IMEI Unlock Services are Widespread, Customs and Excise Suggest People Buy Cell Phones in Trusted Shops

IMEI Unlock Services are Widespread, Customs and Excise Suggest People Buy Cell Phones in Trusted Shops
Customs and Excise urges the public not to be easily tempted by offers of IMEI unlock services or jockeys that are currently circulating on social networks. Photo: Customs doc

- Using the latest smartphone from a well-known brand with all its complete features is now everyone's dream. 

However, sometimes many people buy cellphones from sellers in the middle of nowhere. 

This is because the relatively cheap price is tempting. 

Even though the legality is still questionable, in the end the IMEI is not registered and you immediately contact the IMEI jockey service which is clearly illegal. 

International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is an international identity to identify a telecommunications device so that it can be connected to the national cellular mobile network. 

The registration service is now regulated by the government through Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise Number PER-7/BC/2023 concerning Amendments to Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise Number PER-13/BC/2021 concerning Procedures for Notification and Registration of IMEI for Telecommunication Equipment inCustoms Notification. 

Head of the Subdirectorate of Public Relations and Customs Extension, Encep Dudi Ginanjar, explained that IMEI registration can be done by submitting the form electronically via the page 

Apart from that, registration can also be done via electronic customs declaration (ECD) via for passengers and crew of transportation facilities from abroad when arriving in Indonesia by showing their passport, boarding pass, invoice (if exists), and supporting identityother. 

Customs and Excise urges the public not to be easily tempted by offers of IMEI unlock services or jockeys that are currently circulating on social networks. Photo: Customs doc

However, if the passenger has left the airport terminal, registration can still be served no later than 60 days from arrival with the consequence of not obtaining an import duty exemption facility. 

"IMEI registration is free of charge, but import duties and taxes on imports (PDRI) are still charged if you do not meet the exemption provisions in accordance with the regulations in PMK 203/PMK.04/2017," stressed Encep. 

Furthermore, Encep appealed to the public not to be easily tempted by offers of IMEI unlock services or jockeys that are currently circulating on social networks. 

According to him, with so many cases of blocked IMEIs, it has become a field for irresponsible individuals to do negative things, one of which is illegal IMEI unlocking services. 

"It is safer to buy telecommunications equipment in official and trusted shops, because Customs and Excise only provides IMEI registration for devices carried by passengers or goods sent from abroad. "Furthermore, for information regarding IMEI registration, you can go to the link provision-registrasi-imei.html or contact Bravo Customs and Excise 1500225," he concluded. (jpnn)

Marak Jasa Unlock IMEI, Bea Cukai Sarankan Masyarakat Beli 
HP di Toko Terpercaya
Bea Cukai mengimbau agar masyarakat tidak mudah tergiur dengan tawaran jasa atau joki unlock IMEI yang saat ini marak beredar di jejaring sosial. Foto: dok Bea Cukai
Menggunakan smartphone terbaru keluaran brand ternama dengan segala kelengkapan fiturnya kini menjadi idaman setiap orang.

Namun, terkadang banyak masyarakat yang membeli HP dari penjual antah-berantah.
Hal itu lantaran tergiur harga yang relatif murah.
Padahal legalitasnya masih dipertanyakan, hingga akhirnya IMEI tak terdaftar dan langsung hubungi jasa joki IMEI yang jelas ilegal.

International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) adalah identitas internasional untuk mengidentifikasi sebuah perangkat telekomunikasi agar dapat tersambung dengan jaringan bergerak seluler nasional.
Layanan registrasinya, kini diatur pemerintah melalui Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Nomor PER-7/BC/2023 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Nomor PER-13/BC/2021 tentang Tata Cara Pemberitahuan dan Pendaftaran IMEI atas Perangkat Telekomunikasi dalam Pemberitahuan Pabean.

Kepala Subdirektorat Humas dan Penyuluhan Bea Cukai, Encep Dudi Ginanjar menjelaskan bahwa pendaftaran IMEI dapat dilakukan dengan menyampaikan formulir secara elektronik melalui laman
Selain itu, pendaftaran juga dapat dilakukan melalui electronic customs declaration (ECD) melalui bagi penumpang dan awak sarana pengangkut dari luar negeri saat tiba di Indonesia dengan menunjukkan paspor, boarding pass, invoice (jika ada), dan identitas pendukung lainnya.

Bea Cukai mengimbau agar masyarakat tidak mudah tergiur dengan tawaran jasa atau joki unlock IMEI yang saat ini marak beredar di jejaring sosial. Foto: dok Bea Cukai
Namun, jika penumpang telah keluar terminal bandara, pendaftaran tetap dapat dilayani paling lambat 60 hari sejak kedatangan dengan konsekuensi tidak memperoleh fasilitas pembebasan bea masuk.

“Pendaftaran IMEI tidak dipungut biaya, tetapi ada pungutan bea masuk dan pajak dalam rangka impor (PDRI) tetap dikenakan apabila tidak memenuhi ketentuan pembebasan sesuai aturan dalam PMK 203/PMK.04/2017,” tegas Encep.
Lebih lanjut, Encep mengimbau agar masyarakat tidak mudah tergiur dengan tawaran jasa atau joki unlock IMEI yang saat ini marak beredar di jejaring sosial.
Menurutnya, dengan banyaknya kasus IMEI yang terblokir, menjadi ladang bagi oknum tidak bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan hal negatif, salah satunya dengan jasa unlock IMEI ilegal.
“Lebih aman dengan membeli perangkat telekomunikasi di toko-toko resmi dan terpercaya, karena Bea Cukai hanya melayani pendaftaran IMEI untuk perangkat yang dibawa penumpang atau barang kiriman dari luar negeri. Selanjutnya, untuk informasi terkait pendaftaran IMEI dapat melalui tautan atau hubungi Bravo Bea Cukai 1500225,” tutupnya. (jpnn)

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