No wonder Jokowi failed move office IKN July 2024, many facilities are not ready: don't force it

No wonder Jokowi failed move office IKN July 2024, many facilities are not ready: don't force it

No wonder Jokowi failed move office IKN July 2024, many facilities are not ready: don't force it
HOLIDAY NEWS - Unlike the initial plan, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi has canceled his office in the National Capital City (IKN) starting in July 2024. 

This is known from the report of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). 
This is because the facilities and infrastructure such as water, electricity and office locations are not yet ready. 

President Jokowi said that when all the facilities and infrastructure in question are ready, he will immediately have an office at IKN. 

"Is the water ready or not? Is the electricity ready? Is the place ready? If it's ready, move," said Jokowi at Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base, Jakarta. 
"I have (received a report from the PUPR Ministry), but it is not yet (not ready). It is, but not yet," he added, emphasizing. 
The Republic of Indonesia's number 1 person explained that the presidential decision (Keppres) regarding moving the country's capital from Jakarta to IKN depends on the situation on the ground. 
The Presidential Decree on relocating the capital city could be issued before or after October 2024, when he has stepped down as president. 

"We are looking at the situation on the field. We don't want to force something that isn't there yet, don't force it, everyone will see the progress of the field," said Jokowi again. 
For your information, the status of the nation's capital will remain attached to Jakarta. 

Until finally the president issued a Presidential Decree to move the capital city. 
These provisions are regulated in Law (UU) Number 21 of 2023 concerning Amendments to Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning National Capitals (UU IKN). 
Based on Article 39 of the IKN Law, DKI Jakarta remains the country's capital. 
Namely, until the issuance of the Presidential Decree to move the country's capital to the archipelago. 

Separately, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that drinking water is planned to enter the IKN area starting July 15 2024. 
"The plan is that drinking water will be able to enter IKN on July 15. Later on July 19 (July) I will check there," said Basuki. 

Basuki said that the facilities and infrastructure for the August 17 ceremony at IKN were running according to the specified targets. 
For example, the completion of the construction of the Presidential Palace and the offices of the Minister of Economy, which consist of four towers. 
Not only that, several housing units for ministers are also expected to be completed this month. 
"Hopefully it will be finished this July. Tomorrow the Minister of Transportation (Budi Karya Sumadi) will be there with Mother, checking her house," he said. 
A total of 47 towers for residences for the National Civil Service (ASN) have also been prepared. 

With 12 towers, some of which are furnished, so they can be used by ceremony participants. 
"So the point is, God willing, the infrastructure for readiness for August 17 is ready," said Basuki. 

Pembangunan IKN di Kaltim
Pembangunan IKN di Kaltim (via
IKN development in East Kalimantan (via

Basuki continued, some construction work at IKN will be temporarily stopped on August 10 2024. 
The stoppage aims to clean the area before the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony on August 17 2024. 

In this way, the Independence Day ceremony site will be clean from dust and dirt due to construction. 
Moreover, starting next month, the Heritage Flag Hoisting Troop (Paskibraka) will also start moving to IKN. 
"That's why on August 10, I stopped all work that required mobility outside the patching plan immediately, because I was cleaning the area first," he said. 

However, Basuki confirmed that work on installing the interior or interior of the buildings would still continue. 
Meanwhile, Acting Deputy Head of the IKN Authority, Raja Juli Antoni, said that the construction of the ceremonial field which is the center of the Republic of Indonesia's 79th anniversary celebrations continues to be accelerated. 

He said that construction continues to be accelerated to ensure that all supporting facilities and infrastructure are ready to support the implementation of the ceremony at IKN. 
"The government, under the coordination of the PUPR Ministry, is making every effort to complete all preparations for the Independence Ceremony well," said Raja Juli. 
"The finalization stage for the construction of the State Palace building and ceremonial grounds in the Presidential Palace Area at IKN is being carried out to ensure the infrastructure is ready for use," he continued. 
With the realization of the construction of the ceremonial field, he is optimistic that the first ceremony in the archipelago, which is a historic moment, can be carried out smoothly. 
"We are optimistic that this project will be ready and of good quality," said Raja Juli Antoni. 
It is hoped that the commemoration of the 79th Independence Day will be a momentum that will raise the national spirit and strengthen unity among all Indonesian people. 
It is estimated that thousands of people will flock to IKN in celebration of Indonesia's birthday this time. 
Various preparations were also carried out in areas around IKN, such as North Penajam Paser (PPU) and Balikpapan. 
The most dominant preparation is carried out by the buffer area. 
Namely, especially in accommodation and transportation that guests will use later. 

