Free VPN Blocked in RI, APJII: China Still Penetrates

Free VPN Blocked in RI, APJII: China Still Penetrates

Free VPN Blocked in RI, APJII: China Still Penetrates
Photo: VPN (Doc Ist)

HOLIDAY NEWS - The Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) has opened its voice regarding the government's policy of blocking free VPNs in Indonesia to prevent online gambling. General Chairman Muhammad Arif said this problem could not be resolved quickly. 

"Yes, APJII's position is to always support any government program. Second, if everything is illegal, then we will definitely follow government regulations, yes, but again, VPN is not something that can be done in one day and finished straight away. "It's like when one dies, a thousand grow, actually, tomorrow we will close one [online gambling player] and make another and so on," said Arif at the 6th Indonesia Internet Expo & Summit (IIXS), Jakarta, Monday (12/8/2024). 
He gave the example of China, which is known as a country with very strict internet regulations, which can still be penetrated by VPNs. VPN blocking, said Arif, requires continuous work. 
"In China itself, VPNs still penetrate, which is already that strict," he explained. 

In terms of effectiveness, Arif said it was necessary to study the rules for blocking VPNs. Because not everyone uses VPN for bad things, many people use it for positive activities such as work. 
So you need to know what kind of VPN will be closed. This requires work in a hurry in a short time. 
"Yes, of course if we prevent it, yes, but I think the effectiveness is what we need to study. I mean, don't let us do something that doesn't actually have a significant impact," said Arif. 

He also believes that blocking financial services involved in online gambling is more effective than VPNs. However, cross-sector cooperation is needed, such as BI and PPATK, to manage financial services that are indicated to be involved in illegal actions. 
"It's more effective if there's a funding problem than closing the VPN," he concluded. 

VPN Gratis Diblokir di RI, APJII: China Tetap Tembus

VPN (Dok Ist)
Foto: VPN (Dok Ist)

HOLIDAY NEWS - Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) buka suara soal kebijakan pemerintah memblokir VPN gratis di Indonesia untuk mencegah judi online. Ketua Umum Muhammad Arif mengatakan masalah ini tidak bisa diselesaikan secara cepat.

"Ya kalo APJII posisinya selalu mendukung apapun program pemerintah. Kedua, kalau semua yang bentuknya ilegal ya pasti kita ikut sama peraturan pemerintah, ya tapi balik lagi VPN ini bukan sesuatu yang bisa diberesin satu hari dan langsung selesai. Kayak mati satu tumbuh seribu sebenarnya, kita tutup satu besok [pelaku judi online] buat lagi dan seterusnya," kata Arif di acara The 6th Indonesia Internet Expo & Summit (IIXS), Jakarta, Senin (12/8/2024).

Dia mencontohkan China yang terkenal sebagai negara dengan aturan internet sangat ketat juga masih bisa ditembus oleh VPN. Pemblokiran VPN, kata Arif, perlu kerja yang terus-menerus.

"Itu di China sendiri itu VPN tetap tembus kok yang udah se-strict itu," jelasnya.

Secara efektivitas, Arif mengatakan perlu mengkaji soal aturan memblokir VPN ini. Sebab tidak semua penggunaan VPN untuk hal yang tidak baik, banyak yang menggunakannya untuk kegiatan positif seperti pekerjaan.

Jadi perlu diketahui bentuk VPN seperti apa yang akan ditutup. Untuk itu memang perlu kerja yang terburu-buru dalam waktu singkat.

"Ya pasti kalo mencegah iya, tapi menurut saya efektivitasnya ini yang perlu kita kaji. Maksud saya jangan sampai kita ngelakuin sesuatu yang sebenarnya enggak punya dampak yang signifikan," kata Arif.

Dia juga menilai memblokir layanan keuangan yang terlibat judi online lebih efektif dibandingkan VPN. Namun memang butuh kerja sama lintas sektor, seperti BI hingga PPATK untuk mengurus layanan keuangan yang terindikasi terlibat aksi ilegal tersebut.

"Itu lebih efektif kalo masalah dananya dibanding tutup VPN," pungkasnya.

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