Vadel Badjideh's dancing happily after 6 hours of police questioning, message to Lolly: We will meet again!

Vadel Badjideh's dancing happily after 6 hours of police questioning, message to Lolly: We will meet again! 

Joget Girang Vadel Badjideh Usai 6 Jam Diperiksa Polisi, Pesan untuk Lolly: Kita Bakal Bertemu Lagi!

HOLIDAY NEWS, - Vadel Badjideh's happy dancing after being questioned by the police for more than 6 hours became entertainment in the middle of the press conference. 

Vadel Badjideh would like to thank the media for attending by presenting a dance. 

Not only that, Vadel Badjideh also gave a message to LM aka Lolly (17), the daughter of actress Nikita Mirzani that they would meet again. 

Vadel Badjideh, who is a dancer and TikTok celebrity, was investigated based on reports by Nikita Mirzani regarding allegations of underage sexual intercourse and abortion. 

After being absent from the first inspection agenda, Vadel Badjideh finally came to carry out the inspection, on Friday (4/10/2024) at the South Jakarta Metro Polres from 14.20 WIB to 20.48 WIB. 

"Thank you all for coming, it's only because of me that you came, thank you and the second thing I want to say to all of you is thank you also to the police," said Vadel Badjideh at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday ( 4/9/2024). 

"The police asked me, and thank God I was able to answer everything straight, everything smoothly. Oh, I'm nervous, it's crazy for you guys to record me like this," Vadel continued, reporting on (surarymalang group). 

As a thank you, Vadel Badjideh said he wanted to entertain the media crew who had been waiting for him by dancing. 

"This is the first time I've been like this, this much. Maybe I can't answer all your questions because I've already answered them all in front of investigators," said Vadel. 

"Maybe I'll just provide some entertainment for those of you who have been waiting for me for a long time," continued Vadel Badjideh. 

At the end of the press conference, Vadel danced "Cicak Jedag Jedug" and "Dudidudiam". 

Vadel Badjideh is not alone, the 19 year old young man dances with his older brother, Bintang Badjideh. 

This made the media crew immortalize the moment. 

At the end of his appearance, Vadel Badjideh sent a message to the son of Nikita Mirzani, LM, who is his girlfriend. 

"For Lolly, I'm always here, I'm not going anywhere, we'll meet again," said Vadel Badjideh. 

Vadel Badjideh was dancing happily after being questioned by the police for more than 6 hours (Youtube

During the examination, Vadel Badjideh was accompanied by his attorney, Razman Nasution. 

During the examination, Vadel Badjideh was asked 33 questions by investigators regarding Nikita Mirzani's report. 

Vadel Badjideh also admitted that he was confused by the investigators' various questions to him. 

"As for what I caught, there were a lot of them, there were a lot of them. It just made me dizzy," said Vadel Badjideh, according to 

Vadel Badjideh said he was having a headache because he had to answer investigators' questions calmly and honestly. 

The young man also emphasized that what Nikita Mirzani accused him of was slander. 

"I answered that you also have to be calm, correct, have to be straight, the facts have to be according to my facts and what I understand from all of that, what they are accused of is all slander," said Vadel. 

Responding to this statement, Vadel Badjideh's attorney, Rahmat, said that his client claims he did not commit what Nikita Mirzani is accused of, namely sexual intercourse and abortion. 

"God willing, our belief is also and it has been explained emphatically that this relationship (coitus) has never been carried out," said Rahmat. 

"Vadel (also) has never had an abortion. So we are sure that the abortion article is related to the accusation in accordance with the invitation for clarification to us. This accusation is against LM's own brother," continued Rahmat. 

Vadel Badjideh joget girang setelah 6 jam lebih diperiksa polisi 1
Vadel Badjideh was dancing happily after being questioned by the police for more than 6 hours 1 (Youtube

Therefore, Vadel's party asked for a confrontation with LM who was the victim witness in this alleged case of sexual intercourse and abortion. 

"We ask for a confrontation so that the facts that have happened previously can become legal facts. This means that in the confrontation we will find out which truth is true," said Rahmat. 

"This confrontation will be carried out by Vadel himself with LM, as the truth is, if we look at the elements of the alleged article, LM should be the victim's witness," said Rahmat. 

Previously, Vadel Badjideh was accused of violating the Health Law regarding abortion and the Child Protection Law. 

Joget Girang Vadel Badjideh Usai 6 Jam Diperiksa Polisi, Pesan untuk Lolly: Kita Bakal Bertemu Lagi!

HOLIDAY NEWS, - Joget Girang Vadel Badjideh setelah 6 jam lebih diperiksa polisi jadi hiburan di tengah jumpa pers.

Vadel Badjideh ingin memberi ucapan terima kasih kepada media yang sudah hadir dengan mempersembahkan sebuah dance. 

Tidak cuma itu Vadel Badjideh juga memberikan pesan kepada LM alias Lolly (17) putri aktris Nikita Mirzani kalau mereka akan berjumpa lagi. 

