Sequel I am Legend Dive into the Alternate Ending of the First Film

Sequel I am Legend Dive into the Alternate Ending of the First Film

Sekuel I am Legend Dalami Alternate Ending Film Pertama

The film I Am Legend (2007) will have a sequel that picks up the story from the previous alternate ending. Confirmation of the sequel to I Am Legend was conveyed by producer and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman. 
"We retraced Matheson's original book and the alternate ending that contradicts the ending in the original film," said Akiva Goldsman regarding the story in I Am Legend 2, as reported by Deadline. 
In the film version that hit theaters 16 years ago, Will Smith's character, Robert Neville, died at the end of I Am Legend. 
However, I Am Legend includes an alternate ending that closely resembles that of the original Richard Matheson novel, which shows Neville being able to survive. 
"What Matheson is saying is that humanity's time on this planet as the dominant species is over. That's very interesting and we're going to explore that. Will follow the original text a little bit more."
On that occasion, Akiva Goldsman also revealed that the sequel to I Am Legend will take decades from the first film. 
He also admits that he is obsessed with the hit series The Last of Us, which shows the world situation 20 to 30 years after the apocalypse. 
Via: Deadlines
#iamlegend #willsmith #action #infofilm

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