About Artist Initial R Allegedly Involved in Rafael Money Laundering, Hotman Paris: I Have Discussed Many Times with Raffi Ahmad

About Artist Initial R Allegedly Involved in Rafael Money Laundering, Hotman Paris: I Have Discussed Many Times with Raffi Ahmad

The famous lawyer Hotman Paris immediately contacted presenter Raffi Ahmad after being linked with the artist with the initials R who was allegedly involved in the Rafael Alun Trisambodo money laundering case. 

This news made many artists with the initials R mentioned, one of which was presenter Raffi Ahmad. 

Hotman Paris admits that he has talked several times with Raffi Ahmad regarding this matter. 

According to Hotman Paris, the news that is circulating is widening even though it does not yet have strong evidence. 

As a form of friendship, Hotman Paris gave legal views to Raffi Ahmad. 

This legal view, said Hotman Paris, is so that Nagita Slavina's husband knows how to deal with unproven news. 

"I have discussed it many times with my friend Raffi Ahmad," said Hotman Paris via his Instagram Reels video, quoted Saturday (1/4/2023). 

"My advice to Raffi Ahmad, use the Hotman Paris style, namely 3A; Observe (collect evidence), analyze, then the third is Attack, attack the person concerned legally, that's 3A," added Hotman Paris. 

Hotman Paris explained that what was conveyed to Raffi Ahmad was his way of dealing with his client's legal issues. 

Moreover, said Hotman Paris, if you are in the right position, you don't need to be afraid of news that has not been tested for its truth. 

"That's what I apply in the face of all the slander against me, there is no reason for Raffi Ahmad or Hotman Paris to be afraid of enemies, there is no reason, unless indeed we make a mistake," said Hotman Paris. 

Previously, Raffi Ahmad had also denied reports that the artist with the initials R involved in money laundering, Rafael Alun, was Raffi Ahmad. 

Meanwhile, news of the involvement of an artist with the initials R in the Rafael Alun Trisambodo money laundering case originated with a report by Indonesian Audit Watch (IAW). 

The KPK also promised to deepen the IAW report. 

However, it has not been revealed who the artist with the initials R actually is, many people have speculated, one of whom was affected was Raffi Ahmad. 

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