Vadel Badjideh yang merupakan dancer dan Seleb TikTok itu diperiksa atas laporan Nikita Mirzani terkait dugaan persetubuhan di bawah umur dan aborsi. 

Setelah sempat mangkir dari agenda pemeriksaan pertama, Vadel Badjideh akhirnya datang untuk melakukan pemeriksaan, pada Jumat (4/10/2024) di Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan dari pukul 14.20 WIB hingga 20.48 WIB. 

"Terima kasih semua sudah pada datang ya, kan cuma gara-gara gue doang kalian pada datang, terima kasih dan yang kedua yang mau gue omongin ke kalian semua terima kasih juga untuk polisi," ujar Vadel Badjideh di Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (4/9/2024).

"Kepolisian yang sudah menanyakan gue, dan Alhamdulillah gue bisa menjawab lurus-lurus semua, lancar-lancar semua. Aduh gue grogi nih gila kalian pada ngerekam gue kayak gini," lanjut Vadel melansir (grup suryamalang).

Sebagai ucapan terima kasihnya, Vadel Badjideh mengatakan ingin menghibur awak media yang sudah menunggunya dengan tampil dance.

"Baru pertama kali gue seperti ini, sebanyak ini. Mungkin gue enggak bisa menjawab pertanyaan kalian semuanya karena gue sudah menjawab semuanya di depan penyidik," ucap Vadel.

"Mungkin gue bakal kasih hiburan saja buat kalian yang sudah nunggu lama gue," lanjut Vadel Badjideh.

Pada akhir jumpa persnya, Vadel pun dance "Cicak Jedag Jedug" dan "Dudidudiam".

Vadel Badjideh tidak sendiri, pemuda berusia 19 tahun itu dance bersama kakaknya, Bintang Badjideh. 

Hal ini membuat awak media mengabadikan momen tersebut. 

Di akhir penampilannya, Vadel Badjideh mengirimkan pesan untuk anak Nikita Mirzani, LM yang merupakan kekasihnya.

"Buat Lolly, gue selalu ada di sini, gue enggak ke mana-mana, kita bakal bertemu lagi," tutur Vadel Badjideh.

Vadel Badjideh joget girang setelah 6 jam lebih diperiksa polisi
Vadel Badjideh joget girang setelah 6 jam lebih diperiksa polisi (Youtube

Dalam pemeriksaan itu, Vadel Badjideh didampingi kuasa hukumnya, Razman Nasution.

Selama pemeriksaan, Vadel Badjideh dicecar 33 pertanyaan penyidik atas laporan Nikita Mirzani

Vadel Badjideh pun mengaku pusing dengan berbagai pertanyaan penyidik kepadanya. 

"Kalau yang gue tangkap ya, kan banyak ya, banyak banget. Itu semuanya gue aja sampai pusing," ujar Vadel Badjideh melansir

Vadel Badjideh mengatakan, pusing karena harus menjawab pertanyaan penyidik dengan tenang dan juga jujur.

Pemuda itu juga menegaskan apa yang dituduhkan Nikita Mirzani terhadapnya adalah fitnah. 

"Gue menjawabnya juga harus tenang, benar, harus lurus, harus fakta sesuai fakta gue dan yang gue tangkap dari semua itu, yang dituduhkan dari mereka itu fitnah semua," ucap Vadel.

Menimpali pernyataan tersebut, kuasa hukum Vadel Badjideh, Rahmat, mengatakan kliennya mengklaim tidak melakukan yang dituduhkan Nikita Mirzani yakni persetubuhan dan juga aborsi. 

"Insya'Allah keyakinan kita juga dan tadi sudah diterangkan dengan tegas tidak pernah dilakukan hubungan itu (persetubuhan)" kata Rahmat.

"Vadel (juga) tidak pernah melakukan aborsi. Jadi kami yakin terkait dengan pasal aborsi tang dituduhkan sesuai dengan undangan klarifikasi ke kami itu. Tuduhan ini kepada saudara LM sendiri," lanjut Rahmat.

Vadel Badjideh joget girang setelah 6 jam lebih diperiksa polisi 1
Vadel Badjideh joget girang setelah 6 jam lebih diperiksa polisi 1 (Youtube

Oleh karena itu, pihak Vadel meminta adanya konfrontir dengan LM yang menjadi saksi korban dalam dugaan kasus persetubuhan dan aborsi ini.

"Kami meminta untuk dilakukan konfrontir agar fakta-fakta yang telah terjadi dahulu itu bisa menjadi fakta hukum. Artinya, di dalam konfrontir itu nanti akan dicari tahu kebenarannya mana yang benar," ucap Rahmat.

"Konfrontir ini nanti akan dilakukan oleh Vadel sendiri dengan LM, selaku yg sebenarnya kalau kita lihat secara unsur pasal yang dituduhkan tadi harusnya LM sebagai saksi korban," tutur Rahmat.

Sebelumnya, Vadel Badjideh disangkakan atas pelanggaran Undang Undang Kesehatan terkait aborsi dan Undang Undang Perlindungan Anak.

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