The Beautiful Charm of the Bali Hai Pontoon, Offers the Sensation of Walking Under the Sea
The Beautiful Charm of the Bali Hai Pontoon, Offers the Sensation of Walking Under the Sea
HOLIDAY NEWS – Nusa Lembongan Island, which is part of the Island of the Gods, is able to attract foreign and local tourists to enjoy its natural beauty and underwater panorama.
Water tourism is a mainstay on the island of Nusa Lembongan, Bali. In the travel package, tourists can enjoy the beautiful underwater panorama and the production of seaweed cultivated by local residents. To enjoy the underwater sensation, Pontoon is one choice for tourists. The pontoon itself is a ship with a flat hull that floats in the middle of the sea. The floating Bali Hai Pontoon has quite complete play facilities ranging from water sliders, snorkeling, diving to the experience of seeing coral conservation and other beautiful water panoramas.
Tourists at the Bali Hai Pontoon enjoying water rides in the waters of Jungutbatu Nusa Lembongan, Bali Photo : Liarosh (Bali)
'Everything is done from the pontoon. "For conservation, the process is carried out by tying up damaged coral, after that it is lowered from the side of the pontoon and the diving staff will move it to the coral restoration area," said Cruise Director Coordinator Bali Hai Putu Arya Ardiana at Pontoon Bali Hai Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Friday, September 132024. He said that the coral reef conservation area covers an area of 100 square meters. Efforts to rehabilitate marine biota are carried out every day when the sun is in the middle, at 12.00.
"Visitors who snorkel and dive will see a beautiful underwater garden with many colored corals," he explained. Apart from banana boats and snorkeling, at Pontoon Bali Hai there are also optional activities such as sea under water walking. In this vehicle, tourists over 10 years old can walk under sea water using a special helmet weighing 30kg.
Bali Hai offers the sensation of walking in the sea Photo : VIVA/ Maha Liarosh/ Bali
Tourists can also see the beauty of marine life and coral planting or coral restoration. Arya said that coral planting can support around 200 types of fish, including nemo, dolphins, zebra fish and lion fish. "Coral restoration has been successful, the fish population has increased, tourists can see its beauty. Types of fish include nemo, dolphin, zebra fish, lion fish. However, lions and nemo can be seen when diving," said Arya.
Meanwhile, Arya said, tourist visits during high season to the Bali Hai Pontoon reach 150-200 people per day. Tourists are dominated by foreign tourists from Europe and Australia.
To enjoy the beauty of the underwater panorama, tourists are only charged around IDR 1 million per package, including transportation and lunch.
Bali Hai offers the sensation of walking in the sea Photo : VIVA/ Maha Liarosh/ Bali
Indahnya Pesona Pontoon Bali Hai, Tawarkan Sensasi Berjalan di Bawah Laut
HOLIDAY NEWS – Nusa Lembongan Island yang merupakan bagian dari Pulau Dewata mampu membius wisatawan asing maupun lokal untuk menikmati keindahan alam dan panorama bawah laut yang dimilikinya.
Wisata air jadi andalan di pulau Nusa Lembongan, Bali. Dalam sepaket perjalanan, wisatawan dapat menikmati indahnya panorama bawah laut hingga produksi rumput laut yang dibudidayakan warga sekitar.
Untuk menikmati sensasi bawah laut, Pontoon jadi salah satu pilihan untuk wisatawan. Pontoon sendiri merupakan kapal dengan lambung datar yang mengapung di tengah laut.
Pontoon Bali Hai yang mengapung mempunyai wahana permainan yang cukup lengkap mulai dari water slider, snorkeling, diving hingga pengalaman melihat konservasi koral dan keindahan panorama air lainnya.
Wisatawan di Pontoon Bali Hai menikmati wahana air di perairan Jungutbatu Nusa Lembongan, Bali Photo : Liarosh (Bali)
'Semua dilakukan dari pontoon. Untuk konservasi prosesnya dilakukan dengan mengikat koral yang rusak, setelah itu diturunkan dari samping ponton dan staf diving akan memindahkan ke tempat coral restoration," kata Cruise Director Coordinator Bali Hai Putu Arya Ardiana di Pontoon Bali Hai Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Jumat, 13 September 2024.
Ia mengatakan, areal konservasi terumbu karang memiliki seluas 100 meter persegi. Upaya rehabilitasi biota laut itu dilakukan setiap hari saat matahari berada di tengah, pukul 12.00.
"Pengunjung yang melakukan snorkeling dan diving akan melihat underwater garden yang indah dengan banyak warna koral koral kita," jelasnya.
Selain banana boat dan snorkeling, di Pontoon Bali Hai juga terdapat optinonal activities seperti sea under water walking. Dalam wahana ini, wisatawan di atas 10 tahun bisa berjalan di bawah air laut dengan menggunakan helem khusus seberat 30kg.
Bali Hai tawarkan sensasi berjalan di dalam laut Photo : VIVA/ Maha Liarosh/ Bali
Wisatawan juga bisa melihat indahnya biota laut dan penamam koral atau coral restoration. Dikatakan Arya, dari penanaman koral itu bisa menghidupi sekitar 200 jenis ikan, antara lain, nemo, lumba-lumba, zebra fish, lion fish.
"Coral restoration berhasil, populasi ikan meningkat, wisatawan bisa melihat keindahannya. Jenis ikan antara lain nemo, dolphin, zebra fish, lion fish. Akan tetapi lion dan nemo bisa dilihat saat diving," kata Arya.
Sementara itu, dikatakan Arya, kunjungan wisatawan pada high season ke Pontoon Bali Hai mencapai 150-200 orang perhari. Wisatawan didominasi oleh wisatawan asing dari Eropa dan Australia.
Untuk menikmati keindahan panorama bawah laut itu, wisatawan hanya dipatok harga sekitar Rp1 Juta per paket, termasuk tranportasi dan makan siang.
Bali Hai tawarkan sensasi berjalan di dalam laut Photo : VIVA/ Maha Liarosh/ Bali