Recognize the Signs of High Blood Sugar in the Body
HOLIDAY NEWS - High blood sugar or hyperglycemia, is a condition when there is too much sugar (glucose) in the blood.
The main cause of hyperglycemia is the body not being able to use insulin effectively (insulin resistance) or not producing enough insulin to regulate sugar levels.
This condition is often experienced by people with a history of diabetes, but anyone can experience high blood sugar.
Normal blood sugar levels are around 70-100 mg/dL before eating, and should be less than 180 mg/dL after eating. If blood sugar levels exceed these figures, then a person is considered to have hyperglycemia.
So, how can the signs of high blood sugar be seen in the sufferer's body? The following is an explanation quoted from the Mayo Clinic, Friday (11/10/2024).
1. Dry mouth and skin
One of the first signs of hyperglycemia is dry mouth and skin. This is caused by dehydration, which occurs because excess blood sugar makes sufferers urinate more often. This lack of fluid causes the mouth and skin to lose moisture.
2. Wounds that are difficult to heal
Hyperglycemia can damage blood vessels and slow blood flow, so wounds, especially on the legs, tend to heal more slowly. This is because the legs are far from the heart and do not get enough oxygen and nutrients needed for healing.
3. Acne
Spikes in blood sugar levels can increase sebum (oil) production in the skin. This excessive oil production can clog pores, causing acne to appear.
4. Weight loss
High blood sugar levels indicate that the body cannot get enough energy for activities. In response, the body will break down fat reserves for energy, which can lead to significant weight loss.
5. Vaginal yeast infection
Women with high blood sugar are more susceptible to infections, including fungal infections in the feminine area. High sugar levels can create an environment that is more conducive to fungal growth.
Kenali Tanda Gula Darah Tinggi pada Tubuh
HOLIDAY NEWS - Gula darah tinggi atau hiperglikemia, adalah kondisi ketika terdapat terlalu banyak gula (glukosa) dalam darah.
Penyebab utama hiperglikemia adalah tubuh yang tidak dapat menggunakan insulin dengan efektif (resistensi insulin) atau produksi insulin yang tidak cukup untuk mengatur kadar gula.
Kondisi ini sering dialami oleh orang dengan riwayat diabetes, tetapi siapa pun dapat mengalami gula darah tinggi.
Kadar gula darah yang normal adalah sekitar 70-100 mg/dL sebelum makan, dan seharusnya kurang dari 180 mg/dL setelah makan. Jika kadar gula darah melebihi angka-angka ini, maka seseorang dianggap mengalami hiperglikemia.
Lalu, bagaimana tanda-tanda gula darah tinggi dapat dilihat dari tubuh penderitanya? Berikut ini penjelasannya yang dikutip dari Mayo Clinic, Jumat (11/10/2024).