Understanding CPC, CPM, CTR, PPS on Google Adsense

Undertanding CPC, CPM, CTR, PPS on Google Adsense
At first when I first got to know Adsense, I myself was confused by the various terms in Google Adsense. 

That's right, if you have been accepted and become an Adsense advertising partner then you will feel confused with the terms CPC, CPM, CTR, RPM and so on when opening the Google Adsense dashboard or Android application. 

In this article, I try to explain the term in easy-to-understand language. 

Okay, I will start from CPC first, then CPM, CTR and RPM. Immediately gaspuoooooooooooooooooooooolll

☆ Understanding Adsense CPC

What is CPC? CPC stands for Cost per Click or in Indonesian it is called Cost per Click or CPC. This term is used to calculate the cost per click of an ad. 

Adsense CPC can be determined by many factors such as the advertiser's budget, the keywords used, the location of ad clicks, the type of ads displayed, the quality of the site and so on. 

Please note, the CPC value per ad is only known to advertisers and Google. While the data displayed by third parties is like an overview, basically the data is taken from Google Keyword Planner, a keyword research tool from Google. 

However, if you want a high CPC value for every 1 ad click, then there's nothing wrong with using third-party tools. Although not 100% accurate, the reference is at least based on the approach of various factors that have been carried out by SEO experts. 

☆ Understanding Adsense CPM

What is CPM? CPM means Cost Per Mille or more easily understood by the term Cost per 1,000 Impressions or Cost per Thousand. 

What does it mean ? 

Publishers will receive payments based on calculations for every 1,000 ad impressions. The value may vary based on a specific condition. 

☆ Understanding CTR in Adsensen

What is CTR? The term CTR in Adsense means Click Through Rate or Click Through. 

That is, the value per ad click will be divided by the number of ad impressions on a Blog/Website article page. 

For example, if a Blog/Website has 1,000 times ad pageviews and gets 50 ad clicks, then the Adsense CTR calculation is (50/1,000) x 100% = 5%. 

A common question that is often asked is, what is the safe CTR threshold in Adsense? 

Some say below 10%, 7% and so on. There are also those who say, as long as the number of clicks comes from organic traffic coming from search engine searches, then anything is definitely safe. 

Facts that occur in the field and experience, in general the number of clicks that come from organic traffic is rarely able to reach CTR above 15%. Unless it's done on purpose. 

Talking about clicking intentionally, you should never do it for any reason. How does Google find out? 

Google's algorithm is equipped with Artificial Intelligence, it can detect through the device a person uses, location, cookies, user behavior and so on. 

☆ Understanding PPS Pages and Impressions in Adsense

The PPS calculation is determined by dividing the estimated earnings by the number of page views, ad impressions and multiplied by 1,000. 

☆ Understanding page CTR and impression CTR

CTR or View Click Rate is divided into two, page CTR and impressions. 

Adsense page CTR is the number of views from the total number of pages viewed by site visitors on a blog page that contains Google Adsense ads. 

As an example:

The number of ads installed on a page/post of a blog is 3 ad units, then the page is viewed by visitors 15 times, then the page views are 15. 

Adsense page CTR, not affected by the number of units installed. If the ad unit is blank or blank, pageviews are not counted. 

Meanwhile, adsense impression CTR is the number of adsense ads seen by visitors based on the ad unit and ad type. The amount of CTR value for adsense impressions is influenced by the number of ad units installed on a page. 

As an example:

If on a page/article there are 3 ad units that appear (not blank) viewed 1,000 times, then the ad impression CTR is 3 x 1,000 = 3,000 impressions. 

☆ Understanding clicks on Adsense

Clicks on Adsense shows an indicator of the number of ad impressions visited by site visitors. The more clicks of course the better because it will affect the amount of income earned. 

With a note that the number of clicks comes from organic traffic, not intentional clicks. 

The estimated earnings menu in Adsense shows the amount of temporary income received by the publisher. The real value will be calculated in a time duration of 1 x 24 hours. 

This estimated earnings value varies depending on the number of clicks multiplied by the CPC value obtained. 

As an example:

Adsense publishers get 100 ad clicks per day with a CPC of $ 1.05, so the estimated income earned is $ 105 per day. 

☆ Understanding the balance in Adsense

Balance is the final income value obtained within a period of 30 effective working days. The income balance on Adsense is accumulated, usually the data will be updated every 2nd of every month. 

The balance will be accumulated at the beginning of each month so the current balance does not include the income you earn this month. 

OK, we are at the end of the article…

Hopefully with this article, there will be no more questions related to terms in Google Adsense. However, if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to write them down in the comments section of this article thank you.

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