Quartararo falls in love with Bali-Finns fireworks display during Hindu ceremony

Quartararo falls in love with Bali-Finns fireworks display during Hindu ceremony

Tangkapan layar pesta kembang api saat umat Hindu menggelar ritual keagamaan di Pantai Berawa, Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali.
Photo: Screenshot of the fireworks celebration when Hindus held a religious ritual at Berawa Beach, North Kuta, Badung, Bali. 
Denpasar - A number of news stories received attention from detikBali readers over the past week. One of them is news from MotoGP racer Fabio Quartararo who stated that he fell in love with Bali. The French racer also said he wanted to live on the Island of the Gods. 

There is still some other interesting news that has also received the attention of detikBali readers. Apart from the news about Fabio Quartararo's fall in love with Bali, the incident with the Finn's Beach Club fireworks party in the middle of a Hindu religious ritual also received attention from readers. 

Not only that, the news about children getting money from Bali governor candidate (cagub) Made Muliawan Arya alias De Gadjah and deputy governor candidate (cawagub) Putu Agus Suradnyana also did not escape the attention of readers. 

Detikers, we are again presenting various news stories over the past week that have received the attention of detikBali readers. We reviewed this news in the 'Popular Week' rubric. Here's the review. 

Fabio Quartararo Falls in Love with Bali

French MotoGP racer, Fabio Quartararo, is starting to fall in love and feel at home in Bali. The 25 year old man even wants to live on the Island of the Gods. 

"Bali, I will soon live here," wrote Quartararo on his Instagram which was seen by detikBali, Monday (14/10/2024). 
Quartararo uploaded two photos of himself with a sea background in Uluwatu. He was fascinated by the beauty of Bali. 
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) welcomed Quartararo's wishes. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, who at that time was still Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, welcomed the Yamaha racer's desire to live in Bali and would prepare his golden visa. 

"Make Fabio Quartararo a golden visa waiting for you," said Sandiaga briefly in The Final Episode of Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno which was held virtually. 

Adyatama Tourism and Creative Economy Main Expert of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nia Niscaya, said she welcomed Fabio's plan. Remember, Fabio has a big name in the world of MotoGP. 

"Of course there are regulations for that and I think this is something that has a moment or has other strengths. Apart from staying, of course there is spending. We don't know yet what will strengthen the Bali destination as a major tourist destination in Indonesia. At least, we have an endorsement that we don't have to pay," said Nia. 

Finns Beach Club Fireworks During Ceremony

The fireworks display at Berawa Beach, North Kuta District, Badung, Bali, sparked controversy. Finns Beach Club set off fireworks while Hindus were holding a religious ceremony on the beach. 

Video of the seconds of the fireworks party at Berawa Beach went viral on social media. Based on the video circulating, fireworks exploded several times while Ida Sulinggih was solemnly performing puja at the pamiosan bale. The people who attended the ceremony could not move while staring at the light of the fireworks exploding in front of them. 
Even so, Ida Sulinggih continued to say prayers and continue the puja. The sound of the bell was drowned out by the roar of the fireworks. The atmosphere that should have been quiet actually became noisy. You can also hear electronic dance music (EDM) booming from a distance. 

Residents said that the fireworks display at the club was held almost every day. Local residents have expressed westernism, but the management of the entertainment venue ignored it. 
"We were presented with a letter from the meeting of traditional banjar residents who rejected fireworks every day, but our request was never heeded and we continued to light fireworks every day," said Kelian Adat Berawa I Wayan Kumarayasa, Wednesday (16/10/2024) . 

Kumarayasa said that residents had long complained about the noise of fireworks. According to him, the beach club management insisted on setting off fireworks on the beach on the grounds that they had received permission from the police. 
"Every time we convey our complaint to the management, we are always given a letter. The letter states that the management has received permission from the police for the fireworks. What can we do," said Kumarayasa. 

Kumarayasa does not know exactly whether there was communication between the beach club management and the residents of Tegal Gundul Traditional Banjar, Canggu, when holding a religious ceremony at Berawa Beach. 
Apart from the controversial fireworks display, residents also complained about the noise from Finns Beach Club. The noise was heard until early morning. 
"Music also shouldn't need to be heard clearly," said Kumarayasa. 
Kumarayasa admitted that the sound of music booming from the beach club could sometimes be heard clearly in people's homes. He said entertainment venue managers should adjust the music volume sufficiently so that residents are not disturbed. 
"We mean that the music should only be turned on at the location. It should not expand beyond the sound of the music," he said. 
Kumarayasa called this condition an irony. On the one hand, the people are happy with the progress in their village. On the other hand, they also want entertainment venue managers to pay attention to residents' comfort. 
"The distance from my house to several beach clubs is around 500 meters. Even at 12 o'clock at night you can still hear it clearly. If possible, keep the music low," he asked. 

