The horror of New York, tourists can see 'zombies' lying around
The horror of New York, tourists can see 'zombies' lying around
Photo: Illustration (Getty Images/Gary Coronado)
New York - Tourists in New York need to be increasingly vigilant. Homeless people and drug addicts can be seen lying around every street corner, like 'zombies'.
Reporting from the New York Post on Monday (5/8), homeless people were seen on the west side of Manhattan. In fact, tourists can see drug addicts walking around with syringes still attached to their hands.
"The influx of homeless people, the mentally ill, and drug addicts is a severe 'humanitarian crisis' affecting the millions of tourists and office workers arriving in Midtown and its vibrant surrounding neighborhoods," wrote Councilman Eric Bottcher in a new letter -recentlyto the mayor for help.
"Our environment needs help now. The status quo cannot be allowed to continue."
Homeless people are said to have arrived in large numbers when The New York Post visited the neighborhood in the last two weeks. A scruffy-looking security guard, who only gave Fisher as his first name, said he saw drug-addicted derelicts using drugs all day and all night on the grounds of the Midtown Holiday Inn hotel on Eighth Avenue. "It's crazy out here," said the Midtown security guard who has been on the job for 50 years. "They even have sex on these benches. They urinate and defecate here."
The entire West Side, including near Washington Square Park, the West Fourth Street subway station in the West Village, and the Garment District were described as particularly egregious. The NYPD's highly restricted precincts in the area were inundated with non-stop calls about open drug sales and use, property being damaged, threatening acts of physical and verbal intimidation, store theft, and more. And police can't get out of the crisis with arrests, he said.
"We have people who have been arrested 50 or 100 times without any significant intervention," Bottcher, who represents District 3 which includes the area.
Staff at the Midtown Holiday Inn cleaned at least two used syringes. To chase them away, the janitor turned on the sprinklers. However, some homeless people turn it into an opportunity to shower, even using soap, as one hotel guest complained in an online review.
"We turned on the sprinklers to stir them up and they came in cursing us," said Rocky Caban, 45, the hotel's front desk supervisor.
"They tried to hit us and everything. We had guards come out to try to stop them from coming in." Caban pointed to a man sleeping on a bench and said that they had to see homeless people sleeping there every day. "I see the same people every day. I see them being picked up and taken by ambulance and the next day they come back here," he concluded.
Ngerinya New York, Turis Bisa Lihat 'Zombie' Bergelimpangan
Foto: Ilustrasi (Getty Images/Gary Coronado)
New York - Turis-turis di New York harus semakin waspada. Tuna wisma dan pecandu narkoba terlihat bergelimpangan di tiap sudut jalan, seperti 'zombie'.
Dilansir dari New York Post pada Senin (5/8), tuna wisma terlihat di sisi barat Kota Manhattan. Bahkan, turis bisa melihat pecandu narkoba berjalan-jalan dengan jarum suntik yang masih menempel di tangan.
"Serbuan orang-orang tunawisma, orang-orang yang sakit mental, dan pecandu narkoba adalah 'krisis kemanusiaan' parah yang menimpa jutaan wisatawan dan pekerja kantoran yang tiba di Midtown dan lingkungan sekitarnya yang sangat ramai," tulis Anggota Dewan Eric Bottcher dalam surat baru-baru ini kepada wali kota untuk meminta bantuan.
"Lingkungan kita membutuhkan bantuan sekarang. Status quo tidak dapat dibiarkan berlanjut."
Tuna wisma disebut berdatangan dalam jumlah besar saat media The New York Post mengunjungi lingkungan tersebut dalam dua minggu terakhir.
Seorang petugas keamanan yang terlihat lusuh, yang hanya menyebut Fisher sebagai namanya, mengatakan bahwa dia melihat orang-orang terlantar yang kecanduan narkoba menggunakan obat-obatan sepanjang hari dan sepanjang malam di halaman hotel Midtown Holiday Inn di Eighth Avenue.
"Di sini gila sekali," kata petugas keamanan Midtown yang telah bertugas selama 50 tahun itu.
"Mereka bahkan berhubungan seks di bangku-bangku ini. Mereka buang air kecil dan besar di sini."
Seluruh wilayah West Side, termasuk di dekat Washington Square Park, stasiun kereta bawah tanah West Fourth Street di West Village, dan Garment Distri disebut sebagai tempat yang sangat mengerikan.
Kantor polisi NYPD yang sangat terbatas di daerah itu dibanjiri telepon tanpa henti tentang penjualan dan penggunaan narkoba secara terbuka, properti yang dirusak, tindakan intimidasi fisik dan verbal yang mengancam, pencurian di toko, dan banyak lagi. Dan polisi tidak dapat keluar dari krisis dengan penangkapan, katanya.
"Kami memiliki orang-orang yang telah ditangkap 50 atau 100 kali tanpa intervensi yang berarti," Bottcher, yang mewakili Distrik 3 yang mencakup area tersebut.
Staf di Midtown Holiday Inn membersihkan setidaknya dua jarum suntik bekas. Untuk mengusir mereka, petugas kebersihan menyalakan alat penyiram.
Namun, beberapa orang tunawisma mengubahnya menjadi kesempatan untuk mandi, bahkan mereka menggunakan sabun, seperti yang dikeluhkan oleh seorang tamu hotel dalam ulasan daring.
"Kami menyalakan alat penyiram untuk menggerakkan mereka dan mereka masuk sambil mengumpat kami," kata Rocky Caban, 45, front desk supervisor hotel.
"Mereka mencoba memukul kami dan segalanya. Kami meminta penjaga keluar untuk mencoba menghentikan mereka masuk."
Caban menunjuk seorang pria yang tertidur di bangku dan berkata bahwa mereka harus melihat tuna wisma tidur di sana setiap hari.
"Saya melihat orang yang sama setiap hari. Saya melihat mereka dijemput dan dibawa dengan ambulans dan keesokan harinya mereka kembali ke sini," pungkasnya.