Presiden Jokowi batal berkantor di IKN bulan Juli 2024 ini, fasilitas belum siap, PDIP sindir pemerintah
Presiden Jokowi batal berkantor di IKN bulan Juli 2024 ini, fasilitas belum siap ( - Kemenparekraf)
President Jokowi canceled his office at IKN this July 2024, the facilities are not yet ready ( - Kemenparekraf)

However, regarding the unclear timing of moving the country's capital, the Chairman of the PDIP DPP, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, assessed that the IKN project was a policy that was too forced and was made hastily. 

According to him, this has caused several problems, such as water and electricity not being supplied and a number of infrastructure not yet being completed. 

"If you force it too much, that's the result. The electricity hasn't come in, the water hasn't come in, the infrastructure is still not ready," said Djarot. 
"What does it mean, this is one of the consequences of hasty, hasty policies. Especially in their implementation, in their execution," he continued. 
Regarding this, Djarot insinuated that the government should not be confident if it had not been realized. 
Moreover, from the start, he had been touting his readiness for the relocation of the capital city. 
"So, yes, my advice is correct, don't force it, so don't be too confident at the start, you know."
"Earlier, we said we were very ready, but it turns out we weren't yet," quipped Djarot. 

Pantas Jokowi Gagal Pindah Kantor ke IKN Juli 2024, Banyak Fasilitas Belum Siap: Jangan Dipaksakan

Pantas Jokowi Gagal Pindah Kantor ke IKN Juli 2024, Banyak Fasilitas Belum Siap: Jangan Dipaksakan

HOLIDAY NEWS - Tak seperti rencana awal, Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi batal berkantor di Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) mulai bulan Juli 2024 ini.

Hal ini diketahui dari laporan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR).

Pasalnya sarana dan prasarana seperti air, listrik, dan lokasi kantor untuknya belum siap.

Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, apabila semua sarana dan prasarana yang dimaksud sudah siap, dirinya bakal segera berkantor di IKN.

"Airnya sudah siap belum? Listriknya sudah siap belum? Tempatnya sudah siap belum? Kalau siap, pindah," kata Jokowi di Pangkalan Udara Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta.

"Sudah (dapat laporan dari Kementerian PUPR), tapi belum (belum siap). Sudah, tapi belum," imbuh dia menegaskan.

Orang nomor 1 RI ini menjelaskan, keputusan presiden (Keppres) mengenai pemindahan ibu kota negara dari Jakarta ke IKN tersebut bergantung pada situasi di lapangan.

Adapun Keppres pemindahan ibu kota tersebut bisa saja terbit sebelum atau setelah Oktober 2024, saat ia sudah lengser dari jabatan presiden.

"Kita melihat situasi lapangan. Kita tidak ingin memaksakan sesuatu yang memang belum, jangan dipaksakan, semua dilihat progress lapangannya dilihat," ujar Jokowi lagi.

Sebagai informasi, status ibu kota negara akan tetap melekat pada Jakarta.

Sampai akhirnya presiden menerbitkan Keppres pemindahan ibu kota.

Ketentuan tersebut diatur dalam Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 21 Tahun 2023 tentang Perubahan atas UU Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Ibu Kota Negara (UU IKN).

Berdasarkan Pasal 39 UU IKN, DKI Jakarta tetap sebagai ibu kota negara.

Yakni sampai dengan terbitnya Keppres pemindahan ibu kota negara ke Nusantara.

Terpisah, Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono mengatakan, air minum rencananya akan masuk kawasan IKN mulai 15 Juli 2024.

"15 Juli ini rencananya air minum sudah bisa masuk ke IKN. Nanti tanggal 19 (Juli) saya akan cek ke sana," ungkap Basuki.

Basuki menyampaikan, sarana dan prasarana untuk upacara 17 Agustus di IKN berjalan sesuai dengan target yang ditentukan.

Misalnya, selesainya pembangunan Istana Presiden dan kantor-kantor Menteri Perekonomian yang terdiri dari empat tower.

Tidak hanya itu, beberapa perumahan untuk para menteri juga diharapkan dapat selesai pada bulan ini.

"Mudah-mudahan akan selesai Juli ini. Besok ini Pak Menteri Perhubungan (Budi Karya Sumadi) sudah di sana dengan Ibu, ngecek rumahnya," tuturnya.

Total 47 tower untuk tempat tinggal Aparatur Sipil Nasional (ASN) pun telah disiapkan.

