Google Labeled Monopoly US Department of Justice, Google's Response

Google is Labeled a Monopoly by the US Department of Justice, This is Google's Response

Google Dicap Monopoli

It's been a bad few months for Google because this giant technology company has been hit so hard from all sides. Not only was Epic Games sued, Google also had to find themselves restrained by a new ruling from the United States Department of Justice. 

It was reported that Google, which was previously suspected of committing monopolistic actions, would receive strict sanctions for what they had done in the last few years. It seems the decision has been made. 

Google Branded Monopoly by Judge at United States DoJ

google dicap monopoli
Will be forced to improve because it is indicated as a monopoly

After carrying out further investigations, the US Department of Justice through a decision from judge Amit Mehta concluded that Google had indeed carried out monopolistic actions. This company from Mountain View California is said to have violated Sherman Act section 2 and accused Google of monopolizing the search engine market. 

After this, lawyers at the DoJ will look for ways to restore competition and take appropriate action against Google's anti-competitive practices. 

A total of 32 pages of files submitted contain how to resolve this problem, including the actions that need to be taken. One of the plans is to improve Google's search distribution system, revenue sharing, search result generation and impressions, monetization and advertising scale, and how funds are used and collected. 

There is a solution stated that Google will no longer be allowed to use Chrome, Android, and Play, which are their key products, to give an unfair advantage to Google Search and related services. 

Solutions That Will Weaken Google

Playstore Primary (1)
Google tidak senang dengan tuntutan DoJ

Meanwhile, another solution is to give websites the option not to participate in AI Overview in Google Search. Of course, Google doesn't like all these demands. They think that this radical approach will harm stakeholders including consumers, developers and businesses. 

Google also revealed that separating Chrome and Android into different entities would change their business model. Which they claim will increase the costs of Android devices and weaken the position of Android and Google Play as competitors to Apple's App Store. 

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