Nasdem Asks Democrats to Formally Declare Anies, AHY: Oh, right?
Democratic Party chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) believes that his party does not need to submit a formal declaration to support former DKI Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan as a 2024 presidential candidate (bacapres).
This was conveyed by him when asked to respond to the statement by Deputy Chairperson of the Nasdem Party, Ahmad Ali, who asked the Democrats to formally declare Anies.
"You know, we have conveyed that the position of the Democratic Party is very clear," said AHY after attending the 12th Haul event of KH Zainuddin MZ, in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, Friday (24/2/2023) evening.
AHY also said that the Democrats had expressed their support for Anies when they received a visit from the Nasdem Party DPP.
Therefore, according to AHY, all that remains is to wait for the Change Coalition to materialize soon.
"We also stated what the attitude and position of the Democratic Party is regarding how this Coalition for Change can be realized soon, realized immediately," he said.
Finally, the son of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), hopes that the Coalition for Change will soon carry Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate for the 2024 presidential candidate.
According to him, the Democrats also believe that Anies will be able to bring change to Indonesia in the future.
Previously it was reported, Ahmad Ali asked the Democratic Party to formally declare Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate.
According to him, the decision has not been made by the Democrats. This is because the declaration is only through AHY's statement.
"Until today, the Democrats haven't made a declaration about Pak Anies, right? There's only a statement," said Ali when contacted by, Friday.
"Yes, we need (a formal decision), this is not a decision to play," he continued.
For Ali, Anies' promotion had to go through the party's internal mechanisms. So that the decision has the force of law.
If not, he continued, the Democrats' decision could be challenged by parties who disagree.
"Even though we have expressed de facto support, de jure is also needed in one mechanism," he said.
Nasdem Minta Demokrat Deklarasikan Anies Secara Formal, AHY: Lho, Kan Sudah
Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) menilai partainya tak perlu menyampaikan deklarasi secara formal untuk mendukung mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden (bacapres) 2024.
Hal itu disampaikannya ketika ditanya respons pernyataan Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Nasdem Ahmad Ali yang meminta Demokrat secara formal mendeklarasikan Anies.
"Lho kan sudah, sudah kami sampaikan bahwa sikap Partai Demokrat sudah sangat jelas," kata AHY usai menghadiri acara Haul ke-12 KH Zainuddin MZ, di kawasan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (24/2/2023) malam.
AHY juga menyebut bahwa Demokrat sudah menyampaikan sikap dukungan untuk Anies saat menerima kunjungan DPP Partai Nasdem.
Oleh karena itu, menurut AHY, selanjutnya tinggal menanti Koalisi Perubahan bisa segera terwujud.
"Kami juga mengutarakan apa yang menjadi sikap dan posisi Partai Demokrat terkait dengan bagaimana Koalisi Perubahan ini bisa segera terwujud, segera terealisasi," ungkapnya.
Terakhir, putra Presiden ke-6 RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) itu berharap Koalisi Perubahan dapat segera mengusung Anies Baswedan sebagai tokoh capres 2024.
Menurutnya, Demokrat juga yakin Anies mampu membawa perubahan bagi Indonesia ke depannya.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, Ahmad Ali meminta Partai Demokrat secara formal mendeklarasikan Anies Baswedan sebagai capres.
Menurut dia, keputusan itu belum dilakukan oleh Demokrat. Sebab, deklarasi hanya melalui pernyataan AHY.
“Kan sampai hari ini Demokrat belum mendeklarasikan tentang Pak Anies kan, yang ada hanya pernyataan,” sebut Ali dihubungi, Jumat.
“Ya kita butuhkan (keputusan formal) ini kan bukan keputusan main-main,” sambungnya.
Bagi Ali, pengusungan Anies harus dilalui dengan mekanisme internal partai. Sehingga keputusannya memiliki kekuatan hukum.
Jika tidak, lanjut dia, maka keputusan Demokrat bisa digugat oleh pihak yang tak sepakat.
“Walaupun secara de facto sudah menyatakan dukungan, tapi de jure-nya juga diperlukan dalam satu mekanisme,” ucapnya.