Definitely Caught! Google Adsense Can't Be Fooled by Invalid Traffic

Definitely Caught! Google Adsense Can't Be Fooled by Invalid Traffic

If you have just been accepted by a publisher on Google Adsense, usually what comes to mind is how to make as much money as possible. Various ways are done so that one day you get an invalid activity adsense warning. 

Definitely Caught! Google Adsense Can't Be Fooled by Invalid Traffic
In fact, basically invalid Adsense activity is an illegal action or activity that is strictly prohibited by Adsense. One that will be stared at by Adsense is the determination to click on your own ads. Gatel maybe his hands hehe. 

In simple terms, invalid activity includes any clicks or impressions that artificially inflate the advertiser's costs or the publisher's earnings. 

Definitely Caught! Google Adsense Can't Be Fooled by Invalid Traffic
Some invalid activity errors are invalid click activity or fraudulent ad click activity. This is done by publishers who intentionally or not click ads on their own blogs. Google is very "cruel" with this rule. 

Apart from that, invalid click activity is asking other people to click on ads on friends' blogs. And don't even think about alternating ad clicks between blogs with other people. Trust me, Google will know. 

Of course you've read on blogging forums, many Adsense account owners have to be disappointed because they get a penalty from Adsense. Just because of his own carelessness. 

Andsense itself has thought carefully about things that might cause invalid click activity. 

Maybe friends sometimes don't realize that placing ad units on blog pages is a source of disaster. Because Adsense has actually issued a policy. 

Definitely Caught! Google Adsense Can't Be Fooled by Invalid Traffic
Ad placement in the header section should not be closed by the dropdown menu because it can cause accidental clicks. Ad placement aligned with images in one sidebar or one page can also cause readers to accidentally click on ads. And this is not allowed Adsense. 

And there are many more rules regarding ad placement that friends can read on the Adsense page. 

Meanwhile, the trigger for banned adsense accounts that are included in invalid impressions is the source of traffic or invalid traffic. This is also mostly done by asking third parties to even pay to increase traffic to your friends' blogs. 

Another form is to refresh the blog page itself continuously. Does this really have an effect on earnings on Adsense, Mas? Instead of paying with Adsense Cost Per Click or CPC? 

Definitely Caught! Google Adsense Can't Be Fooled by Invalid Traffic
Remember, Adsense will also pay for the number of each page that appears on the blog even if there are no ad clicks. The adsense term for this is CPM or cost per thousand impressions. In this method the advertiser bids for 1,000 impressions that appear to be active or at least 50 percent of the fish displayed on the screen for at least one second. This is clearly mentioned on Google. 

So friends, refreshing the page repeatedly will be diagnosed by Adsense as invalid activity. 

If nableg friends violate this policy, then Adsense will send an email in the form of a warning that they have violated the policy. Google will not pay out your friends' earnings on the grounds that they will return the advertising funds to the advertiser. Hic hic hic sad. 

Or have you ever imagined, in the world of Adsense, do other people play pranks in the sense of pranking someone's blog? 

The answer is yes and very likely. A number of bloggers in Indonesia have experienced this. That's the art of playing Adsense, friends, we have tried our best not to get off track, uh, there are other people who are not happy with the existence of our Adsense account. 

Definitely Caught! Google Adsense Can't Be Fooled by Invalid Traffic
The other party can bomb click on Adsense ads continuously either manually or by robot click. 

Go to the Google Analytics page, friends, check the traffic sources that are causing a very unreasonable number of clicks on the Adsense dashboard. If needed, friends can temporarily release the ad code on the blog, while reporting efforts are made. 

Google provides space for complaints by sending various evidences such as traffic reports, mobile applications and so on to strengthen our appeals. 

Friends, there is a term throwing stones and hiding hands. Other people who bully our blog are the perpetrators, but the responsibility for the Adsense account remains with us as publishers. Adsense also does not necessarily fulfill our complaints. 

Swoon? Annoyed? Angry? He he he, that's the art of playing adsense. It can be 30 days for adsense to examine our files and that means the adsense account is suspended. 

But they are professionals, if our report is really strong, Adsense will also consider it. 

At the end of this article, be careful and just follow adsense signs. On the basis of not wanting to harm advertisers, invalid activity can be an entry point for Adsense to deactivate our Adsense account forever or be permanently banned. 

Supposedly, novice bloggers post articles and publish them fairly. It doesn't even need to be shared in the mass media. So that our articles are indexed by Google, you can use Webmaster Tools or Google Search Console. 

That way the incoming traffic comes from Google itself, not social media. This means that our articles are found by visitors through browsing in search, not visited by readers because we paste the link to our blog article on their social media wall. 

This is different from sharing that readers do. If they are interested in the information you provide on the blog, they will share it themselves. But if you take the initiative to share as many links as possible to several social media accounts, there is potential and is considered a violation. Even if the ad click is (for example) made by a close friend or family member. 

Wisely following the rules of Google Adsense will certainly bear better fruit than using methods that are not justified. 

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