These 4 professions will not be replaced by AI in the future

These 4 professions will not be replaced by AI in the future
Photo: Teacher's illustration. (Doc: Freepik)

HOLIDAY NEWS - Many are worried that artificial intelligence (AI) could replace human jobs. 
Citing an Instagram post @ditjen.dikti, McKinsey Global Company predicts that around 30% of professions have the potential to be automated by AI by 2030. The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs once revealed even more terrifying data regarding the threat of AI to human work. The Coordinating Ministry for the Economy estimates that 80 million jobs will be lost due to the development of digital technology globally. The characteristics of work that will be replaced by AI include routine and repetitive nature. Some professions with such characteristics include bank tellers and drivers. 

However, there are still professions that still depend on human abilities in full. 
So, what professions will not be replaced by AI? Here are the details:

1. Creative work
Artists, designers, writers, are professions that are said to not be replaced by AI. This type of work persists because AI cannot imitate the imagination, creativity and emotions of humans. Even though currently Al is widely used to create designs, Al still does not have the ability to understand the cultural, social and emotional context to create meaningful work. 

2. Health professionals
Professionals in the health sector, such as doctors, nurses, psychologists, are also considered unable to be replaced by AI. This is because work in the health sector requires high empathy, communication skills and complex decision making for patient recovery. Of course, robots don't have this. 

3. Educator
Currently, the world of education has been helped a lot by the existence of sophisticated technology such as Al. 
However, the presence of teachers and lecturers cannot be replaced by AI. As educators, they not only transfer knowledge, but also motivate and build student character. 

4. Leader
A leader of a company, country or institution must be wise in making decisions. This position cannot forever be replaced by robots or AI. The negative impact of artificial intelligence

Previously, Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Telisa Aulia Falianty, said that technological developments were like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, digitalization offers many opportunities such as economic transition and productivity growth, as well as the emergence of new jobs. 

Apart from that, he said, developments in digitalization also offer greater work-life balance, and even higher salaries. "Digitalization offers many opportunities," said Telisa some time ago, (30/8/2024). 
However, Telisa said that the development of digitalization also has the potential to have a negative impact. These negative impacts include a decrease in income, a decrease in mental well-being, a decrease in income levels, and even the loss of jobs due to being replaced by Artificial Intelligence. 

"AI could threaten people's income," said Telisa. 
Telisa said that a number of studies show the negative impact of technological developments on labor absorption. According to him, although the amount of investment in Indonesia continues to increase from year to year, the number of workers that can be absorbed is decreasing. 

Quoting data from the Ministry of Investment, Telisa said that in 2012 the amount of investment in Indonesia reached IDR 313.2 trillion with the number of workers absorbed reaching 1.28 million people. With that figure, it means that every IDR 1 trillion in investment can absorb around 4,086 people. 

However, the amount of labor absorption decreased drastically in 2019. In that year the amount of investment in Indonesia increased to IDR 809.6 trillion. However, the number of workers who can be absorbed is only 1.16 million people. Thus, it means that every IDR 1 trillion in investment value can only open 1,277 jobs. "Technology must be able to help humans, but should not completely replace human existence, especially now that we are facing a demographic bonus," he said. 

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