20 Types Decorative Plants Front House that Bring Fortune, Wealth and Good Luck

20 Types of Decorative Plants in Front of the House that Bring Fortune, Wealth and Good Luck
Do you like collecting ornamental plants at home? Add types of ornamental plants to the front of the house which are believed to bring good fortune, wealth and good luck. Ornamental plants not only beautify the appearance of the house but are also believed to bring good fortune and good luck to the owner. According to feng shui beliefs and several other traditions, various types of plants have positive energy that can invite good luck and improve the quality of life. 

Many ornamental plants can be an option. Whether you're looking for financial growth, improved health, or happiness, adding ornamental plants to your front yard might bring you good luck. 
Quoting Housing, plants that bring good luck for the home remove stagnant and stale energy from the home. These plants subconsciously connect us with the color green which has therapeutic qualities. 

Plants that grow healthily and plants that bring money and good luck when placed in the right place will increase the ability to attract abundance into one's life and improve relationships. 

Types of ornamental plants in front of the house that bring good fortune

The following are types of ornamental plants that are suitable to be planted in front of the house and are believed to bring good fortune and good luck. 

1. Money  plant

Money plant is often considered a plant that brings good luck and wealth. In the feng shui tradition, this plant is often recommended to be planted near the entrance of the house because it is believed to be able to attract the flow of positive energy related to good fortune. 

The tree trunk, which is often braided, symbolizes unity and strength in facing financial challenges. Additionally, its green leaves symbolize growth, prosperity and financial health. 

 This tree is also known to be easy to care for, suitable for planting both inside and outside the home, making it popular among ornamental plant lovers. 

2. Fortune bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Fortune bamboo or lucky bamboo is an ornamental plant that is often considered a symbol of happiness, luck and prosperity in feng shui. Bamboo stems are sturdy and flexible, reflecting endurance and the ability to adapt, which are important qualities in achieving success. 

The more bamboo sticks you have, the greater the potential for good luck it brings. Fortune bamboo is usually placed in a small pot with water, making it easy to care for and ideal for beautifying your front yard. 

3. Jade plant

Jade plant or jade plant is a symbol of wealth in feng shui. This plant has thick leaves and is round like a coin. It is believed to be able to attract the energy of good fortune and financial stability. 

Not only that, the jade plant is also known as a plant that is easy to grow and long-lasting, reflecting continuity and sustainability in terms of wealth and happiness. Jade plants are usually placed in easily visible areas, such as the front porch of the house, to ensure that positive energy continues to flow. 

4. Yellow palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

Yellow palm is an ornamental plant that is often found in the front yard of the house. The tall stems and hanging leaves give a graceful and cool impression, making the home environment look more beautiful. 

In feng shui, yellow palms are believed to bring good luck, wealth and tranquility to homeowners. In addition, this plant also helps filter the air and create a healthier environment, important for supporting the well-being of all family members. 

5. Ivory betel

Ivory betel is a very popular ornamental plant because of its ability to grow in various conditions, including in water and soil. This plant is known for its ability to clean the air from pollution and absorb negative energy. 
In feng shui, pothos is considered a plant that brings good luck, especially when it comes to relationships and health. Planting pothos in front of the house can help create a more harmonious atmosphere and support the smooth flow of sustenance for the residents. 

6. Lavender

Lavender is known for its calming aroma and ability to reduce stress and anxiety. But apart from these health benefits, lavender is also believed to bring good luck and happiness into the home. 
Planting lavender in front of your home can help attract positive energy and create a peaceful environment. This plant is also believed to be able to protect the house from negative energy and provide a sense of security and comfort for the residents. 

7. Cactus

Even though they are thorny, cacti are often considered as protective plants. In the belief of feng shui, cacti are able to ward off negative energy and protect the home from danger or bad luck. Placing cacti in the front yard of the house can provide spiritual and physical protection for the homeowner. Apart from that, cacti are very easy to care for because they don't require a lot of water so they are suitable for planting in dry or hot climates. 

8. Mother-in-law's tongue ( Sansevieria trifasciata)

Mother-in-law's tongue is an ornamental plant that is not only known as an effective air purifier but also has a symbolic meaning in feng shui. Its upright leaves symbolize protection and strength. This plant is believed to ward off bad energy and bring good luck, especially if planted around the entrance to the house. Mother-in-law's tongue is also very resilient so it is suitable for planting in various environmental conditions. 

9. Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum)

Chrysanthemums are flowers that are highly valued in many cultures, including in feng shui. This flower symbolizes happiness, prosperity and long life. The bright colors of chrysanthemums are believed to attract positive energy and provide an atmosphere full of happiness and good luck. Planting chrysanthemums in front of the house can help create a harmonious environment and support the mental and emotional well-being of the residents. 

10.  Orange trees

Orange trees are often associated with wealth and fertility, especially in Chinese culture. Orange fruit symbolizes gold and abundant fortune. Planting an orange tree in front of the house not only produces fresh and delicious fruit but is also believed to bring good luck in terms of finances and success in business. This plant also gives a tropical impression that refreshes the yard. 

11. Aglonema

Aglonema is an ornamental plant that has beautiful colorful leaves. The beauty of the leaves makes aglonema a symbol of happiness and prosperity in the household. 
This plant is believed to attract positive energy and good luck, and help create a more balanced home atmosphere. Aglonema is also known to be easy to care for, making it suitable for planting in the front yard of the house as decoration and to bring good luck. 

12. Orchid

Orchids are plants known for their beautiful flowers and are often considered a symbol of love, elegance and perfection. In feng shui, orchids symbolize prosperity, good luck and happiness in relationships. 
Planting orchids in the front yard of the house can bring a positive aura that increases harmony and success in household life. 

13. Olive tree

The olive tree has long been known as a symbol of peace and abundance. In Greek mythology, this tree is considered a gift from the gods to humans, symbolizing blessings and prosperity. Place an olive tree in front of the house which is believed to bring calm, abundance of good fortune, and protection from conflict. 

14. Peace lilies

The peace lily plant is known for its air-cleaning abilities and elegant appearance. This plant is often associated with peace, balance and tranquility, so it is very suitable to be planted in the front yard of the house. The peace lily also symbolizes healing and harmony, which can help maintain the physical and emotional well-being of its inhabitants. 

15. Frangipani flowers

Frangipani flowers are often found in home gardens and temples, and have deep spiritual meaning. This flower symbolizes beauty, tranquility and protection. Planting frangipani flowers in front of the house is believed to attract good luck, protect the house from negative energy, and provide a sense of security. 

16. Adenium

Adenium, with the scientific name Adenium obesum, is a plant that brings good luck to the home. In Chinese culture, adenium is also called a plant of wealth, and is widely used for Chinese Spring Festival celebrations. Adenium is a plant that brings good luck, especially because of its swollen roots which symbolize abundance and fertility. The adenium plant is known for its beautiful pink or red flowers, it is known as  desert rose and is considered to bring good luck. 

17. Banana tree

The banana tree has deep meaning in various cultures, especially as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Planting a banana tree in front of the house not only produces useful fruit, but is also believed to bring good fortune and blessings to the home owner. 

18. Rosemary

Rosemary is known for its refreshing aroma and health benefits, especially as a kitchen spice and medicinal plant. But apart from its health benefits, rosemary is also believed to be a plant that brings good luck, especially in terms of protection and well-being. Plant rosemary in front of the house to help maintain the health of householders while attracting positive energy that supports family success and harmony. 

19. Sunflower

Sunflowers, with their shape that resembles the sun, symbolize happiness, luck and positive energy. In many traditions, sunflowers are considered a plant capable of attracting good luck and prosperity to homeowners. 
Mothers can plant sunflowers in the front yard of the house which will provide a cheerful visual effect as well as bring a positive aura. This helps improve the mood and well-being of all family members. 

20. Dollar plant

The dollar plant, also known as the ZZ  plant is an ornamental plant that is often associated with financial luck. Its glossy and thick leaves symbolize strength and endurance in facing economic challenges. The ZZ plant is very popular in feng shui as a plant that brings wealth and financial stability. This plant is also easy to care for and is resistant to various environmental conditions so it is very suitable to be planted in front of the house to attract good fortune and prosperity. 
Apart from adding beauty and comfort to the home environment, each plant is believed to be able to increase positive energy that supports the success, prosperity and happiness of its residents. Choose plants that best suit your needs and the aesthetics of your home. Make sure to take good care of it so that it continues to bring good luck and abundant fortune into the house. 

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