Viral Children Claim to Get Money from Mulia-PAS, Is There Money Politics? 

A video of children claiming to have received money from candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of Bali number 1 Made Muliawan Arya alias De Gadjah-Putu Agus Suradnyana went viral on social media (social media). The incident is thought to have occurred in Buleleng. 
Based on the video circulating, children can be seen with happy faces showing a number of Rp. 100 thousand denominations. When asked by the man who recorded the video, they admitted that they got the money from candidate number 1 for governor of Bali. 
The video recorder then asked the two children about voting during the Bali Governor Election (Pilgub). They unanimously answered one. Behind them, a number of people could be seen wearing clothes with the logo of candidate number 1. 
Chairman of the Buleleng General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Kadek Carna Wirata said the video was recorded in the Gerokgak area. Based on information received from the Gerokgak District Election Supervisory Committee (Panwascam), the video was recorded when candidate pair number 1 for the Bali gubernatorial election was campaigning there. 
"Based on information from the Nike Panwascam search (it) in the Gerokgak area," said Carna when confirmed by detikBali, Monday (14/10/2024). 
Carna said Bawaslu was still investigating the truth of the video circulating. This includes requesting information from several parties present during the campaign. 
"The ranks are conducting an investigation into this matter," he concluded. 

Denpasar - Sejumlah berita mendapatkan sorotan dari pembaca detikBali selama satu pekan terakhir. Salah satunya adalah kabar dari pebalap MotoGP Fabio Quartararo yang menyatakan jatuh cinta kepada Bali. Pebalap berkebangsaan Prancis itu pun mengatakan ingin tinggal di Pulau Dewata.

Masih ada beberapa kabar menarik lain yang juga mendapatkan perhatian dari pembaca detikBali. Selain kabar jatuh cintanya Fabio Quartararo kepada Bali, peristiwa pesta kembang api Finn's Beach Club di tengah ritual agama Hindu juga mendapatkan perhatian dari pembaca.

Tak hanya itu, kabar soal anak-anak yang mendapatkan uang dari calon gubernur (cagub) Bali Made Muliawan Arya alias De Gadjah dan calon wakil gubernur (cawagub) Putu Agus Suradnyana juga tak luput dari perhatian pembaca.

Detikers, kami kembali menghadirkan berbagai pemberitaan selama seminggu terakhir yang mendapatkan perhatian dari para pembaca detikBali. Pemberitaan ini kami ulas dalam rubrik 'Populer Sepekan'. Berikut ulasannya.

Fabio Quartararo Jatuh Cinta dengan Bali

Pebalap MotoGP berkebangsaan Prancis, Fabio Quartararo, mulai jatuh cinta dan betah berlama-lama di Bali. Pria berusia 25 tahun itu bahkan ingin tinggal di Pulau Dewata.

"Bali, saya akan segera tinggal di sini," tulis Quartararo di Instagram nya yang dilihat detikBali, Senin (14/10/2024).

Quartararo mengunggah dua foto dirinya berlatar belakang laut di Uluwatu. Dia terpesona dengan keindahan Bali.

Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) menyambut keinginan Quartararo. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno yang kala itu masih menjabat Menparekraf menyambut baik keinginan pebalap Yamaha itu untuk tinggal di Bali dan akan menyiapkan golden visanya.

"Buat Fabio Quartararo golden visa menanti Anda," kata Sandiaga singkat dalam The Final Episode of Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno yang digelar secara virtual.

Adyatama Kepariwisataan dan Ekonomi Kreatif Ahli Utama Kemenparekraf, Nia Niscaya, menyatakan menyambut baik rencana Fabio. Mengingat, Fabio yang memiliki nama besar di dunia MotoGP.

"Tentu ada regulasi untuk itu dan saya kira ini yang punya momen atau punya kekuatan lain. Selain dia akan tinggal, tentu ada spending-nya. Kami belum tahu apalah menguatkan destinasi Bali sebagai tujuan wisata utama di Indonesia. At least, kita ada endorse yang kita nggak harus bayar," ungkap Nia.

Finns Beach Club Pesta Kembang Api Saat Ada Upacara

Pesta kembang api di Pantai Berawa, Kecamatan Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali, menuai kontroversi. Finns Beach Club menyalakan kembang api saat umat Hindu tengah melakukan upacara keagamaan di pantai itu.

Video detik-detik pesta kembang api di Pantai Berawa viral di media sosial. Berdasarkan video yang beredar, kembang api meledak berkali-kali saat Ida Sulinggih sedang khusyuk melakukan puja di bale pamiosan. Umat yang hadir dalam upacara itu tak dapat berkutik sembari menatap cahaya kembang api yang meledak di depan mereka.

