That First Black Hole Image Validates The Einstein's Physics

That First Black Hole Image Validates The Einstein's Physics

(4th #anniversary of the 1st #BlackHoleImage)

#AlbertEinstein's general theory of relativity has passed a number of serious tests from the universe's most extreme conditions in the last few years. One of them was about #spanning from horizons to the stars.

General relativity describes #gravity as a consequence of the warping of #spacetime. Massive objects create a sort of dent or well in the cosmic fabric, which passing bodies fall into because they're following curved contours. 

The theory makes specific predictions about how this warping works. For example, the theory posits that black holes exist, and that each of these gravitational monsters has an #eventhorizon — a point of no return, beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape. Further, the event horizon should be roughly circular and of a predictable size, which depends on the black hole's mass. 

And that's just what we saw in the unveiled EHT images, which show

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