Taylor Swift Cancels 3 Day Concert in Vienna Due to ISIS Terror Threat
Taylor Swift Cancels 3 Day Concert in Vienna Due to ISIS Terror Threat
Promoter Barracuda Music announced that all of Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour concerts in Vienna, Austria, were canceled due to the threat of ISIS terror attacks. (AFP/MICHAEL TRAN)
Concert promoter Barracuda Music announced all of Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour concert shows in Vienna, Austria, were canceled due to the threat of ISIS terror attacks.
The cancellation of the concert which was supposed to take place today, Thursday (8/8) to Saturday (10/8) was announced directly by the promoter via their Instagram account on Wednesday (7/8) evening local time.
"Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour Vienna shows have been canceled due to government officials' confirmation of the threat of a planned terrorist attack," read a statement from Barracuda Music.
"With confirmation from government officials of the threat of a terrorist attack at Ernst Happel Stadium, we have no choice but to cancel all performances for three days for everyone's safety."
In the statement, Barracuda Music promised that all audiences who had purchased tickets could request a refund within 10 working days.
The singer of the songs Lover and Cruel Summer was originally scheduled to hold a three-day concert in Vienna starting today. Around 65,000 spectators are expected to attend each concert per day.
Previously, Austrian authorities arrested two ISIS sympathizers on Wednesday (7/8) who were confirmed as planning a terror attack at Taylor Swift's concert in Vienna.
In a press conference, Austria's top security chief Franz Ruf said one of the suspects, a 19-year-old man, had pledged allegiance to ISIS "in recent weeks". The suspect was detained in Lower Austria about an hour from the capital on Wednesday morning local time.
"We have determined that there were appropriate preparatory measures in place and also that the 19-year-old perpetrator was focused on Taylor Swift's concert in Vienna," Ruf said as quoted by AFP.
2 ISIS Sympathizers Planning Taylor Swift Concert Terror in Austria Arrested
Illustration of the arrest (Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/uzhursky)
Vienna - Austrian authorities arrested a 19-year-old man for allegedly planning an attack at American (US) star Taylor Swift's concert in Vienna this weekend. The man is said to be an ISIS sympathizer.
Austrian Security Chief Franz Ruf said the man had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in recent weeks. The man was also detained.
"We have established appropriate preparatory measures and there is also a focus on the 19-year-old perpetrator at the Taylor Swift concert in Vienna," said Ruf as reported by AFP, Thursday (8/8/2024).
He said the chemicals were confiscated at the suspect's house.
Austrian police also arrested a second person believed to have been in contact with the suspect arrested in Vienna.
Based on initial investigation findings, the two suspects carried out radicalization on the internet.
Police action will be increased in the Vienna area in the coming days, especially at the concert entrances of Taylor Swift performing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Vienna. About 65,000 spectators are expected to attend each performance.
Vienna Police Chief Gerhard Puerstl said the real danger had been minimized, but as there was still an 'abstract danger', necessary measures would be taken, with special units deployed for the concert.
Taylor Swift Batal Konser 3 Hari di Wina Gegara Ancaman Teror ISIS
Promotor Barracuda Music mengumumkan seluruh pertunjukan konser The Eras Tour Taylor Swift di Wina, Austria, dibatalkan karena ancaman serangan teror ISIS. (AFP/MICHAEL TRAN)
Promotor konser Barracuda Music mengumumkan seluruh pertunjukan konser The Eras TourTaylor Swift di Wina, Austria, dibatalkan karena ancaman serangan teror ISIS.
Pembatalan konser yang seharusnya berlangsung hari ini, Kamis (8/8) sampai Sabtu (10/8) ini disampaikan langsung oleh promotor melalui akun Instagram mereka pada Rabu (7/8) malam waktu setempat.
"Pertunjukan-pertunjukan Taylor Swift The Eras Tour Wina dibatalkan karena konfirmasi pejabat pemerintah soal adanya ancaman rencana serangan teroris," bunyi pernyataan Barracuda Music.
"Dengan konfirmasi dari pejabat pemerintah soal ancaman serangan teroris di Stadium Ernst Happel, kami tidak memiliki pilihan selain membatalkan seluruh pertunjukan selama tiga hari demi keamanan semua orang."
Dalam pernyataan itu, Barracuda Music berjanji seluruh penonton yang telah membeli tiket dapat mengajukan refund dalam 10 hari kerja.
Pelantun lagu Lover dan Cruel Summer semula dijadwalkan menggelar konser tiga harinya di Wina mulai hari ini. Sekitar 65.000 penonton diperkirakan bakal hadir dalam setiap konser per harinya.
Sebelumnya, pihak berwenang Austria menangkap dua simpatisan ISIS pada Rabu (7/8) yang terkonfirmasi sedang merencanakan serangan teror di konser Taylor Swift di Wina.
Dalam konferensi pers, kepala keamanan tertinggi Austria Franz Ruf mengatakan salah satu tersangka yakni pria berusia 19 tahun telah menyatakan sumpah setia kepada ISIS "dalam beberapa minggu terakhir". Tersangka ditahan di Lower Austria sekitar satu jam dari ibu kota pada Rabu pagi waktu setempat.
"Kami telah menetapkan adanya tindakan persiapan yang sesuai dan juga bahwa pelaku berusia 19 tahun tersebut difokuskan pada konser Taylor Swift di Wina," kata Ruf seperti dikutip AFP.
2 Simpatisan ISIS Rencanakan Teror Konser Taylor Swift di Austria Ditangkap
Vienna - Pihak berwenang Austria menangkap seorang pria berusia 19 tahun karena diduga merencanakan serangan dalam konser bintang Amerika Serikat (AS) Taylor Swift di Wina akhir pekan ini. Pria itu disebut simpatisan ISIS.
Kepala Keamanan Austria Franz Ruf menyebut pria itu telah berjanji setia kepada kelompok ISIS dalam beberapa pekan terakhir. Pria itu pun ditahan.
"Kami telah menetapkan tindakan persiapan yang sesuai dan juga ada fokus pelaku berusia 19 tahun pada konser Taylor Swift di Wina," kata Ruf dilansir AFP, Kamis (8/8/2024).
Dia mengatakan, bahan kimia disita di rumah tersangka.
Polisi Austria juga menangkap orang kedua yang diyakini telah melakukan kontak dengan tersangka yang ditangkap di Wina.
Berdasarkan temuan penyelidikan awal, kedua tersangka melakukan radikalisasi di internet.
Tindakan polisi akan ditingkatkan di wilayah Wina dalam beberapa hari mendatang, khususnya di pintu masuk konser Taylor Swift yang tampil pada hari Kamis, Jumat, dan Sabtu di Wina. Sekitar 65.000 penonton diharapkan hadir dalam setiap pertunjukan.
Kepala Polisi Wina Gerhard Puerstl mengatakan bahaya nyata telah diminimalkan, namun karena masih ada 'bahaya abstrak', tindakan yang diperlukan akan diambil, dengan unit khusus dikerahkan untuk konser tersebut.