AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan Watching His Child Brutally Abuse Ken Admiral, Blocks Those Who Want to Intercede
The Head of Bin Opsnal at the North Sumatra Police Narcotics Research Directorate, AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan, said nothing when his son, Aditya Hasibuan, brutally abused a student named Ken Admiral.
From the video that has been spread on social media, it appears that Aditya hit Ken's head on the floor many times until it bled.
Aditya also beat and trampled Ken who was helpless on the floor.
Also read: Chronology of Children of Police Officers Persecuting Students in Medan, Initially Asked about Relations, then Ended with Beatings
From the video, it can be seen that Achiruddin was silent during the persecution. In fact, Achiruddin was seen blocking a young man who wanted to break up the persecution.
For this omission, Achiruddin was removed from his position as Head of Bin Operations Directorate of Narcotics Research at the North Sumatra Police.
"AKBP Achirudin was proven to have violated the code of ethics, in accordance with Article 13 letter M of Police Regulation No.7/2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission, which reads that every Polri official in personality ethics is prohibited from committing acts of violence, behaving rudely, and being disobedient, " said the chiefPropam Polda Sumut Kombes Dudung Adijono during a press conference at the North Sumatra Police Headquarters, Tuesday (25/4/2023) evening.
"For this reason, the (process) examination for AH (Achiruddin Hasibuan) was evaluated and temporarily suspended," he said.
Dudung said AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan would be detained in a special place for questioning.
Meanwhile, regarding the allegations that Achiruddin ordered the use of rifles during the persecution, Dudung admits that he is still investigating.
Previously it was reported, viral on social media the video of abuse committed by Aditya Hasibuan, son of the Head of Bin Opsnal at the North Sumatra Police Narcotics Investigation Directorate AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan, against a student named Ken Admiral.
From the police statement, the abuse began when the victim sent a message to the perpetrator asking about the relationship between the perpetrator and a woman with the initial D.
Then on December 21, 2022, around 22.00 WIB, the perpetrator and the victim met at a gas station on Jalan Ringroad, Medan City.
Then, the perpetrator hit the victim three times in the temple. Not only that, the perpetrator also kicked the rearview mirror of the victim's car and then fled.
The beating was still behind the previous chat between the victim and the perpetrator.
Then, on December 22, 2022 at around 02.30 WIB, the victim went to the perpetrator's house with a number of friends to solve the problem. However, a fight broke out.
At the time of the fight, the perpetrator's father, AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan, was recorded watching.
In fact, Achiruddin prevented someone from breaking up the fight.
At present, Aditya has been named a suspect in the persecution and is being detained for further legal proceedings.
AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan Menonton Anaknya Aniaya Ken Admiral secara Brutal, Halangi yang Ingin Melerai
Kabag Bin Opsnal di Direktorat Reserse Narkoba Polda Sumut, AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan, diam saja saat anaknya, Aditya Hasibuan, menganiaya seorang mahasiswa bernama Ken Admiral secara brutal.
Dari video yang tersebar di media sosial, tampak Aditya membenturkan kepala Ken ke lantai berkali-kali hingga berdarah.
Aditya juga memukuli serta menginjak-injak Ken yang sudah tak berdaya di lantai.
Baca juga: Kronologi Anak Perwira Polisi Aniaya Mahasiswa di Medan, Awalnya Tanya Hubungan, lalu Berakhir Pemukulan
Dari video, terlihat Achiruddin diam saja saat penganiayaan tersebut. Bahkan, terlihat Achiruddin menghalangi seorang pemuda yang ingi melerai penganiayaan itu.
Atas pembiaran itu, Achiruddin dicopot dari jabatannya sebagai Kabag Bin Opsnal Direktorat Reserse Narkoba Polda Sumut.
"AKBP Achirudin terbukti melanggar kode etik, sesuai Pasal 13 huruf M Peraturan Kepolisian No.7/2022 tentang Kode Etik Profesi dan Komisi Kode Etik Polri, yang berbunyi setiap pejabat Polri dalam etika kepribadian dilarang melakukan tindak kekerasan, berperilaku kasar, dan tidak patuh," kata Kabid Propam Polda Sumut Kombes Dudung Adijono saat konferensi pers di Mapolda Sumut, Selasa (25/4/2023) malam.
"Untuk itu, untuk (proses) pemeriksaan AH (Achiruddin Hasibuan) dievaluasi dan untuk sementara dinon-job-kan," ujarnya.
Dudung mengatakan, AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan akan ditahan di tempat khusus untuk pemeriksaan.
Sementara itu, soal dugaan Achiruddin memerintahkan penggunaan senjata laras panjang saat penganiayaan, Dudung mengaku masih melakukan pendalaman.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, viral di media sosial video penganiayaan yang dilakukan Aditya Hasibuan, anak Kabag Bin Opsnal di Direktorat Reserse Narkoba Polda Sumut AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan, terhadap mahasiwa bernama Ken Admiral.
Dari keterangan polisi, penganiayaan bermula saat korban mengirim pesan kepada pelaku yang isinya menanyakan hubungan pelaku dengan perempuan berinisial D.
Kemudian pada 21 Desember 2022, sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB, pelaku dan korban bertemu di SPBU di Jalan Ringroad Kota Medan.
Lalu, pelaku memukul korban sebanyak tiga kali di bagian pelipis. Tak cuma itu, pelaku juga sempat menendang kaca spion mobil korban lalu kabur.
Pemukulan masih dilatarbelakangi chatting sebelumnya antara korban dan pelaku.
Kemudian, pada 22 Desember 2022 sekitar pukul 02.30 WIB, korban mendatangi rumah pelaku bersama sejumlah temannya untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan itu. Namun, terjadi perkelahian.
Pada saat perkelahian itu, ayah pelaku yakni AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan terekam hanya menonton.
Bahkan, Achiruddin menghalangi seseorang untuk melerai perkelahian itu.
Saat ini, Aditya telah dijadikan sebagai tersangka penganiayaan dan ditahan untuk proses hukum selanjutnya.
News, Entertainment, Health
Abuse Ken Admiral
AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan
Blocks Those Who Want to Intercede
Watching His Child Brutally