The Captain America Movie Script Is Very Secret And The Security Is Tight

The Captain America Movie Script Is Very Secret And The Security Is Tight

After Chris Evans retired as Captain America, that position is now filled by Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson/Falcon). Captain America's newest film, New World Order, is scheduled to be released on May 3, 2024. Anthony Mackie was recently "sent" the script. 
Unlike films in general, the scripts for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films are strictly confidential, so their distribution to artists is not arbitrary. As explained by Anthony Mackie in an interview with Kelly Clarkson, he had to go through a long process before finally being able to read the script. 
If normally an actor would be given an email with a locked file and had to enter a password to read the script, that was not the case with the script for Captain America: New World Order. Here's what Anthony Mackie, the main character, has to do. 
"I will receive a code to enter the website, from there I will receive a location to meet someone and sign an agreement," said Anthony Mackie. 
"Then I will be given a computer and read the script in that location," he continued. 
The way that Marvel Studios has done to protect its script from leaks is indeed extravagant. However, this was needed considering that several of their previous projects had leaked. One of them is the script for Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness which reveals the emergence of variants of various characters in the MCU in different universes. 
This script leak was first uploaded on Reddit before finally circulating on various social media platforms. Some of the leaks are true, some are hoaxes. 
Kelly Clarkson, who spoke with the actor, was surprised to hear this statement. He was amazed at the secrecy Marvel Studios was trying to maintain for their latest film. 
"They don't trust anyone!" chimed in Anthony Mackie. 
Via: Seconds

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