Atmosphere Pocong Saka Tatal Vs Inspector Rudiana's oath was attended by hundreds of people

Atmosphere Pocong Saka Tatal Vs Inspector Rudiana's oath was attended by hundreds of people

Atmosphere Pocong Saka Tatal Vs Inspector Rudiana's oath was attended by hundreds of people
Thousands of residents crowded the location of Iptu Rudiana and Saka Tatal's pocong oath at Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati in Lurah Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency, Friday (9/8/2024). This pocong oath is a challenge given by Saka Tatal to Muhammad Rizky's (Eky) father, Inspector Rudiana. 

HOLIDAY NEWS - Hundreds of residents attended the pocong oath of Saka Tatal and Iptu Rudiana in Cirebon, West Java on Friday (9/8/2024). 

The pocong oath was held after the two of them challenged each other to admit that they were right in the case of the death of Vina Cirebon. 
Posted on Facebook TribunJabar, hundreds of residents were present at Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati, Cirebon, West Java. 
Even the national television media appeared to be present at the momentum of Saka Tatal Vs Iptu Rudiana's pocong oath. 

A resident also expressed that he wanted to fulfill his curiosity about the pocong oath taken by Saka Tatal and Inspector Rudiana. 
Residents said that Inspector Rudiana had not yet arrived at the Pocong oath, while Saka Tatal had arrived. 
The resident suspected that Inspector Rudiana was afraid so he had not attended the Pocong oath procession. 
Two shrouds have also been provided by Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati for Saka Tatal and Iptu Rudiana. 

Published by TribunJabar, it appears that there are three layers of shroud provided. 
The cloth was divided into two parts, one for Saka Tatal and Iptu Rudiana. 

Inside the shroud there are various types of flowers of 7 types, perfume, powder and others. 
This is in line with what the Chairman of Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati, Raden Gilap Sugiono, said, where they had prepared all kinds of spices for the corpse ahead of the pocong oath. 
Sanusi, as assistant leader of Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati, said that there were various stages in carrying out the pocong oath. 

One of them is to reassure the candidates who will be sworn in that they are still willing to take the oath. 

"Yes, later when Saka Tatal or Rudiana come, we will ask again whether they are really willing to take the pocong oath," said Sanusi, Friday (9/8/2024). 
Meanwhile, Inspector Rudiana or Saka Tatal have not been seen at Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati. 

For information, the former convict in the Vina and Eky murder case in Cirebon, Saka Tatal said he was ready to compete in a pocong oath with Eky's father, Inspector Rudiana. 
Inspector Rudiana's challenge was answered by Saka Tatal through his attorney Farhat Abbas on Tuesday (6/8/2024) as published by 
Previously, Inspector Rudiana stated that he was ready to take the pocong oath regarding the death of his child in 2016. 

Inspector Rudiana is ready to take a pocong oath to ensure that there is no fabrication, beatings or self-initiated investigations. 
This statement was answered by Saka Tatal, who counter-challenged Inspector Rudiana to take the Pocong oath. 
"Yesterday we officially sent a letter to Rudiana regarding the challenge to the pocong oath because Rudiana was ready to take the pocong oath without fabricating it, without beatings, or taking the initiative of her own investigation," said Farhat, Tuesday (6/8/2024), reported by 
Saka Tatal's attorney, Farhat Abbas, believes that this pocong oath is important to prove the truth in front of the public. 
If you lie, said Farhat Abbas, the liar will suffer from illness in his life. 
"If he lies, he will not be given healing from his illness and life for those lies," he said. 
He then revealed that his client was ready to take the pocong oath. 
"Because everyone knows that Saka is not lying and is not the murderer," he explained. 

The challenge to the pocong oath submitted by Rudiana attracted public attention. 

"Rudiana and her lawyer immediately proved their courage in challenging Pocong's oath," explained Farhat. 
As previously reported, Inspector Rudiana expressed his readiness to take the pocong oath at a press conference with lawyer Hotman Paris in Cirebon City, West Java, Tuesday (30/7/2024). 
He emphasized that he was ready to take any oath, including the pocong oath to prove that his son really died in the incident at Talun Bridge, Cirebon Regency. 
"Regarding the information that Eky is still alive, I swear I will pocong, I swear whatever I want, meaning that it is my child who is dead," said Rudiana. 
Rudiana then expressed her sadness and loyalty to the truth regarding Eky's fate. 
"The child I taught from childhood, who I took care of from childhood, Muhammad Rizky Rudiana."

Suasana Sumpah Pocong Saka Tatal Vs Iptu Rudiana Dihadiri Ratusan Orang

Suasana Sumpah Pocong Saka Tatal Vs Iptu Rudiana Dihadiri Ratusan Orang
Ribuan warga memadati lokasi sumpah pocong Iptu Rudiana dan Saka Tatal di Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati di Desa Lurah, Kecamatan Plumbon, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jumat (9/8/2024). Sumpah pocong ini, merupakan tantangan yang diberikan oleh Saka Tatal, kepada ayah dari Muhammad Rizky (Eky) yakni Iptu Rudiana. 

