Tutor Makes "Welcome to Our Site" Greeting Website or Blog

The Tutor Makes a "Welcome to Our Site" Greeting on the Website

How to make the greeting "Welcome We Come Closer to Your Screen" on the Blog

Text Alerts in the Form of Questions
This text alert is not only a welcome greeting, but also interspersed with questions. 

1. 1. Go to Design/Layout --> Edit HTML
2. Search for the code </head> (To make it easier to search Ctrl + F or F3)
3. Copy the code below and paste above the </head> code
<script type="text/javascript">var yourName = prompt("Welcome", "Write Your Name?");</script>
4. Replace the text in red with the sentence you want. 
5. Save the template
What?? Still not enough?? Want even more questions? Or do you want to be like the police and journalists? 
Yes, I have told you how

1. Go to Design/Layout --> Edit HTML
2. Search for the code </head> (To make it easier to search Ctrl + F or F3)
3. Copy the code below and paste above the </head> code

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
window. alert('Hello World......')
window.alert("Welcome to JavaScript...")
yourname = window.prompt("Welcome! Enter your name","Enter your name:")
youraddress = window.prompt("Address:","Enter your address:")
yourage = window.prompt("Age","Enter your age:")
Your email = window.prompt("E-Mail","Enter Email:")
window.alert("Hello " + your name)
window.alert("You live in " + youraddress)
window.alert(yourname + " is " + your age + " years old")
window.alert("Your Email : " + Your Email)
confirm = window.confirm("Click OK to continue. Click Stop to stop.");
if (confirm)
window. alert("Please wait...")
document.write('Name : ' + yourname + '<br>')
document.write('Address : ' + your address + '<br>')
document.write('Age : ' + your age + '<br>')
document.write('Email : <a href=mailto:'+Your email +'>'+Your email +'</a><br>')
window.alert("You have clicked Stop")
document.write('Thank you.. ' + your name + ' Come back.<br>')
document.write('<a href=tutormessageboxjs.html>Try again?</a>')

4. Save Template &k; look at the results! 

Hopefully add insight 😎 

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