In the book Dalail Al-Khoirot, the work of Al-Imam Al-Quthub As-Sheikh Abi 'Abdillah Muhammad bin Sulaiman Al-Jazuliy Al-Hasani is mentioned,
"When a servant prays, the prayer will come out of his mouth as fast as lightning in the form of light, and the light will surround all corners of the west and east while shouting "I am the prayer of so and so bin so and so."
Then Allah made a prayer for a bird that has 70 thousand wings, in 1 wing there are 70 thousand heads, in 1 head there are 70 thousand faces, in 1 face there are 70 thousand mouths, in 1 mouth there are 70 thousand tongues, and every 1 tongue glorifies with 70 thousand languages whose rewards are for people whopray.
Angel Gabriel AS said,
"O Messenger of Allah, whoever recites blessings upon you ten times every day, I will guide his hand and I will carry him across the footbridge (Shirathal Mustaqim) like lightning strikes."
Angel Michael USA,
"O Messenger of Allah, those who pray to you, I will give them a drink from your lake"
Angel Isrofil AS,
"Those who pray to you, I will bow down to Allah SWT and I will not lift my head, so that Allah SWT forgives those people (who pray)."
Angel Izrail AS,
"For those who pray to you, I will pluck their souls as gently as I plucked the souls of the Prophets."
In the book Al-Mustadrak Sheikh An-Nuri, volume 5: 355, the 72nd hadith is narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, "When I arrived in the sky on the night of Isra' Miraj, I saw an angel who had 1000 hands, on each hand there were 1000 fingers. I saw him counting his fingers one by one. I asked Jibril, my companion, "Who is the angel, and what is his job?" Jibril said, "Indeed he is an angel who was given the task of counting the raindrops that fell from the sky to the earth."
Rasulallah saw asked the angel