During the Second World War, a soldier obtained leave allowing him to return to his home.

As soon as he reached the street near his house, he saw a parked military truck loaded with corpses and knew that the enemy had bombed his city.

The truck was carrying dozens of dead bodies and was preparing to transport them to a mass grave.

The soldier stood in front of the piled-up corpses to take a last look at them and noticed that a shoe on a woman's foot looked like a shoe he had previously bought for his wife.

He went to his house in a hurry to check on her but didn't find her. He quickly retreated and went back to the truck again to check the body and found his wife.

He was left shocked. He said, "I'll not want my wife buried in a mass grave".
So he asked her body be pulled from the truck in preparation for a proper burial.

During the transfer, it was found that she was still breathing slowly but with difficulty. He carried her to the hospital where the necessary first aid was given to her and she came back to life again.

Years after this incident and at the end of the war, the wife who was almost buried alive became pregnant and gave birth to a boy named Vladimir Putin.

He is the current president of Russia.

Nama Vladimir itu sakral bagi orang-orang Rusia. Bahkan 40 persen orang Rusia bisa menggunakan nama depan itu sekarang. Vladimir Agung (tahun 988 dibaptis di Krimea) yang dianggap "Bapak Iman Kristen Ortodoks" seluruh Rusia.

...Certainly, this sense of the “canonical borders” that exceed the current Federation borders has been employed rhetorically on several occasions – particularly in relation to Russian operations in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. Explicit note was made of the special status of Crimea in the history of Russian Orthodoxy – as the site where the Grand Prince Vladimir adopted Orthodoxy and was baptised. Putin noted, “his spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilisation and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus”... (Itulah tepatnya mengapa setiap bicara tentang yurisdiksi Gereja Rusia, maka Krimea itu harus dimasukkan ke dalam Tanah Rusia, karena di Krimea itulah Pangeran Vladimir dulu dibaptis dan menjadikan Kristen Ortodoks itu agama negara Rusia sejak saat itu. Iman Ortodoks itu jauh lebih kuat dibanding pengaruh budaya dan politik di dalam menyatukan Bangsa Rusia Suci yang menjadi dasar Putin untuk menyatukan Belorusia, Ukraina dan Rusia Moskow dalam satu negara tunggal)

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