Cultural parade celebrates Google Doodles during the celebration of the Republic of Indonesia's 79th anniversary
Cultural parade celebrates Google Doodles during the celebration of the Republic of Indonesia's 79th anniversary
Display of a special Google Doodle for the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia 17 August 2024. (ANTARA/Google)
HOLIDAY NEWS - The Google Search search engine presents a special Doodle design in commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia) which displays an Indonesian cultural parade.
The special Google Doodle display for the Republic of Indonesia's 79th Anniversary displays five characters representing each of the letters that make up "Google".
These characters wear traditional clothes and masks and there is a figure of an eagle carrying a red and white flag as the leader of the parade.
When the August 17 Google Doodle is clicked, the user will be directed to a search page containing information about Indonesian Independence Day. The excitement of the celebration was felt because Google gave red and white confetti on the search results page.
According to the official statement published by Google, the appearance of the Republic of Indonesia's 79th Anniversary Doodle was designed by an artist from Bali named Monez.
Monez's doodle has the meaning of honoring cultural riches and a vision of the glorious future of the Indonesian nation, in line with the theme of the Republic of Indonesia's 79th Anniversary "New Archipelago, Advanced Indonesia".
"Monez captures the essence of a new era for Indonesia, highlighting the nation's ongoing journey towards unity, progress and development," said Google when describing the Doodle for RI's 79th Anniversary.
According to Google, it represents the various islands in Indonesia, which are united in a harmonious blend that symbolizes collective strength and unity in national diversity.
This Doodle design is inspired by Indonesia's rich culture, combining elements from all over the archipelago, such as intricate batik patterns, traditional dance movements and a parade atmosphere.
"Including the spirit of innovation that drives this nation forward," said Google.
Meanwhile, the choice of bright colors and details in Doodle reflects Indonesia's journey from its historical roots to its modern aspirations.
"Perpetuating the spirit of independence and the tireless drive towards a prosperous future," Google said.
Parade budaya meriahkan Google Doodle pada perayaan HUT ke-79 RI
Tampilan Google Doodle spesial HUT ke-79 RI 17 Agustus 2024. (ANTARA/Google)
HOLIDAY NEWS - Mesin pencari Google Search menghadirkan desain khusus Doodle dalam rangka Hari Ulang Tahun ke-79 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia (HUT ke-79 RI) yang menampilkan parade budaya Indonesia.
Tampilan Google Doodle spesial HUT-79 RI menampilkan lima karakter yang mewakili masing-masing huruf penyusun "Google".
Karakter-karakter tersebut mengenakan pakaian dan topeng tradisional serta ada sosok burung garuda yang membawa bendera merah putih sebagai pemimpin parade itu.
Ketika Google Doodle 17 Agustus di-klik, pengguna akan diarahkan ke laman pencari yang berisi informasi tentang Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Kemeriahan perayaan terasa karena Google memberikan konfeti berwarna merah dan putih pada laman hasil pencarian.
Menurut keterangan resmi yang disiarkan Google, tampilan Doodle HUT ke-79 RI didesain oleh seorang seniman asal Bali bernama Monez.
Doodle karya Monez memiliki makna sebagai sebuah penghormatan terhadap kekayaan budaya serta visi akan masa depan gemilang bangsa Indonesia, sejalan dengan tema HUT ke-79 RI "Nusantara Baru, Indonesia Maju".
"Monez menangkap esensi era baru bagi Indonesia, menyoroti perjalanan bangsa yang terus berlanjut menuju persatuan, kemajuan, dan pembangunan," kata Google saat mendeskripsikan Doodle HUT ke-79 RI.
Menurut Google, mewakili berbagai pulau di Indonesia, yang bersatu dalam perpaduan harmonis yang melambangkan kekuatan kolektif dan persatuan dalam keberagaman bangsa.
Desain Doodle ini terinspirasi dari kekayaan budaya Indonesia, dengan menggabungkan elemen-elemen dari seluruh nusantara, seperti pola-pola rumit batik, gerakan tarian tradisional, dan suasana parade.
"Termasuk semangat inovasi yang mendorong bangsa ini maju," kata Google.
Sedangkan pemilihan warna-warna cerah dan detail dalam Doodle mencerminkan perjalanan Indonesia dari akar sejarahnya hingga aspirasi modernnya.
"Mengabadikan semangat kemerdekaan dan dorongan tak kenal lelah menuju masa depan yang sejahtera," kata Google.