Meski begitu, Ida Sulinggih tetap merapal doa dan melanjutkan puja. Suara gentanya tenggelam akibat deru letusan kembang api. Suasana yang seharusnya hening justru menjadi ingar bingar. Terdengar pula electronic dance music (EDM) yang berdentum-dentum dari kejauhan.

Warga menyebut pesta kembang api di kelab itu dilakukan nyaris setiap hari. Warga setempat sudah menyampaikan kebaratan, namun tak digubris oleh pengelola tempat hiburan itu.

"Kami sempat sodorkan surat hasil rapat warga banjar adat yang menolak kembang api itu setiap hari, tetapi permohonan kami itu tidak pernah dihiraukan dan tetap menyalakan kembang api setiap hari," ungkap Kelian Adat Berawa I Wayan Kumarayasa, Rabu (16/10/2024).

Kumarayasa menuturkan sejak lama warga mengeluhkan suara kembang api yang bising. Menurut dia, pengelola beach club berkukuh menyalakan kembang api di pantai dengan alasan sudah mendapat izin dari polisi.

"Setiap kami sampaikan ke pengelola terkait keluhan kami ini, kami selalu disodorkan surat. Surat itu bahwa pengelola sudah dapat izin dari kepolisian untuk kembang api itu. Kami bisa apa," kata Kumarayasa.

Kumarayasa tidak tahu persis ada tidaknya komunikasi antara pengelola beach club dengan warga Banjar Adat Tegal Gundul, Canggu, saat menggelar upacara keagamaan di Pantai Berawa.

Selain pesta kembang api yang kontroversial itu, warga juga mengeluh suara bising dari Finns Beach Club. Suara bising itu terdengar sampai dini hari.

"Musik juga mestinya nggak perlu sampai terdengar jelas keluar," ungkap Kumarayasa.

Kumarayasa mengakui suara musik yang berdentum-dentum dari beach club sesekali terdengar jelas hingga ke rumah-rumah warga. Seharusnya, dia berujar, pengelola tempat hiburan menyesuaikan volume musik secukupnya agar warga tak terganggu.

"Maksud kami supaya musik itu dihidupkan sebatas di tempat lokasi saja. Tidak melebar keluar bunyi musiknya," sebut dia.

Kumarayasa menyebut kondisi tersebut sebagai sebuah ironi. Di satu sisi masyarakat senang dengan kemajuan di desa mereka. Di sisi lain, mereka juga ingin agar pengelola tempat hiburan memperhatikan kenyamanan warga.

"Jarak dari rumah saya ke beberapa beach club ada sekitar 500 meter. Sampai jam 12 malam pun masih kedengaran jelas. Kalau bisa (volume) musiknya kecillah," pintanya.

Viral Anak-anak Mengaku Dapat Uang dari Mulia-PAS, Ada Money Politic?

Video anak-anak yang mengaku mendapat uang dari pasangan calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur Bali nomor urut 1 Made Muliawan Arya alias De Gadjah-Putu Agus Suradnyana viral di media sosial (medsos). Peristiwa itu diduga terjadi di Buleleng.

Berdasarkan video yang beredar, tampak anak-anak dengan raut wajah gembira menunjukkan sejumlah uang pecahan Rp 100 ribu. Ketika ditanya oleh pria yang merekam video, mereka mengaku mendapat uang tersebut dari calon gubernur Bali nomor urut 1.

Perekam video kemudian bertanya kepada kedua anak tersebut terkait pencoblosan saat Pemilihan Gubernur (Pilgub) Bali. Mereka dengan kompak menjawab satu. Di belakang mereka, terlihat sejumlah orang yang memakai baju dengan logo cagub-cawagub nomor urut 1.

Ketua Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum (Bawaslu) Buleleng Kadek Carna Wirata mengatakan video tersebut direkam di wilayah Gerokgak. Berdasarkan informasi yang diterima dari Panitia Pengawas Pemilihan Kecamatan (Panwascam) Gerokgak, video itu direkam saat paslon nomor urut 1 Pilgub Bali tersebut berkampanye di sana.

"Berdasarkan informasi dari penelusuran Panwascam nike (itu) di wilayah Gerokgak," kata Carna saat dikonfirmasi detikBali, Senin (14/10/2024).

Carna mengatakan Bawaslu masih menelusuri kebenaran video yang beredar tersebut. Termasuk meminta informasi dari beberapa pihak yang hadir saat kampanye.

"Jajaran melakukan penelusuran terhadap hal tersebut," pungkasnya.

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