The reason why Haru Cristiano Ronaldo vowed to never have a tattoo for the rest of his life, once saved his life

The reason why Haru Cristiano Ronaldo vowed to never have a tattoo for the rest of his life, once saved his life

The reason why Haru Cristiano Ronaldo vowed to never have a tattoo for the rest of his life, once saved his life
HOLIDAY NEWS - Today's football players look more striking with the extensive tattoos on their bodies. This body tattoo art is often found on the bodies of football players. Usually they tattoo on parts that are often seen, for example hands, feet and neck. There are even those who have tattoos as big and wide as their backs, David Becham and Zlatan Ibrahimovich for example. 

There is also Lionel Messi who has tattoos on his hands and blocks all over his feet. 
For them, every tattoo has an important meaning, for example winning a trophy or a sign of love with their loved ones. 

However, this does not apply to Cristiano Ronaldo. 

Until he was 39 years old, Cristiano Ronaldo was never tempted to draw on his body,
This former Real Madrid player has a clear reason why he refuses to get a tattoo on his muscular body. In 2012, Cristiano Ronaldo explained the reason to the Italian news site, Diretta, reported by SportBible, Sunday (25/8/2024). 

The answer is because he still regularly donates blood. 
According to the NHS, after getting a tattoo or piercing on the skin, they have to wait at least four months to be able to donate blood again. For this reason, Cristiano Ronaldo refuses to have excessive tattoos or piercings on his body. It is known, Cristiano Ronaldo has also been a regular blood and bone marrow donor since 2011. 

The kindness of Cristiano Ronaldo has been felt by his teammate in the Portugal national team, Carlos Martins. 

Carlos Martins revealed that his son has been diagnosed with leukemia and requires regular blood and bone marrow transfusions. 
Cristiano Ronaldo's healthy lifestyle (PAUL ELLIS/AFP)

"He told us about the problems his son was having,
and we, the players, showed great unity to help him and his son because we knew it was a very complicated situation," said Cristiano Ronaldo to Spanish radio Cadena Coper in 2013, reported by The Sun. According to Cristiano Ronaldo, bone marrow donation is not painful, it is the same as donating blood. 

"I did it years ago, and if I had to do it again, I definitely would,
because it can help with serious illnesses for many people," continued Cristiano Ronaldo. 
Since then, the face of the Portuguese national team player has always appeared in blood donation campaigns organized by the Abbott charity. Cristiano Ronaldo is very enthusiastic about working with Abbott to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation. 

Alasan Haru Cristiano Ronaldo Bersumpah Seumur Hidup Tak Akan Punya Tato, Pernah Selamatkan Nyawa

Alasan Haru Cristiano Ronaldo Bersumpah Seumur Hidup Tak Akan Punya Tato, Pernah Selamatkan Nyawa

HOLIDAY NEWS - Pemain sepak bola zaman sekarang lebih terlihat mencolok dengan kerasi tato di tubuhnya.

Seni rajah tubuh ini kerap ditemukan di tubuh para pemain sepak bola.

Biasanya mereka menato di bagian yang sering terlihat, misalnya tangan, kaki hingga leher.

Bahkan ada yang punya tato sebesar dan selebar punggung, David Becham dan Zlatan Ibrahimovich misalnya.

Ada pula Lionel Messi memiliki tato di tangan dan block di seluruh kakinya.

Bagi mereka, setiap tato memiliki makna penting, misalnya perolehan trofi atau tanda cinta dengan orang-orang tersayangnya.

Namun hal itu tak berlaku bagi seorang Cristiano Ronaldo.

Hingga usianya yang sudah mencapai 39 tahun itu, Cristiano Ronaldo tak pernah tergiur untuk menggambar di tubuhnya,

Mantan pemain Real Madrid ini memiliki alasan yang tegas mengapa menolak untuk menato tubuh kekarnya.

Tahun 2012, Cristiano Ronaldo pernah mengungkapkan alasannya kepada situs berita Italia, Diretta, dilansir oleh SportBible, Minggu (25/8/2024).

Jawabannya karena dia hingga kini masih rutin melakukan donor darah.

Menurut NHS, setelah membaut tato atau tindik di kulit, mereka harus menunggu setidaknya empat bulan untuk bisa mendonorkan darahnya lagi.

Oleh karena alasan itulah, Cristiano Ronaldo menolak untuk membuat tato atau tindik yang berlebihan di tubuhnya.

Diketahui, Cristiano Ronaldo juga telah menjadi pendonor darah dan sumsum tulang belakang rutin sejak 2011 silam.

Kebaikan hati Cristiano Ronaldo ini telah dirasakan oleh rekan setimnya di Timnas Portugal, Carlos Martins.

Carlos Martins mengungkapkan jika putranya telah didiagnosis menderita leukemia dan membutuhkan transfusi darah dan sumsum tulang belakang secara teratur.

Gaya hidup sehat Cristiano Ronaldo
Gaya hidup sehat Cristiano Ronaldo (PAUL ELLIS/AFP)

"Ia memberi tahu kami tentang masalah yang dialami putranya,

dan kami, para pemain, menunjukkan persatuan yang besar untuk membantu dia dan putranya karena kami tahu itu adalah situasi yang sangat rumit," ucap Cristiano Ronaldo kepada radio Spanyol Cadena Coper tahun 2013, dilansir oleh The Sun.

Menurut Cristiano Ronaldo, donor sumsum tulang belakang tidaklah sakit, sama saja seperti donor darah.

"Saya melakukannya bertahun-tahun yang lalu, dan jika saya harus melakukannya lagi, pasti aku lakukan,

karena ini mampu menolong penyakit serius bagi banyak orang," lanjut Cristiano Ronaldo.

Sejak saat itulah, wajah pemain Timnas Portugal ini selalu muncul di kampanye donor darah yang diselenggarakan oleh badan amal Abbott.

Cristiano Ronaldo sangat antusias kerja sama dengan Abbott untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya donor darah.

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