Difference Between Brown Sugar And Coconut Sugar

Difference Between Brown Sugar And Coconut Sugar

The information is confusing on the internet, so now I'm trying to get the facts straight. 


- It is a processed product of palm sap / coconut sugar which is made in solid form printed with coconut / bamboo shells and is usually also referred to as Javanese sugar (Ningtyaset. al., 2013). 

- The texture is compact, not too hard, easy to break, the taste is sour, the aroma is distinctive, and the sweet taste is formed from a combination of sucrose, fructose, glucose, and maltose (Nurlela, 2002). 

- Brown sugar itself consists of several types depending on the raw material, including brown sugar cane, palm sugar, coconut sugar, and palm sugar. But generally in the market, brown sugar is coconut sugar which is added with cane sugar / granulated sugar so that the texture changes a little to become harder, more slippery, the color is brighter and the sweetness is simpler. 


- This sugar is only made from the sap of the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera). Its rich taste, legit texture, and savory aroma are the hallmarks of Coconut Sugar. Even when dry, the texture is softer, but still sticky to the touch. 

- The highest fat content of the type of brown sugar. That's why the flavor is heavier so it is suitable to be combined with market snacks / wet cakes or for savory dishes. 


- This sugar is only made from palm sugar (Arenga pinnata) and is often referred to as Arenga Sugar or Palm Sugar, even though coconut sugar and palm sugar come from the same palm tree variety. 

- The difference, Palm Sugar is very low in fat, so the taste & texture is more "as is" and tastes sweeter. That's why Palm Sugar is more often used for drinks, especially for coffee, tea, boba drinks, etc. 

- The difference with Coconut Sugar, Palm Sugar has a slightly bitter aftertaste. This is due to its mineral content. And because the carbon content is higher, palm sugar will burn / bitter more easily if cooked too long. 

And even though the Glycemic Index level is lower than granulated sugar, these three brown sugars are still processed sugars that are high in calories and low in nutritional value when compared to other natural foods. 

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