Viral Church in Mexico Selling Heaven Stalls for IDR 1.6 Million per Square Meter

Viral Church in Mexico Selling Heaven Stalls for IDR 1.6 Million per Square Meter
Illustration. Viral church in Mexico sells paradise stalls for IDR 1.6 million per square meter. (iStockphoto/thanasus)

-- A church in Mexico went viral after selling "a plot of land in heaven" for $100 or around IDR 1.6 million per square meter. NDTV reported that the Iglesia del Final de los Tiempos Church stole the attention of netizens because it promised a place in heaven for those who were willing to spend some money. 

The church is offering $100 or around Rp. 1.6 million per square meter for a plot of land in heaven. Payment can be made via American Express, Apple Pay, or other transactions. According to reports from a number of media, the church has managed to collect millions of dollars by buying and selling the heaven stalls. 

A church pastor claimed to have spoken to God in 2017 to sell these lands, quoted from NDTV. 

However, the sale and purchase of the heavenly land of the Iglesia del Final de los Tiempos Church was apparently intended to satirize and make fun of fraudulent priests who often extort congregations. This church account is very popular on social media. "I wish a priest would sell me land in heaven. I would send him to heaven and ask him to do FaceTime so I could see what I bought," said one user who joined in the teasing. "I want to know who donated so I can let them know I'm offering a discount on Land in Paradise," another user wrote. 

"Selling in the name of God is cruel," said another user. 
Based on a general search on the Facebook page, the church describes itself as a page "for fun." This church account is famous for containing ridiculous news such as forbidding women from riding horses and calling women ribs. 

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