Donald Trump is not afraid of being sued by Taylor Swift for distributing fake photos

Donald Trump is not afraid of being sued by Taylor Swift for distributing fake photos
Donald Trump admits he is not worried that Taylor Swift will sue him for spreading a fake photo of Swift supporting Trump. (AFP/SUZANNE CORDEIRO)

HOLIDAY NEWS -- Donald Trump said he is not worried that Taylor Swift will sue him for circulating a fake photo depicting the musician giving support to the Republican US presidential candidate. 

In an interview with Fox Business Network as reported by Variety on Thursday (22/8), Trump said he was not the one who took the photos. So, he felt he didn't need to worry. 
"Are you worried that Taylor Swift will sue you?" Grady Trimble asked. 
"I don't know anything about those photos, other than someone else made them. I didn't make them... They were made by someone else," Trump said. 

Apart from that, Trump also said that he had also been a victim of fake photos or videos that emerged along with the development of artificial intelligence (AI), known as deepfakes. 
"AI is always very dangerous in that way. It happened to me too. They made it seem like I was talking," Trump said. 
"[Deepfake] I'm talking perfect, I mean, really perfect with AI, and I'm, like, promoting products and stuff. It's kind of dangerous out there," he continued. 

Variety said neither Swift nor her representatives have commented on Donald Trump's post with fake photos of the musician. 

On August 19, Donald Trump uploaded a number of photos that were allegedly manipulated by AI. The photos show the likeness of Taylor Swift and her fans, Swifties, supporting Trump. 
Trump then uploaded the fake photos on his social media, Truth Social, with the words "I accept!". 

Even though Taylor Swift has not yet made an official decision, it is almost impossible for her to support Donald Trump. Swift has so far provided more support to Democratic Party candidates. 
The first and last time Swift publicly endorsed a presidential candidate was Joe Biden in 2020. 
In May 2020, Swift also 'attacked' Trump via tweets on Twitter social media at that time. He said Trump had incited white supremacy and racism in his administration. 
Not only that, Swift even 'swore' she would overthrow Trump in the 2020 US Presidential Election which later became a reality. Trump lost to Biden. 
Swift's tweet came after Trump posted that police might shoot protesters because of the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. 

Donald Trump Tak Takut Digugat Taylor Swift karena Sebar Foto Palsu

Donald Trump mengaku tak khawatir Taylor Swift akan menggugatnya karena menyebarkan foto palsu Swift dukung Trump.
Donald Trump mengaku tak khawatir Taylor Swift akan menggugatnya karena menyebarkan foto palsu Swift dukung Trump. (AFP/SUZANNE CORDEIRO)
HOLIDAY NEWS -- Donald Trump mengaku tak khawatir Taylor Swift akan menggugatnya karena menyebarkan foto palsu yang menggambarkan musisi itu memberikan dukungan kepada calon presiden AS dari Partai Republik tersebut.

Dalam wawancara dengan Fox Business Network seperti yang diberitakan Variety pada Kamis (22/8), Trump menyebut bukan dirinya yang membuat foto-foto itu. Jadi, ia merasa tak perlu khawatir.

"Apakah Anda khawatir bahwa Taylor Swift akan menggugat Anda?" tanya Grady Trimble.

"Saya tak tahu apapun soal foto-foto iti, selain orang lain yang membuatnya. Saya tidak membuatnya... Itu dibuat oleh orang lain," kata Trump.

Selain itu, Trump juga menceritakan dirinya juga pernah menjadi korban dari foto atau video palsu yang muncul seiring dengan perkembangan kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang dikenal sebagai deepfake.

"AI selalu sangat berbahaya dalam hal itu. Itu juga terjadi pada saya. Mereka membuat, seolah saya berbicara," kata Trump.

"[Deepfake] Saya berbicara dengan sempurna, maksud saya, sangat sempurna dengan AI, dan saya, seperti, mempromosikan produk dan hal lainnya. Agak bahaya memang di luar sana," lanjutnya.

Variety menyebut baik Swift maupun perwakilannya belum berkomentar soal unggahan Donald Trump dengan foto-foto palsu musisi tersebut.

Pada 19 Agustus, Donald Trump mengunggah sejumlah foto yang diduga merupakan hasil rekayasa AI. Foto-foto tersebut menampilkan rupa Taylor Swift dan penggemarnya, Swifties, mendukung Trump.

Foto-foto palsu itu kemudian diunggah Trump di media sosial miliknya, Truth Social, dengan kalimat "saya terima!".

Meski belum memberikan keputusan resmi, Taylor Swift sendiri nyaris tidak mungkin mendukung Donald Trump. Swift selama ini lebih banyak memberikan dukungan kepada kandidat Partai Demokrat.

Swift pertama dan terakhir kali memberikan dukungan secara terbuka kepada kandidat presiden adalah kepada Joe Biden pada 2020.

Pada Mei 2020, Swift pun pernah 'menyerang' Trump melalui kicauan di media sosial Twitter kala itu. Ia menyebut Trump telah menyulut supremasi kulit putih dan rasisme dalam pemerintahannya.

Bukan cuma itu, Swift bahkan 'bersumpah' akan menggulingkan Trump dalam pemilihan Pilpres AS 2020 yang kemudian menjadi kenyataan. Trump kalah dari Biden.

Cuitan Swift tersebut terjadi setelah Trump mengunggah tulisan bahwa polisi mungkin menembak pemrotes karena pembunuhan George Floyd oleh polisi Minneapolis.

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