T4 syndrome, also known as Upper Thoracic Syndrome refers to the pain in the upper back and is a much under-recognized or diagnosed condition.

 The spinal cord is divided into 5 segments: Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccyx. The cervical segment has 7 segments (C1-C7), the thoracic has 12 segments (T1-T12), the lumbar has 5 segments (L1-L5), the sacral also has 5 segments which are fused (S1-S5), the coccyx has only 1 segment.
T4 syndrome typically indicates pain in the 4th vertebrae of the thoracic segment of the spine. T4 syndrome is 3-4 times more common in females than in males.

💡 The Typical Symptoms of T4 Syndrome or Upper Thoracic Syndrome Include:

➡️ Diffused pain in arms

➡️ Paraesthesia in whole arm or the fore-arm

➡️ Extreme hot or cold temperatures of hand

➡️ Heavy feeling in the upper extremities

➡️ Non-dermatomal pains or aches in the forearm or arm

➡️ A crushing or tight band like pain

➡️ Recurrent complain of discontinuous pain in and around the scapular region or posterior thoracic pain

➡️ Sensations like tingling of pins or needles or numbness of the arm.
💡 What Can Cause T4 Syndrome or Upper Thoracic Syndrome?
The reason for the development of T4 syndrome depends on injury to the T4 segment of the spinal cord due to repeated bending, arching, lifting or twisting type of movement thus causing injury to the facet joints in that area. It can also be caused due to poor posture like protruding the head forward while sitting or standing, and slouching. It is common in people with cervical lordosis or cervico-thoracic kyphosis.

Women are more prone to develop the syndrome due to their structural differences from men. As the breasts develop, there is an increase in the amount of weight in the frontal part and to maintain that many would bend a little forward. The heavier the breast, the chances are more to develop T4 syndrome in women.

Treatment for T4 Syndrome or Upper Thoracic Syndrome
The treatment of T4 Syndrome solely depends on physiotherapy. An experienced physiotherapist will provide manual therapy with an impairment based approach. The sessions would start with manual therapy and slowly would progress to home exercise. The sessions would include some or combinations of the following techniques:

➡️ Joint manipulation and mobilization of the thoracic and cervical spine
➡️ Soft tissue massage
➡️ Taping or bracing
➡️ Electrotherapy viz., ultrasound or laser
➡️ Dry needling
➡️ Training in Pilates
➡️ Postural correction
➡️ Stretching
➡️ Exercises for flexibility and stabilization of the core

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