AHY's Speech Criticizes Jokowi, Djarot PDI-P: Just Data Battle, How Much Debt Was SBY's Age?
PDI-P DPP chairman Djarot Saiful Hidayat said that PDI-P was ready to compete with data in response to a speech by Democratic Party General Chair Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) who criticized President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) government.
Djarot then asked the Democrats to compare a number of stalled projects and debts during the era of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).
"Yes, the data is just how much he owes Pak SBY, what are the results? What are the results that were built, how many stalled projects? Isn't that right," said Djarot when contacted by Kompas.com, Wednesday (15/3/2023).
Djarot assessed that projects that were stalled during the SBY administration were actually completed by Jokowi.
Djarot also mentioned a number of stalled projects under SBY's administration, for example the Hambalang Athlete's House.
"There's even been used as a horror film location," he said.
He also asked the Democrats to find out data regarding the stalled project completed by Jokowi.
The former Governor of DKI Jakarta then brought up AHY's speech about the economy and people's welfare.
He asked AHY to first understand the context of welfare and economic problems experienced by Indonesia.
According to Djarot, when it comes to the economy and welfare, Jokowi's government is facing major problems due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, this is not only felt by Indonesia.
"Isn't that right? Then there are various kinds, yes, disasters, right? A global financial crisis, this is a crisis due to a pandemic, not only for Indonesia, you know, but for the world, you know, two years, imagine," he said.
Even though it was hit by a pandemic, Djarot assessed that Indonesia's economy was still growing well.
In fact, according to him, the handling of the crisis due to the pandemic in Indonesia has earned praise from world countries.
"So like this, let's look at the data, isn't that right. How much is the level of poverty, it must also be linked to the context," said Djarot.
As previously reported, AHY alluded to government debt, which in the last eight years or the era of President Jokowi's administration has tripled.
He said the debt was used for a budget deficit that was not managed properly.
"The budget deficit is trying to be covered with government debt. In the last 8 years, the increase in government debt has tripled," AHY said during a political speech at the indoor tennis court, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (14/3/2023).
AHY then explained data from the Ministry of Finance which stated that the government's debt reached IDR 7,733 trillion in early 2023.
"Not to mention the mounting debt of state-owned enterprises amounting to Rp 1,640 trillion," he said.
According to him, the debt is none other than the impact of economic problems in Indonesia which are increasingly complicated due to state finances that are not managed properly.
"Too much of the budget is used to finance lighthouse projects that don't have much impact on the lives of the common people (little people)," said AHY.
Pidato AHY Kritik Jokowi, Djarot PDI-P: Adu Data Saja, Berapa Utangnya Zaman SBY?
Ketua DPP PDI-P Djarot Saiful Hidayat mengatakan bahwa PDI-P siap beradu data dalam merespons pidato Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) yang mengkritik pemerintah Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
Djarot lantas meminta Demokrat membandingkan sejumlah proyek mangkrak dan utang pada era pemerintahan Presiden ke-6 RI, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).
"Iya adu data saja berapa utangnya pada Pak SBY, terus hasilnya apa? Hasilnya apa yang dibangun, proyek mangkraknya berapa? Kan begitu kan," kata Djarot saat dihubungi Kompas .com, Rabu (15/3/2023).
Djarot menilai, proyek mangkrak di zaman pemerintahan SBY justru diselesaikan oleh Jokowi.
Djarot juga menyebut sejumlah proyek mangkrak zaman pemerintahan SBY, misalnya Wisma Atlet Hambalang.
"Bahkan ada yang dijadikan lokasi film horor," kata dia.
Ia pun meminta Demokrat mencari tahu data mengenai proyek mangkrak yang diselesaikan oleh Jokowi itu.
Mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta ini lantas mengungkit pidato AHY soal ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Ia meminta AHY memahami terlebih dulu konteks kesejahteraan dan persoalan ekonomi yang dialami Indonesia.
Menurut Djarot, soal ekonomi dan kesejahteraan, pemerintahan Jokowi memang dilanda persoalan yang besar akibat pandemi Covid-19.
Namun, hal ini tidak hanya dirasakan oleh Indonesia saja.
"Betul enggak? Kemudian ada berbagai macam ya, bencana kan begitu. Krisis keuangan global, ini krisis akibat pandemi itu bukan hanya Indonesia lho tapi dunia lho, dua tahun, bayangkan," kata dia.
Meski dilanda pandemi, ekonomi Indonesia dinilai Djarot masih bertumbuh dengan baik.
Bahkan, menurut dia, penanganan krisis akibat pandemi di Indonesia memunculkan pujian negara-negara dunia.
"Jadi begini, coba dilihat datanya, kan begitu ya. Berapa tingkat kemiskinannya, terus juga harus dikaitkan dengan konteksnya," ujar Djarot.
Diberitakan sebelumnya, AHY menyinggung utang pemerintah yang selama delapan tahun terakhir atau era pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi naik tiga kali lipat.
Dia menyebut utang itu digunakan untuk defisit anggaran yang tidak dikelola dengan baik.
"Defisit anggaran coba ditutup dengan utang pemerintah. Dalam 8 tahun terakhir ini, kenaikan utang pemerintah mencapai 3 kali lipat," ujar AHY saat pidato politik di lapangan tenis indoor, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (14/3/2023).
AHY lantas menjabarkan data Kementerian Keuangan yang menyebut utang pemerintah mencapai Rp 7.733 triliun pada awal tahun 2023.
"Belum lagi utang BUMN yang semakin menggunung sebesar Rp 1.640 triliun," kata dia.
Menurut dia, utang tersebut tak lain adalah dampak dari persoalan ekonomi di Indonesia yang semakin rumit akibat keuangan negara yang tak dikelola dengan baik.
"Anggaran terlalu banyak digunakan untuk membiayai proyek-proyek mercusuar yang tidak banyak berdampak pada kehidupan wong cilik (rakyat kecil)," ucap AHY.
News, Entertainment, Health
AHY's Speech Criticizes Jokowi
Djarot PDI-P
How Much Debt Was SBY's Age?
Just Data Battle