Congregational Corruption Revealed, The Customs Response Is Astounding

Congregational Corruption Revealed, The Customs Response Is Astounding

Congregational Corruption Revealed, The Customs Response Is Astounding

Kasus dugaan korupsi berjamaah di lingkup Bea Cukai dibongkar. Semua terkait korupsi bea masuk IMEI atas HP, komputer genggam dan tablet (HKT) .

Cases of alleged collective corruption within the scope of Customs and Excise were dismantled. All related to IMEI import duty corruption on cellphones, handheld computers and tablets (HKT) brought from abroad during the January-December 2022 period. This transaction involved middle class Customs  employees to Echelon II officials. 
"Allow us to represent millennial BC from KPPBC TMP 8 Kualanamu to convey information to the public that has been covered up by BC officials from echelon 3 (Head of KPPBC) to echelon 2 (Head of Regional Offices and Director at KP DJBC) regarding national issues of violation bystructured, systematic and massive by our directorate during the period January to December 2022," wrote an open letter from the party on behalf of the Millennial Customs Officer. 

According to data obtained from the supervision unit (P2) of Kualanamu Customs and Excise, it is said that there was a special instruction from the Central P2 Directorate which stated that there were anomalies and fraud which indicated losses to the state. 
In this case, a Customs official at the intermediate level (First Expert PBC Functional) sets import duties at will or according to orders. 
"What's even worse, the superior officials (echelon IV and echelon III) protect this because they are more concerned with maintaining the good name for the WBK-WBBM title that we got than taking decisive action,"
It is also claimed that the alleged corruption case was known to the head of the regional office. However, they still cover up because they want to maintain the good name of the institution. The open letter also admits that the actions of similar individuals have spread nationwide. 
"Based on the information we got, it turns out that this did not only happen in the North Sumatra DJBC Regional Office, instead it turned out that these violations occurred in a structured, systematic, and massive manner throughout Indonesia because apparently previously echelon II (Director at Head Office)DGCE) has coordinated with the regions to condition this so that it doesn't spread everywhere, it's enough to cover it up," wrote the letter. 

According to data obtained from the supervision unit (P2) of Kualanamu Customs and Excise, it is said that there was a special instruction from the Central P2 Directorate which stated that there were anomalies and fraud which indicated losses to the state. 
In this case, a Customs official at the intermediate level (First Expert PBC Functional) sets import duties at will or according to orders. 

"What's even worse, the superior officials (echelon IV and echelon III) protect this because they are more concerned with maintaining the good name for the WBK-WBBM title that we got than taking decisive action,"
It is also claimed that the alleged corruption case was known to the head of the regional office. However, they still cover up because they want to maintain the good name of the institution. The open letter also admits that the actions of similar individuals have spread nationwide. 
"Based on the information we got, it turns out that this did not only happen in the North Sumatra DJBC Regional Office, instead it turned out that these violations occurred in a structured, systematic, and massive manner throughout Indonesia because apparently previously echelon II (Director at Head Office)DGCE) has coordinated with the regions to condition this so that it doesn't spread everywhere, it's enough to cover it up," wrote the letter. 

Customs Calls Reporter Does Not Understand Substance

Regarding the contents of the open letter, Kualanamu Customs and Excise (BC) finally spoke about the information circulating, which was submitted by the BC millennial representative from KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu, regarding a number of things that officials allegedly concealed. 
Head of the Kualanamu Customs Office, Elfi Haris, when contacted by, said IMEI Registration is an additional task for Customs since the end of 2021. 

After running for almost one year monitoring and evaluation (monev) was carried out. From the results of the monitoring and evaluation, several weaknesses were found that had to be improved, for example, in a system, one employee account could be used at the same time by several people. 
"There is no uniform reference for determining the customs value (price) of used cellphones and others. From the results of this monev, improvements were made, both by the DGCE head office and internally at BC Kualanamu," said Haris. 

Then, next, regarding the price of mobile phones, employees decide based on their professional adjustments. For new cellphones, there are many references that can be used, including those from official dealers. 

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But for used cell phones, explained Haris, employees looked at various websites or the official website of the country of origin where the cell phones were purchased by passengers. 
"If it is stated that there is anxiety among BC millennial employees, it may be a bit exaggerated or because these younger siblings do not yet understand the substance of monitoring and evaluation, because in principle monev is carried out not to find employee faults," he said. 

"Monev is carried out as system improvements and services to the community, so that it is simpler, faster and more accurate. Even so, if during the monitoring and evaluation process there is employee negligence, of course we will process it according to the provisions," he continued. 
However, Haris reiterated that any input that could encourage improvement in Customs services and supervision would definitely be accepted and used as a trigger or trigger for improvement. 
"Because service user satisfaction is never fixed, always growing," said this Customs Officer. 

Source: Liputan6

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