Sri Mulyani meets with World Bank representatives, does she get a counter offer?

Sri Mulyani meets with World Bank representatives, does she get a counter offer?

Sri Mulyani meets with World Bank representatives, does she get a counter offer? 
Sri Mulyani meets representatives of the World Bank (Photo: IG Sri Mulyani)

HOLIDAY NEWS - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani met with the envoy of the World Bank, namely Vice President East Asia & Pacific Manuela V Ferro. So, what was discussed at the meeting? 

According to Sri Mulyani, there were many topics discussed in her meeting with Manuela. For example, discussing the government transition period and updating the World Bank. 
"Various topics filled our warm conversation that afternoon. "Starting from the transition of the Indonesian government in October 2024 to the latest updates from the World Bank Group and the challenges of serving the development needs of member countries," he wrote on his official Instagram account, quoted on Wednesday (11/9/2024). 

Not only that, the former Managing Director of the World Bank also exchanged ideas on current issues. In fact, he plans to work together to overcome development issues. 

"We exchanged many constructive and positive ideas about development challenges: the issue of climate change, geopolitical changes and dynamics and the impact on Asia Pacific countries, HR investment in Indonesia. "We also discussed cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and the World Bank in dealing with development issues in Indonesia, the Asian region and globally," he said. 
Sri Mulyani also appreciated her brief meeting with Manuela. So, is there an offer to return to work at the World Bank? 
This is what one netizen @rioranggarawa asked in Sri Mulyani's comments column. "The envoy with a special message returned to the world bank," he said. 

Sri Mulyani Bertemu Perwakilan World Bank, Dapat Tawaran Balik?

Sri Mulyani Bertemu Perwakilan World Bank, Dapat Tawaran Balik?
Sri Mulyani bertemu perwakilan World Bank (Foto: IG Sri Mulyani)

HOLIDAY NEWS - Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani bertemu dengan utusan World Bank atau Bank Dunia, yakni Vice President East Asia & Pacific Manuela V Ferro. Lantas, apa yang dibahas dalam pertemuan itu?

Menurut Sri Mulyani, ada banyak topik yang dibahas dalam pertemuannya dengan Manuela. Misalnya pembahasan masa transisi pemerintahan hingga update World Bank.

“Beragam topik mengisi perbincangan kami yang hangat sore itu. Mulai dari transisi pemerintahan Indonesia pada Oktober 2024 mendatang hingga berbagai update terkini World Bank Group dan tantangan melayani kebutuhan pembangunan dari negara anggota,” tulis dia di akun Instagram resminya dikutip Rabu (11/9/2024).

Tak cuma itu, eks Direktur Pelaksana Bank Dunia ini juga bertukar pikiran mengenai isu terkini. Bahkan, ia berencana bekerja sama untuk mengatasi isu pembangunan.

“Kami bertukar pikiran yang konstruktif dan positif banyak sekali tentang tantangan pembangunan: isu climate change, perubahan dan dinamika geopolitik dan dampak ke negara-negara Asia Pacific, Investasi SDM di Indonesia. Kami juga membahas kerja sama Kemenkeu dan Bank Dunia dalam menangani isue pembangunan di Indonesia, kawasan Asia dan global,” kata dia.

Sri Mulyani pun mengapresiasi pertemuan singkatnya dengan Manuela. Lantas, apakah ada tawaran untuk kembali bekerja di World Bank?

Hal itu seperti yang ditanyakan salah satu netizen @rioranggarawa di kolom komentar Sri Mulyani. “Utusan dengan pesan khusus balik ke world bank,” kata dia.

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