Dengan 12 tower di antaranya berperabot, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh peserta upacara.

"Jadi intinya, insyaallah, prasarana untuk kesiapan 17 Agustus sudah siap," kata Basuki.

Pembangunan IKN di Kaltim
Pembangunan IKN di Kaltim (via

Basuki melanjutkan, sebagian pekerjaan pembangunan di IKN akan dihentikan sementara pada 10 Agustus 2024.

Penghentian bertujuan untuk membersihkan kawasan sebelum upacara HUT RI pada 17 Agustus 2024 mendatang.

Dengan demikian, tempat upacara Hari Kemerdekaan akan bersih dari debu dan kotoran akibat pembangunan.

Terlebih, mulai bulan depan, Pasukan Pengibar Bendera Pusaka (Paskibraka) juga sudah mulai bergerak ke IKN.

"Makanya 10 Agustus, saya hentikan semua pekerjaan yang membutuhkan mobilitas di luar patching plan segera berhenti, karena saya bersihkan dulu kawasannya," ujarnya.

Meski demikian, Basuki memastikan, pekerjaan pemasangan interior atau bagian dalam gedung-gedung masih akan tetap berlanjut. 

Sementara itu, Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Wakil Kepala Otorita IKN Raja Juli Antoni mengatakan, pembangunan lapangan upacara yang merupakan pusat dari perayaan HUT ke-79 RI terus dikebut.

Ia menyebut, pembangunan terus digenjot untuk memastikan seluruh fasilitas dan infrastruktur pendukung dapat siap mendukung terlaksananya upacara di IKN.

"Pemerintah di bawah koordinasi Kementerian PUPR berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk menyelesaikan seluruh persiapan Upacara Kemerdekaan dengan baik," kata Raja Juli.

"Tahap finalisasi pembangunan gedung Istana Negara dan lapangan upacara pada Kawasan Istana Kepresidenan di IKN tengah dilakukan untuk memastikan infrastruktur siap digunakan," lanjutnya.

Dengan realisasi pembangunan lapangan upacara tersebut, ia optimistis upacara perdana di Nusantara yang merupakan momen bersejarah, dapat terlaksana dengan lancar.

“Kami optimis proyek ini dapat siap dan dengan kualitas yang baik,” tutur Raja Juli Antoni.

Peringatan HUT Kemerdekaan yang ke-79 ini diharapkan dapat menjadi momentum yang membangkitkan semangat kebangsaan dan mempererat persatuan di antara seluruh rakyat Indonesia.

Diperkirakan, ribuan masyarakat akan memadati IKN dalam momentum hari ulang tahun Indonesia kali ini.

Berbagai persiapan juga dilakukan daerah sekitar IKN, seperti Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) dan Balikpapan.

Persiapan yang paling dominan dilakukan oleh daerah penyangga.

Yakni terutama dalam akomodasi dan transportasi yang akan digunakan tamu nantinya.

Presiden Jokowi batal berkantor di IKN bulan Juli 2024 ini, fasilitas belum siap, PDIP sindir pemerintah
Presiden Jokowi batal berkantor di IKN bulan Juli 2024 ini, fasilitas belum siap ( - Kemenparekraf)

Namun terkait belum jelasnya waktu pemindahan ibu kota negara, Ketua DPP PDIP, Djarot Saiful Hidayat menilai, proyek IKN merupakan kebijakan yang terlalu dipaksakan dan dibuat tergesa-gesa.

Sehingga menurutnya menimbulkan beberapa masalah, seperti belum masuknya air hingga listrik dan sejumlah infrastuktur yang belum rampung.

"Kalau terlalu dipaksakan ya begitu hasilnya. Listrik belum masuk, air juga belum masuk, insfratruktur juga masih belum siap gitu ya," kata Djarot.

"Artinya apa, inilah salah satu konsekuensi dari kebijakan yang tergesa-gesa, tergesa-gesa. Terutama di dalam implementasinya, di dalam eksekusinya," sambungnya.

Atas hal itu, Djarot menyindir pemerintah agar tidak perlu percaya diri jika memang belum terealisasi.

Apalagi sejak awal sudah menggembor-gemborkan soal kesiapan terhadap pemindahan ibu kota tersebut.

"Jadi, ya saran saya sih bener jangan dipaksakan, makanya di awal jangan terlalu pede gitu lho."

"Kan sebelumnya kan menyampaikan sudah sangat siap gitu ya, ternyata belum juga," sindir Djarot.

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