buying Rp. 1 Million Chocolate Subject Fee of Rp. 9 Million, Following Explanation Customs

Viral, Video Buying Rp. 1 Million Chocolate Subject Fee of Rp. 9 Million, Following Explanation Customs

A video uploaded by a netizen claiming to send Rp. 1 million in chocolate but subject to customs duties of Rp. 9 million went viral on social media TikTok, Thursday (6/4/2023). 

The video was uploaded by the TikTok account @ferrerfranciz. 

"Buy chocolate for as little as 1 million, subject to customs duties of 9 million 50 thousand. Take care of it," wrote the account. 

In the uploaded video, you can see a number of chocolates from various brands and a letter with a stamp that reads 'urgent'. 

As of Monday (10/4/2023) the upload has been viewed more than 90,000 times, liked by more than 3,100 users and received hundreds of comments. 

Customs explanation
Regarding the upload saying that netizens bought chocolate for Rp. 1 million, they were subject to customs duties of Rp. 9 million, the customs provided clarification. 

An explanation regarding the case was uploaded on the official TikTok account @beaukairi. 

This customs clarification video was also sent by the Head of the Customs Public Relations Section, Sudiro when asked for a response regarding the video. 

@beacukairi So, what's the calculation? Watch this video! #beacukaimakibaik? original sound - RI Customs
The customs officer on behalf of Rifaldy explained that shipments with receipt EE844479556TW were subject to a state levy in the amount of IDR 8,859,000 with the following details:

Import duty IDR 3,460,000
VAT IDR 2,326,000
PPH R 3,073,000. 
It was stated in the invoice, apart from a number of chocolates, there were also luxury bags included in the customs object. 

"So, the state levy is determined based on the invoice attached to the shipment," he said. 

The first attached invoice is for 10 food packs worth USD 40 or the equivalent of IDR 616,160. This item is subject to an import duty rate of 7.5 percent and 11 percent VAT. 

The import duty rate is regulated in PMK Number 199 of 2019 concerning Customs, Excise and Tax Provisions on Imported Goods. 

Meanwhile for the second item, namely the presence of a Chanel branded women's bag worth USD 1,108 equivalent to Rp. 17,067,632 and is subject to a 20 percent import duty rate, 11 percent VAT, and 15 percent PPH. 

"Remember that apart from the state levies valued at 8,859,000 there are other payments that are not customs duties," he said. 

He added that the public can also check information related to goods sent via the link beacukai 

Viral, Video Beli Cokelat Rp 1 Juta Kena Pungutan Rp 9 Juta, Berikut Penjelasan Bea Cukai

Sebuah unggahan video warganet yang mengaku kirim cokelat Rp 1 juta tetapi kena bea cukai sebesar Rp 9 juta, viral di media sosial TikTok, Kamis (6/4/2023).

Video tersebut diunggah oleh akun TikTok @ferrerfranciz.

"Beli coklat sehrg 1jt kena bea cukai 9jt50rb. Mbuh ra ngurus wes," tulis akun tersebut.

Dalam unggahan video tersebut tampak sejumlah cokelat dari berbagai merek dan sebuah surat dengan stempel bertuliskan 'urgent'. 

Hingga Senin (10/4/2023) unggahan tersebut telah dilihat lebih dari 90.000 kali, disukai lebih dari 3.100 pengguna dan mendapatkan ratusan komentar.

Penjelasan bea cukai
Terkait unggahan yang menyebut warganet beli cokelat harga Rp 1 juta kena bea cukai Rp 9 juta, pihak bea cukai memberikan klarifikasinya.

Penjelasan terkait kasus tersebut diunggah di akun TikTok resmi @beacukairi.

Video klarifikasi bea cukai ini juga dikirimkan oleh Kepala Seksi Humas Bea Cukai, Sudiro saat dimintai tanggapan terkait video tersebut.

@beacukairi Jadi, gimana sih perhitungannya? Simak video ini ya! #beacukaimakibaik ? original sound - Bea Cukai RI
Petugas bea cukai atas nama Rifaldy menerangkan bahwa kiriman dengan resi EE844479556TW dikenakan pungutan negara sejumlah Rp 8.859.000 dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Bea masuk Rp 3.460.000
PPN Rp 2.326.000
PPH R 3.073.000. 
Disebutkan dalam invoice tersebut, selain sejumlah cokelat, terdapat pula tas mewah yang termasuk dalam objek bea cukai. 

"Jadi, pungutan negara tersebut ditetapkan berdasarkan invoice yang dilampirkan dalam barang kiriman tersebut," kata dia.

Invoice yang dilampirkan yang pertama berupa 10 pack makanan senilai USD 40 atau setara dengan Rp 616.160. Barang ini dikenakan tarif bea masuk 7,5 persen dan PPN 11 persen. 

Tarif bea masuk tersebut diatur dalam PMK Nomor 199 Tahun 2019 tentang Ketentuan Kepabeanan, Cukai dan Pajak atas Impor Barang Kiriman.

Sementara untuk barang kedua yakni adanya satu buah tas wanita bermerek Chanel senilai USD 1.108 setara dengan Rp 17.067.632 dan dikenakan tarif bea masuk 20 persen, PPN 11 persen, dan PPH 15 persen. 

"Ingat di luar pungutan negara denilai 8.859.000 ini terdapat pembayaran lain-lain yang bukan merupakan bea cukai," ujarnya.

Pihaknya menambahkan, masyarakat juga bisa mengecek informasi terkait barang kiriman melalui link beacukai .go .id/ barangkiriman.

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