Lawyer Protests Debt Collector Arrested: They Are Not Thugs!

Lawyer Protests Debt Collector Arrested: They Are Not Thugs! 

Lawyer Protests Debt Collector Arrested: They Are Not Thugs! 

A number of debt collectors were arrested after a video went viral cursing members of the Tebet Police Bhabinkamtibmas when they forcibly pulled away Clara Shinta's celebrity car. Firdaus Oiwobo, who claims to be the lawyer for the debt collectors, protested the arrest. 

"Debt collectors are carrying out their duties as debt collectors, running a collection service program carried out by their company, a collection company," Firdaus said when contacted by journalists, Thursday (23/2/2023). 

According to Firdaus, the term "thug" given to debt collectors is wrong. Because, he argued, debt collectors were gathered as employees in a company. 

"Because debt collectors are official, the company is clear, protected by law and so on. This means that debt collectors here are not thugs," he said. 

Firdaus added that the actions taken by debt collectors when picking up vehicles that were in arrears on installments were correct. This action, he continued, was in accordance with the Fiduciary Law Number 42 of 1999 Article 15. 

"That every fiduciary guarantee is under the control or authority of the creditor who borrows funds from the debtor. This means that in Article 2 and Article 3 it is also stated that creditors can forcibly control goods or objects without having to wait for a court decision," he said. 

"Just let debt collectors collect, don't owe money if you don't have money. Don't ask to take things if you don't have money. Don't pretend to use luxury items if you don't have money to pay," he added. 

Watch the video 'Moment of Debt Collector Using Police Accompanied at Soetta Airport':

Police Debt Collector Arrested
The General Criminal Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya is moving to follow up on viral information regarding a debt collector who forcibly pulled away Clara Shinta's celebrity car which resulted in members of Bhabinkamtibmas being yelled at. Three debt collectors have now been arrested. 

"Yes, we have secured something and will release it soon," said Polda Metro Jaya Dirkrimum Kombes Hengki Haryadi in his statement, Wednesday (22/2/2023). 

Meanwhile, another suspect is still being sought by the police. The perpetrator reportedly returned to his hometown in Saparua, Ambon. 

"We will chase one perpetrator to Saparua, Ambon," said Hengki. 

He explained that debt collectors are not justified in confiscating vehicles on the road. This is because the withdrawal of vehicles is regulated in the Fiduciary Law. 

So, debt collectors are not allowed to take action to intercept, brush, or seize vehicles on the road without going through the applicable mechanism. 

"There is no executorial right for the debt collector if there is no agreement between the debtor and the creditor, and the debtor refuses to hand over the vehicle. Therefore this must go through a court order, in other words it cannot be taken by force," he said. 

Regarding the viral debt collector carrying out the forced recall of celebrity Clara Shinta's car, Hengki appealed to him to surrender immediately. 

"To the debt collectors involved in resisting the officers, we ask them to surrender immediately, or we will pursue them and take firm action," he said. 

In total, the police have now arrested 4 debt collectors who went viral cursing at the police. One suspect was arrested in his hometown on Saparua Island, Maluku. 

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