In Islam, fasting is one of the most important acts of worship. It is a time when Muslims abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours. The month of Ramadan is the most important month of the year for Muslims, during which they fast from dawn until sunset.

When Muslims fast, they not only refrain from physical needs, but they also focus on their spiritual needs, such as prayer, charity, and reading the Quran. Fasting is considered a means of seeking Allah's forgiveness, mercy, and guidance.

One of the signs of fasting people receiving the side of Allah SWT is that they are more conscious of their actions and their impact on others. They are more mindful of their speech and actions and strive to be more compassionate and charitable. They also make an effort to spend more time in prayer and reading the Quran.

Another sign is that fasting people have a sense of peace and contentment. They are able to control their desires and impulses, and they develop a greater appreciation for the blessings in their lives.

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Additionally, fasting people experience a sense of community and brotherhood with other Muslims who are also fasting. They come together to break their fast and share meals, and they support each other in their spiritual journey.

In Islam, fasting is a means of purifying oneself and drawing closer to Allah. The signs of fasting people receiving the side of Allah SWT are many and varied, but they all reflect a deep commitment to spiritual growth and a desire to live a life that is pleasing to Allah.

Currently, Muslims around the world are fasting during Ramadan. They are competing so that the practice of fasting is accepted by Allah SWT. In order for this practice to be accepted, they usually do other good deeds while fasting. Are you one of the Muslims who wants their fasting practice to be accepted by Allah SWT? Therefore, you should know the following signs of fasting being accepted by Allah SWT. Signs of the practice of fasting accepted by Allah SWT Launching from Within Islam, the following are signs that your fasting practices are accepted by Allah SWT. 1. Finished Ramadan still get used to fasting Ibn Rajab revealed that a sign of acceptance of the practice of fasting in Ramadan is the habit of fasting after Ramadan. Indeed, if Allah accepts a servant's practice, Allah will enable him to do good deeds afterwards. 2. Be more diligent in worship The second sign that the practice of fasting Ramadan is accepted by Allah SWT is that you are more diligent in worship. This is in accordance with the disclosure of Shaykh Shalih Al-Fauzan hafidzahullah. He revealed that the sign of acceptance of the practice of fasting during Ramadan is when the condition of a Muslim becomes better than before, because kindness can invite goodness and good deeds can invite other good deeds. 3. The more used to say good The sign of fasting being accepted by Allah SWT is when you are getting used to saying good things. This has been revealed by Abu Hurairah through the hadith of Rasulullah SAW: "Whoever believes in Allah and the last day, then let him say good or let him be silent." (Muttafaq 'alaih: Al-Bukhari, no. 6018; Muslim, no.47) 4. Be diligent in istighfar Imam Ibnul Qayyim revealed that the sign of receiving your good deeds is when your heart feels that your good deeds are still despicable and small. By feeling that good deeds are still despicable and small, you become diligent in making istighfar. This is a sign that Allah SWT accepts your worship. 5. Sincerity in worship increases The fifth sign of the practice of fasting that is accepted by Allah SWT is the increase of sincerity in worship. The Prophet always prayed: Yes, Lord, who turns hearts, strengthen my heart in Your religion. Then a friend asked, "O Messenger of Allah, we believe in you and in what did you bring us?"

He Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "Yes, because in fact the whole human heart is between the two fingers of Allah, and Allah turns the heart back and forth as He wishes. [HR Ahmad, VI/302; Hakim, I/525; Tirmidhi, no. 3522, see Sahih At Tirmidhi, III/171 no. 2792; Shahih Jami'ush Shaghir, no. 7987 and Zhilalul Jannah Fi Takhrij As Sunnah, no. 225 from Anas' friend]. So, those are the 5 signs that fasting is accepted by Allah. Then what about the sign that the practice of fasting in Ramadan is not accepted by Allah SWT? Then the answer is as simple as below.

The sign of fasting practice is not accepted by Allah SWT If the practice of fasting during Ramadan is rejected by Allah SWT, then what is clear is that you will not feel any signs that your fast is accepted as above. More specifically, during Ramadan fasting, all you feel is hunger and thirst. 1. Terms of acceptance of worship in the month of Ramadan 2. Regarding the conditions for receiving worship in the month of Ramadan, of course you must be in the following conditions. 3. Holy from childbirth and menstruation for women 4. Carry out Ramadan fasting properly 5. Follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Apart from that, in order for Ramadan fasting to be accepted, it is better to intend all the practices that you do in the month of Ramadan on the basis of faith in Allah, reward and pleasure from Allah SWT.

So, those are the 5 signs that fasting is accepted by Allah SWT, along with other important information such as a sign that Allah SWT rejects fasting and the conditions that should be followed if you want the Ramadan worship to be accepted.

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