Corruptors Aren't Afraid of Long Imprisonment, But Afraid of Impoverishment?

Corruptors Aren't Afraid of Long Imprisonment, But Afraid of Impoverishment?

Corruptors Aren't Afraid of Long Imprisonment, But Afraid of Impoverishment? 

- Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri said that corruptors in Indonesia, in principle, are not afraid of going to jail, but they are afraid of impoverishment due to theft of people's money (corruption). 

"In principle, many people are not afraid of how long he has been sentenced to, but corruptors are very afraid of impoverishing him," said Firli during a press conference on the detention of former Director General of Taxes (DJP) official, Rafael Alun Trisambodo (RAT) on Monday, April 3, 2023. 

Firli alluded to this during a press conference on the gratuity case carried out by Rafael when he served as Head of Tax Audit, Investigation and Collection at the Regional Office of the Director General of Taxes East Java I in 2011. 

Firli also alluded to the application of the Money Laundering Criminal Act (TPPU) in the case involving the former tax official. Because by doing so, the KPK can intensify the confiscation of assets to recover state losses. However, Firli said that this still needed investigation procedures and development. 

From this gratuity, KPK said that Rafael received a profit of US $ 90 or the equivalent of Rp. 32.2 billion which he kept in the safety deposit box  (SDB). The money is divided into denominations of US dollars, Singapore dollars and Euros. 

The KPK also confiscated several luxury items belonging to Rafael and his wife from Rafael's residence on Jalan Simprug Golf, South Jakarta. These luxury items include wallets, luxury bags, jewelry, bicycles, and rupiah denominations. 

"During the search, they found wallets, belts, watches, bags, jewelry, bicycles, cash funds in rupiah denominations," said Firli. 

As a result of his actions which harmed the country, Rafael was charged with Article 12B of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001.***

Para Koruptor Tidak Takut Lamanya Dipenjara, Tetapi Takut Dimiskinkan?

 - Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Firli Bahuri menyebut koruptor di Indonesia pada prinsipnya tidak takut untuk dipenjara, tapi mereka takut dimiskinkan karena maling uang rakyat (korupsi).

“Pada prinsipnya banyak orang tidak takut dengan lamanya dia dihukum, tapi para koruptor sangat takut apabila dia dimiskinkan,” ujar Firli saat konferensi pers penahanan mantan pejabat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP), Rafael Alun Trisambodo (RAT) pada Senin, 3 April 2023.

Firli menyinggung hal tersebut saat konferensi pers kasus gratifikasi yang dilakukan oleh Rafael saat menjabat sebagai Kepala Bidang Pemeriksaan, Penyidikan, dan Penagihan Pajak di Kantor Wilayah Dirjen Pajak Jawa Timur I pada 2011 lalu.

Firli juga menyinggung mengenai penerapan Pasal Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (TPPU) dalam kasus yang melibatkan mantan pejabat pajak tersebut. Sebab dengan begitu, KPK dapat mengintensifkan penyitaan aset untuk memulihkan kerugian negara. Namun, Firli menyebut hal tersebut masih perlu prosedur dan pengembangan penyidikan.

Dari gratifikasi tersebut, KPK menyebut Rafael menerima keuntungan sebesar 90 dolar Amerika Serikat atau setara Rp32,2 miliar yang ia simpan di safety deposit box (SDB). Uang tersebut terpecah dalam bentuk pecahan mata uang dolar Amerika, mata uang dolar Singapura, dan mata uang Euro.

KPK juga menyita beberapa barang mewah milik Rafael dan istrinya dari kediaman Rafael di Jalan Simprug Golf, Jakarta Selatan. Barang-barang mewah tersebut di antaranya seperti dompet, tas mewah, perhiasan, sepeda, dan pecahan mata uang rupiah.

“Saat penggeledahan tersebut, ditemukan antara lain dompet, ikat pinggang, jam tangan, tas, perhiasan, sepeda, dana uang dengan pecahan mata uang rupiah,” jelas Firli.

Akibat tindakannya yang merugikan negara tersebut, Rafael dijerat dengan Pasal 12B Undang-undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001.***

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