PKS President Visits Mahfud, Offers to Become Anies' Vice Presidential Candidate
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) President Ahmad Syaikhu admitted to visiting the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polbukam) Mahfud MD while on a safari to a number of national figures in search of a running mate for Anies Baswedan.
Among a number of figures Syaikhu visited, one of them was Mahfud.
"Yes, I said earlier, we are visiting Pak Mahfud," Syaikhu said when met at his office, South Jakarta, Tuesday (18/4/2023).
Syaikhu explained, in the last few days, he had many visits with national figures.
He specifically admitted that his goal was to find a companion for Anies in the 2024 presidential election.
"In order to find Pak Anies Rasyid Baswedan's partner," he said.
According to Syaikhu, the figures he visits are figures who often appear in surveys related to the 2024 presidential election.
Only, Syaikhu was reluctant to divulge the identities of a number of figures he had visited.
"That's what I'm trying to go to, communicate. And maybe after it's complete, I will report it to the Chair of the Shura Council, to be brought to the Shura Council Deliberation," said Syaikhu.
In a meeting with national figures, Syaikhu said he asked for the figure's willingness to become Anies' vice presidential candidate.
Syaikhu emphasized that his visit was in order to find a vice presidential candidate, including a visit to Mahfud MD.
"We will also visit other figures, stay in touch, we ask for their opinion, we also ask for sharing. In fact, we also ask them to run for president... Run for vice president. Because I am currently focused on looking for a candidate for vice president," he added.
For information, PKS is part of the Change Coalition for Unity with Nasdem and Democrats.
The three of them agreed to support Anies Baswedan as the 2024 presidential candidate.
Presiden PKS Datangi Mahfud, Tawari Jadi Cawapres Anies
Presiden Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Ahmad Syaikhu mengaku mendatangi Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polbukam) Mahfud MD saat melakukan safari ke sejumlah tokoh bangsa dalam mencari sosok cawapres pendamping Anies Baswedan.
Di antara sejumlah tokoh yang Syaikhu datangi, salah satunya adalah Mahfud.
"Ya tadi saya bilang, kita silaturahmi ke Pak Mahfud," ujar Syaikhu saat ditemui di kantornya, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (18/4/2023).
Syaikhu menjelaskan, dalam beberapa hari terakhir, dirinya banyak bersilaturahmi dengan tokoh-tokoh bangsa.
Dia secara spesifik mengakui kalau tujuannya berkeliling adalah untuk mencari sosok pendamping Anies di Pilpres 2024.
"Dalam rangka mencari siapa pasangan Pak Anies Rasyid Baswedan," ucapnya.
Menurut Syaikhu, sosok-sosok yang dia datangi adalah tokoh-tokoh yang kerap muncul dalam survei terkait Pilpres 2024.
Hanya, Syaikhu enggan membocorkan identitas sejumlah tokoh yang telah ia datangi.
"Itu saya berusaha untuk mendatangi, berkomunikasi. Dan mungkin setelah lengkap, saya akan laporkan pada Ketua Majelis Syura, dibawa kepada Musyawarah Majelis Syura," kata Syaikhu.
Dalam pertemuan dengan tokoh-tokoh bangsa ini, Syaikhu mengatakan dirinya meminta kesediaan sosok itu untuk menjadi cawapres Anies.
Syaikhu menekankan kunjungannya ini dalam rangka mencari cawapres, termasuk kunjungan ke Mahfud MD.
"Tokoh-tokoh yang lain juga akan kita datangi, silaturahmi, kita minta pendapatnya, kita minta juga sharingnya. Bahkan kita tanya juga untuk mencapreskan... Mencawapreskan. Karena saya saat ini fokusnya mencari cawapres," imbuhnya.
Sebagai informasi, PKS tergabung ke dalam Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan bersama Nasdem dan Demokrat.
Mereka bertiga sepakat untuk mendukung Anies Baswedan sebagai Capres 2024.
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Offers to Become Anies
PKS President Visits Mahfud
vice presidential candidate