Vladimir Putin's wealth is said to be IDR 3,100 trillion, almost the same as Elon Musk

Vladimir Putin's wealth is said to be IDR 3,100 trillion, almost the same as Elon Musk

Vladimir Putin's wealth is said to be IDR 3,100 trillion, almost the same as Elon Musk
Russian President Vladimir Putin's wealth is said to reach IDR 3,100 trillion, almost equal to Elon Musk's wealth. Photo/Alexander Kazakov/Sputnik/Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

HOLIDAY NEWS - Vladimir Putin is the President of the Russian Federation who is hated by the West for invading Ukraine since February 2022. Even though his steps seem isolated due to hostility from the West, the Kremlin leader is reported to have fantastic wealth. 

Even though many predict the value of Putin's wealth, the exact information is still a secret, especially for the United States (US) intelligence agencies. 
Russia's number one person is said to be adept at hiding his wealth in real estate both domestically and in the West, as well as in tax-free countries abroad. 
The absence of a document trail regarding Putin's assets makes it difficult to know the extent of his wealth. 

Vladimir Putin's wealth

Reporting from Fox Business, various testimonies from economists and experts estimate Putin's total net worth to be between USD 70 billion to USD 200 billion or around IDR 1,085 trillion to IDR 3,100 trillion (exchange rate USD 1 = IDR 15,500). If the estimate is accurate, then its value will almost catch up with top American billionaire Elon Musk—whose wealth is estimated at USD 247.2 billion (more than IDR 3,831 trillion). 

Official disclosures put Putin's annual income at around USD 140,000 or IDR 2.1 billion, and he lives in an 800 square foot apartment in St Petersburg. 
Testimony from Swedish economist and writer Anders Aslund in 2022 estimated that Putin had assets worth between USD 100 billion and USD 130 billion. 

The assets are said to have been obtained from the wealth of Putin's trusted people, each of whom has between USD 500 million and USD 2 billion. 
Former Hermitage Capital Management CEO Bill Browder in 2017 told the US Senate Judiciary Committee that Russia had a "notorious reputation for corruption" that Putin initially had to clean up after coming to power in 2000. 

That all changed after Putin captured Russia's richest man in 2003. That earned him the support and loyalty of other oligarchs, plus “50 percent” of their income, making him “the biggest oligarch in Russia,” according to Browder. 
That is one of the many things that makes the Russian President have fantastic wealth. 

Kekayaan Vladimir Putin Disebut Rp3.100 Triliun, Hampir Menyamai Elon Musk

Kekayaan Vladimir Putin...
Kekayaan Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin disebut mencapai Rp3.100 triliun, hampir menyamai kekayaan Elon Musk. Foto/Alexander Kazakov/Sputnik/Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

HOLIDAY NEWS - Vladimir Putin adalah Presiden Federasi Rusia yang dibenci Barat karena menginvasi Ukraina sejak Februari 2022. Meski langkahnya seakan terisolasi akibat dimusuhi Barat, pemimpin Kremlin itu dilaporkan memiliki kekayaan yang fantastis.

Meski banyak yang memprediksi nilai kekayaan Putin, informasi pastinya masih menjadi rahasia, terutama untuk badan intelijen Amerika Serikat (AS).

Orang nomor satu Rusia itu disebut lihai menyembunyikan kekayaannya di bidang real estate baik di dalam negeri maupun di Barat, serta di negara bebas pajak di luar negeri.

Tidak adanya jejak dokumen mengenai aset-aset Putin membuat sulit untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kekayaannya.

Kekayaan Vladimir Putin

Dilansir dari Fox Business, berbagai kesaksian dari para ekonom dan pakar memperkirakan total kekayaan bersih Putin berkisar antara USD70 miliar hingga USD200 miliar atau sekitar Rp1.085 triliun hingga Rp3.100 triliun (kurs USD1 = Rp 15.500).

Jika perkiraan itu akurat, maka nilainya hampur mengejar miliarder top Amerika Elon Musk—yang kekayaannya diperkirakan mencapai USD247,2 miliar (lebih dari Rp3.831 triliun).

Pengungkapan resmi menyebutkan pendapatan tahunan Putin sekitar USD140.000 atau Rp2,1 miliar, dan dia tinggal di sebuah apartemen seluas 800 kaki persegi di St Petersburg.

Kesaksian dari ekonom dan penulis Swedia Anders Aslund pada 2022 memperkirakan bahwa Putin memiliki aset dengan nilai antara USD100 miliar hingga USD130 miliar.

Aset itu disebut didapat dari kekayaan orang-orang kepercayaan Putin, yang masing-masing memiliki antara USD500 juta hingga USD2 miliar.

Mantan CEO Hermitage Capital Management Bill Browder pada 2017 mengatakan kepada Komite Kehakiman Senat AS bahwa Rusia memiliki "reputasi korupsi yang terkenal" yang awalnya harus dibersihkan oleh Putin setelah berkuasa pada tahun 2000.

Semuanya berubah setelah Putin menangkap orang terkaya di Rusia pada 2003. Itu membuatnya memperoleh dukungan dan loyalitas dari oligarki lainnya, ditambah dengan “50 persen” dari pendapatan mereka, yang menjadikannya “oligarki terbesar di Rusia”, menurut Browder.

Itu menjadi salah satu dari banyaknya hal yang membuat Presiden Rusia tersebut memiliki kekayaan fantastis.

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