HOLUDAY NEWS - Suasana sumpah pocong Saka Tatal vs Iptu Rudiana dihadiri ratusan warga di Cirebon, Jawa Barat pada Jumat (9/8/2024). 

Sumpah pocong tersebut digelar usai keduanya saling tantang mengaku yang paling benar dalam kasus kematian Vina Cirebon.

Dimuat Facebook TribunJabar ratusan warga sudah hadir di Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati, Cirebon, Jawa Barat. 

Bahkan media televisi nasional nampak hadir dalam momentum sumpah pocong Saka Tatal Vs Iptu Rudiana.

Seorang warga pun mengungkapkan ingin memenuhi rasa penasarannya akan sumpah pocong yang dilakukan Saka Tatal dan Iptu Rudiana

Warga menyebut Iptu Rudiana belum datang di sumpah pocong sementara Saka Tatal sudah datang. 

Warga itu menduga Iptu Rudiana takut sehingga belum hadir dalam prosesi sumpah pocong.

Dua kain kafan juga sudah disediakan oleh pihak Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati untuk Saka Tatal dan Iptu Rudiana

Dimuat TribunJabar, terlihat ada tiga lapis kain kafan yang disediakan.

Kain itu dibagi menjadi dua bagian, satu untuk Saka Tatal dan Iptu Rudiana.

Di dalam kain kafan itu terdapat berbagai jenis bunga 7 rupa, minyak wangi, bedak dan lainnya.

Hal itu sejalan dengan apa yang dikatakan Pimpinan Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati, Raden Gilap Sugiono, di mana mereka sudah menyiapkan segala macam bumbu mayit menjelang sumpah pocong tersebut.

Sanusi, selaku asisten pimpinan Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati mengatakan, ada berbagai tahapan dalam melakukan aksi sumpah pocong.

Salah satunya, memastikan kembali kepada calon yang akan disumpah bahwa aksi tetap bersedia diambil sumpah.

"Ya nanti ketika Saka Tatal atau Rudiana datang, kita akan tanyakan lagi benar bersedia kah menjalani sumpah pocong," ujar Sanusi, Jumat (9/8/2024).

Sementara itu belum terlihat Iptu Rudiana ataupun Saka Tatal di Padepokan Agung Amparan Jati.

Sebagai informasi mantan terpidana kasus pembunuhan Vina dan Eky di Cirebon, Saka Tatal mengaku siap adu sumpah pocong dengan ayah Eky, Iptu Rudiana

Tantangan Iptu Rudiana itu dijawab Saka Tatal melalui kuasa hukumnya Farhat Abbas pada Selasa (6/8/2024) seperti dimuat

Sebelumnya Iptu Rudiana, yang menyatakan siap melakoni sumpah pocong terkait kematian anaknya pada 2016 silam.

Iptu Rudiana siap sumpah pocong agar memastikan tidak ada rekayasa, pemukulan, ataupun inisiatif penyelidikan sendiri.

Pernyataan itu dijawab pihak Saka Tatal yang menantang balik Iptu Rudiana untuk sumpah pocong

"Kemarin kami resmi mengirim surat kepada Rudiana mengenai tantangan untuk sumpah pocong karena Rudiana siap untuk sumpah pocong tidak merekayasa, tidak ada pemukulan, ataupun inisiatif penyelidikan sendiri," ujar Farhat, Selasa (6/8/2024), dilansir

Kuasa hukum Saka Tatal, Farhat Abbas, menilai sumpah pocong ini penting untuk membuktikan kebenaran di hadapan publik.

Apabila berbohong kata Farhat Abbas maka si pembohong akan menderita penyakit dalam kehidupannya.

"Apabila dia berbohong, tidak akan diberikan kesembuhan penyakit dan kehidupan atas kebohongan-kebohongan itu," ungkapnya.

Ia lantas mengungkapkan bahwa kliennya siap melakukan sumpah pocong.

"Karena semua orang tahu kalau Saka ini tidak berbohong dan bukan pembunuhnya," jelasnya.

Tantangan sumpah pocong yang diajukan oleh Rudiana menjadi perhatian publik.

"Rudiana bersama pengacaranya segera membuktikan keberaniannya yang menantang sumpah pocong," terang Farhat.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, Iptu Rudiana mengungkapkan kesiapannya untuk melakukan sumpah pocong dalam konferensi pers bersama pengacara Hotman Paris di Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Selasa (30/7/2024).

Ia menegaskan siap melakukan sumpah apapun, termasuk sumpah pocong guna membuktikan bahwa anaknya benar-benar meninggal dalam insiden di Jembatan Talun, Kabupaten Cirebon.

"Soal Eky infonya masih hidup, saya sumpah pocong mau, sumpah apapun mau, artinya yang meninggal dan anak saya," ujar Rudiana.

Rudiana kemudian mengungkapkan kesedihan dan kesetiaannya pada kebenaran terkait nasib Eky.

"Anak yang saya didik dari kecil, yang saya rawat dari kecil, Muhammad Rizky Rudiana."

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